Its funny to watch you guys include or exclude history to fit your needs,your knowlege of the black panters is skewed at best,more like a one sided version to fit the needs you wish it to.
Really? My knowledge of the black panthers is skewed? Judging from below you don’t know anything about the black panthers and their theoretical roots.
As for all of your examples you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, listen to Huey Newton as he explains nationalism and the black panthers…
“There are two kinds of nationalism, revolutionary nationalism and reactionary nationalism. Revolutionary nationalism is first dependent upon a people's revolution with the end goal being the people in power. Therefore to be a revolutionary nationalist you would by necessity have to be a socialist. It you are a reactionary nationalist you are not a socialist and your end goal to the oppression of the people.
Cultural nationalism, or pork chop nationalism, as I sometimes call it, is basically a problem of having the wrong political perspective. It seems to be a reaction instead of responding to political oppression. The cultural nationalists are concerned with returning to the old African culture and thereby regaining their identity and freedom. In other words, they feel that the African culture will automatically bring political freedom. Many times cultural nationalists fall into line as reactionary nationalists.
Papa Doc in Haiti is an excellent example of reactionary nationalism. He oppresses the people but he does promote the African culture. He's against anything other than black, which on the surface seems very good, but for him it is only to mislead the people. He merely kicked out the racists and replaced them with himself as the oppressor. Many of the nationalists in this country seem to desire the same ends.
The Black Panther Party, which is a revolutionary group of black people, realizes that we have to have an identity. We have to realize our black heritage in order to give us strength to move on and progress. But as far as returning to the old African culture, it's unnecessary and it's not advantageous in many respects. We believe that culture itself will not liberate us. We're going to need some stronger stuff.
A good example of revolutionary nationalism was the revolution in Algeria when Ben Bella took over. The French were kicked out but it was a people's revolution because the people ended up power. The leaders that took over were not interested in the profit motive where they could exploit the people and keep them in a state of slavery. They nationalized the industry and plowed the would be profits into the community. That's what socialism is all about in a nut The people's representatives are in office strictly on the leave of the people. The wealth of the country is controlled by people and they are considered when ever modifications in the industries are made.
The Black Panther Party is a revolutionary Nationalist group and we see a major contradiction between capitalism in this country and our interests. We realize that this country became very rich upon slavery and that slavery is capitalism in the extreme. We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism.”-Huey Newton.
The black panthers was deeply rooted in Marxist-Leninist-Maoist theory. Oh yea, in case you didn’t know Newton was the CO-FOUNDER of the Black Panthers. As for your "examples," of black panther “violence,” and "racism," you’ve again go to be kidding me if you think those are valid examples. What we know as the black panthers had long since been destroyed and it’s leaders killed or imprisoned way before the 80’s. Modern manifestations of the “black panthers,” are (from what I have seen) just a bunch of black nationalists that have no ties to what the panthers where, how they operated and what they represented thus making your “examples,” mute.
The ORIGINAL black panthers or in other words THE black panthers are in no way comparable to the Aryan Brotherhood, KKK, etc. It's ridiculous to make such a claim.
Try again mate.