Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

Because the stories, metaphors in the Bible are all taken from that time as well. Dead Sea Scrolls, a lot of things go into the making of the Bible! Explaining the Bible takes a PHd and even that isn't sufficient enough to explain anything! It's a faith, that's all. But like I said I don't want to be the one that concretes your guys ideas. I still have much to learn about the Bible and its been an incredible journey.

don't worry about that, you ent concreting any ideas, i'm not floating around, i know damned sure where i stand with things :) and if that's where you stand, that's cool.

iut's when people are trying to prove to me, without using any factual evidence, that i'm wrong, that's when i get on the defensive :)
One more thing, I used to be exactly like you guys! I'm not kidding when I say that statement. However I've been through events in my life where I know the Spirit has touched me. I've literally gotten answers from God. It sounds like hocus-pocus but until you guys go through something like it, you wont believe. I promise you he will touch your lives sooner or later. Now I'm Bible thumping. Silly me.

Guess what, I used to be like you!

Then I got cancer, almost died, strokes, seizures...

While all this was happening, i had to get my life in perspective...All that time b4 i got sick i prayed, and went to church regularly. But after i got sick...what was the point...seeing all the sick children at the hospital with was then and there i thought to myself...there is no god.
Here is what I think, there is no definate answer to this question. As long as you put God first, and weed is not a negative factor in your life, then you should be alright.
fuck that shit its natural "GOD" wont turn its head at you.
I couldnt care any less about a religeon that says you and quote "Cannot Smoke The Buds Of The Cannabis Plant"
It could hinder you from getting where you need to go spiritually. But God knows your heart.
The more you get to know him & his glory. You will change... If you need weed to survive he would
understand. All -n- All its between YOU & God! Because NOBODY can judge you but him in the
end. So live your life to glorify him, so you can see the gates of Heaven. Doesnt matter what
Anyone thinks.
It could hinder you from getting where you need to go spiritually. But God knows your heart.
The more you get to know him & his glory. You will change... If you need weed to survive he would
understand. All -n- All its between YOU & God! Because NOBODY can judge you but him in the
end. So live your life to glorify him, so you can see the gates of Heaven. Doesnt matter what
Anyone thinks.

Wow...that's classic.

Don't worry about what anyone thinks about you...except god!

Life without Jesus has nothing to do whether life is clear or not. CrackerJax the more I say stuff about the topic the more you dig stuff up to look for answers, hate to break it to you but there are no answers! This is actually bad since I actually turn you more away from Jesus, because your ideas become more concrete to you. I wish you the best of luck and if there isn't a God I guess you get an extra cookie.

I'm glad you admit there are no answers. I already know this. One of the reasons I don't walk around spouting Myths.... I'm not trying to fill in the are.

I think your link was pretty weak and thin. No meat, all condensed milk. :lol:

So let's try this another way.

Prove the Bible is correct without using the Bible as a source.

By the way, your figure of 2.1 billion means more than 2/3 of the world don't believe in your way of thinking.
Its my decision to be a christian and your decision not to be. That is part of what makes america great, freedom of religion, soo why is their soo much arguing just move on...If I ask you if you would like to hear about my friend Jesus who died for your sins and you say NO then I did my job and move on with my life. no matter what argument is presented there will always be two sides that claim to hold the true answers. this could go on forever.
There is no need for you to say anything. That's the problem with Christianity.

Let's just face it. The ppl closest to the events rejected it out of hand. Let's just play along and say a guy named Jesus existed and he did preach :peace: (not a new idea), his message was not intended for you, but to the Jews. His own people, not the Romans (you). HIS people said NO, you are FALSE and they did away with him as they do away with all rabblerousers of the time. Christians are really Christian-Jews, how else can the Old testament be co-opted into the Bible? Christianity was a radical sect of Judaism and has never gotten over being rejected. Only by fluke did Constantine come along and turn the desert religion into a global presence. The Jews have been paying ever since.....

It's not about having your belief. it's about containing your belief to just YOU, and not ME.

Christianity is a cult religion and that's why you feel the need to tell me Jesus died for my sins.....keep it to yourself and don't support missionary works and we'll get along just ducky.....
hmmm i just never saw it that way thank you for your eye opening perspective things wont ever be the same for me......rolls eyes, aaaaaaand moving on, back to the subject of this thread is that ok with you?
Chiefin on doja chiefin chiefin on doja...smoke the OP even on this site anymore? I was raised as a christian and I still believe their is a god but I'm not really a christian anymore. I still try to live right but I'm not 100% on god...I mean it does seem plausible that man created religion to control other ppl(Even though the bible does go along with good morals).
imho if you want a biblical answer look no further than page 1

-And God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth." And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

then again you can go with the bill hicks theory:

". . . To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a mistake. You know what I mean? It's like God on the seventh day looked down on His creation and he said "There it is, My creation. Perfect and holy in all ways. Now I can rest - oh my Me! I left fucking pot everywhere. I should never have smoked that joint on the third day. Shit! Now I have to create Republicans.' "
god created the heavens and the earth also weed which is naturally from gods earth and not mix with all kind of chemicals to get you high like meth and cocain whish is made with acid and disile gas if you didnt know
imho if you want a biblical answer look no further than page 1

-And God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth." And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

then again you can go with the bill hicks theory:

". . . To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a mistake. You know what I mean? It's like God on the seventh day looked down on His creation and he said "There it is, My creation. Perfect and holy in all ways. Now I can rest - oh my Me! I left fucking pot everywhere. I should never have smoked that joint on the third day. Shit! Now I have to create Republicans.' "

god also created plutonium and uranium, and the american indians had prophesies a couple hundred years ago, about "the rock that should never be removed from the earth" but we removed it, and now we cant get rid of it,.... maybe they were thinking something like this would happen with marijuana
The Christian church doesn't have the cleanest reputation in history, no matter how much they wash their hands.

There are pro's and con's to all religions. Just keep tokin' and you might just answer your own question.

This forum being a State in itself, I'd like to enforce the Separation of Church and State law and ask that you don't speak about religion here.

Lol, I'm just kidding, i don't care what you do. Play on ;)
We are christians married 32 years-Christ is the head of our household-The herb we use was made by the Lord to heal many aliments.(sp). . Pray to the Lord, to answer you. God Bless