Is it safe to get my cat and dog high?


Well-Known Member
i just smoked my cat out

she only comes in my room when im about to blaze its strange. she also got into my closet once and ate half of my plant, i was pissed. cats are your plants worse nightmare


Active Member
lmao holy shit she ate half your plant...thats crazy but kinda hilarious...of course from my kat knocked my plant of the window sill damage...

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Cats. Well it's ok to get the cat high if you aren't holding it down. Otherwise, if it doesn't wanna get high then don't make it. Some edibles containing .1-.2 g should do it. Put some cannabutter on some wet food and make it a special treat lol. Dry food for the cats, wet food to make them really high. A really high cat is a good trippin toy.


Well-Known Member
I stand by my previous statement.
agreed bongsmilie
"he is non stop licking my couch cushions lmao"....what did you do ? run it across your sack...nasty bastard...
lmao ya I totally did... not really... okay well anyways lmao lets continue... OMG someone snake gets high... I never even thought of that HAHA... I have a 6ish foot red tailed boa lmao... never even tried to smoke with him LMFAO brb ill let you know if he likes it or not :leaf:


Well-Known Member
lol.. i have a ball python, shes the smoker and we just got done. and a cali king snake, ill introduce him soon as he's still a puppy.
i wonder if i can find a way to get my fish high


Active Member
I had a ball python that liked getting high, I'd put him around my neck whenever I was just chillin, and as soon as I would spark a blunt he would stretch his head out right under my chin to be in the cloud when I exhaled. I also used to get my tarantula high, I'd blow a hit in her tank, then she would run out of her burrow and sit in the cloud. She would start goin crazy spinning silk all over her tank when she got baked.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I had a ball python that liked getting high, I'd put him around my neck whenever I was just chillin, and as soon as I would spark a blunt he would stretch his head out right under my chin to be in the cloud when I exhaled. I also used to get my tarantula high, I'd blow a hit in her tank, then she would run out of her burrow and sit in the cloud. She would start goin crazy spinning silk all over her tank when she got baked.
What about giving a tarantula LSD? Just a tiny drop [not from an eyedropper but a syringe with needle attached] right on one of the seams of its exoskeleton... I wonder...


New Member
Is there such a limit?

My animals eat grass all the time.

I believe shit is more toxic than grass.

One of my dogs eats much more cat and dog shit than grass and I didn't even have to train him!

How will I ever determine the lethal level of shit my dog would have to eat?

I suppose it doesn't matter though, since animals seem to puke up shit that isn't good for them.

How many roaches and how much raw cannabis and would you eat before upchucking?

How fucked up does a deer get that eats your fucking sticky plants?

Do they get so high that they fall asleep for three days, and on day two themselves get eaten by a mountain lion that gets so high from the deer meat that it just chills out on a mountain side, thinking "Wow! This is groovy."?



Well-Known Member
Is there such a limit?

My animals eat grass all the time.

I believe shit is more toxic than grass.

One of my dogs eats much more cat and dog shit than grass and I didn't even have to train him!

How will I ever determine the lethal level of shit my dog would have to eat?

I suppose it doesn't matter though, since animals seem to puke up shit that isn't good for them.

How many roaches and how much raw cannabis and would you eat before upchucking?

How fucked up does a deer get that eats your fucking sticky plants?

Do they get so high that they fall asleep for three days, and on day two themselves get eaten by a mountain lion that gets so high from the deer meat that it just chills out on a mountain side, thinking "Wow! This is groovy."?

Lol, wtf? damn lmfao.