Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

I'm sure there's a verse or two in the bible somewhere that says something along the lines of " And I give you mastery over the beasts and all the plants that bear fruit and seed etc..". I'm also sure there's a verse that says not to poison your body because that's not being very grateful or somesuch.

I'd work on the xtian thing and not worry about the weed.
Hi Apco83. I too have wondered that same thing you are pondering.Have been for 37 years now. Thats how long i have smoked off and on.I'm 49 now and i have come to the conclusion that wheather or not its okay with our supreme creator A.K.A.God A.K.A.Jehovah if we smoke weed is entirely up to the way you see your version....or is it vision .....of God is. You can rationalize about anything and make alot of bad things good things if you REALLY like them things.I myself feel like its not that bid a thing to him. It does not say.....Thou shall not smoke cannibis...
ok guys heres my point of veiw im not hatin on any 1 religion but there is 2 people whom controll this universe the good and the bad god and satan ....... if god didnt want u to smoke cannabis or b involved with it then it wouldnt be on this earth 2 enjoy in all ways clothing food a good high paper and many more uses medicinal and all of this but the government just wants us to belive it bad because they own the lumber industry so its been a while since i read this fact but im almost posative that 1 acre of cannabis can b the equal to 500acers of trees so if we grew hemp in the us then we would wipe out all idustries for lumber fuel and all the other industries that hemp could benifit to so they just make it seem bad so u dont do it to try to encurage others to overide the man (aka the government)

hope this guides u to your best my friend
much love

if god didnt want us to do alot of things he should of dealt with lucifer in heaven instead of sending his ass down here for us.....
in 400 AD a group of bishops met to decide which books and phases would be included in the collection of books we have come to know as the holy bible. most of the crazy shit was dumped along with books that clearly, and i mean really, really, clearly contradicted the view of god and jesus they wanted to promote.

however one verse written by an ancient desert nomad (probably high at the time) exclaims in awe ... "god who giveth us all things richly to enjoy". you sound like an honest dude, thank you for an interesting topic and here's hoping you manage to undo a lifetime of voices that aren't you.
i grew up in church was there every sunday. but not anymore because im too busy smoking pot . anyways my point is i believe the bible is the unadulterated word of god straight from him . in the book it states to obey the laws of the land and that law is marijuana is illegal . im sorry to tell you this. you can smoke weed all you want. but it doesn't make it right. now one day in the future when its legalized, that's another story

please, jesus is quoted as saying "render unto cesar what is cesar's". my point is that Christianity was "illegal" for 400 years under the roman empire. if we follow your "thinking" (coz it's not in the bible soz to say) then Christians would have stopped being christians until it was legalized. please. i know you want to "mould" the holy text to fit in with your way of thinking (most do) but my point is what good is that at the end of the day when someone is asking is for guidance?

this is what so many parents are doing right now to open, intelligent minds, just taking a guess because they want the child to see it their way. and please read the declaration of independence as it empowers the people who are served by the statesmen to rise up against a corrupt government or challenge unfair policies.

dismantle bullshit ... in myself first and foremost.
Funny Story.

Last weekend my wife and I are smoking, and here a knock at the door, It's some guys from a local church. One of which is the pastor. So we talk for a couple minutes and the younger guy says "MMM...something smells good", and the Pastor says "Give us a half hour and we'll be back to match up" Gives me a pound and laughs his ass off.

I figure it like this. No real christian is going to judge a person based on his actions. Especially something that is done in the privacy of your own home, and that does no harm to anyone. I didn't attend service that day, and don't plan to, but because of his open mind and heart you never know.
I used to be really religious until I learned how corrupt organized religion is and how they use it to control mass people. I believe in Jesus and life after these organic computers die. Smoking weed is only a "sin" if you lie cheat and steal to get it and use it. I believe you will be judged on the way you treat and interact with others and what is in your heart.

Just my two cents, if you want to understand what God is really about read the book of Enoch,

Time is an experience of three dimensions and it is time to recognize that there may be beings operating outside of space and time and they may have an interest in what happens on Earth and with us.

They know what is going to hapen in the future and can go to any time in history to affect society accordingly. In fact I am going to make this a post.
Well in order to really understand the answer to this question you must first decide whether or not you believe in the foundation of christianity... which is the bible. If you do not believe what the bible say's why does it matter then... Every religious belief has a foundation of some kind. Now with that said... in the new testement it says that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God. So if you use it to abuse it or for other purposes than medicinal... you could fall into this realm.

Again... this is not to argue or debate. it is what the bible says which is the foundation of Christianity. If you do not believe what the bible say's that is your own deal and again why does it matter if you don't believe what the bible says.
Yo, I Just called my boy Christian. He says it's okay to smoke weed.

So I guess there's your answer.

I say this... Do what you want, and deal with god in the end.
i havent read all the other pages...but i thought it was written somewhere (bible maybe?) that all plants were put on earth by god for people to utilize. so with that being i would say that its a very christian thing to use the plants of the world, including out beloved mary :D
Therein lies the obvious flaw of Christianity. The Bible is the excuse to use everything as we see fit. Funny how the story comes AFTER we have already done it, to make us feel okay about it.

Made up.

So go ahead and smoke.... no one is watching you up in the sky. Take that to the bank.
and even if there was someone up in the sky watching...i'm of the opinion that they'd probably be pleased with pot smoking, seeing as it tends to encourage peacefulness and deep thought :D