Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?

One of my friends dog loves both weed and alcohol. If you have a beer in one hand and a bone in the other hand and wave them in front of her she will always follow the beer not the bone. And when we spark up blunts she comes up to us and lays down on her back and waits for us the blow her shotguns.

Now that being said if you give dogs and cats weed food it fucks them up for so long and so much that it can't be good or enjoyable. My friend gave his dog like 1/4 of some pretty potent brownies and he just stumbled around and slept for like 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
You gotta be careful! Never get a big dog high. Its like giving a baby a loaded pistol. Unless you've gotten high before, and even then thier unpredictable.They could freak out and cause harm to themselfs or others. I use to get my cat high. This lady who smoked walked in while I was getting the cat high. She freaked, and started telling me that her dog of 14 years died from ingesting an Ounce or more of bud. She said she would always get him stoned. She left a bag on the nightstand and came back to no weed and lost her best friend. Just be careful. Don't wanna see a thread title " Got my dog high, and he ripped my face off!" lol