Well-Known Member
Dude, I grow to stay out of trouble. Dealing with other people for your dope gets you in trouble. If you follow all the rules on this form (like not telling anyone) your cool and safe.
What penalties...... O Canada !!!This site fucks me up. I was telling my wife about the fact that there are alot of people out there who couldn't put a properly formed sentence together, spell correctly, or use proper grammar, yet could hold their own quite well conversing with Botanists, Horticulturists, and the scientific community in general.
And innovative too!! I have seen some of the most creative and ingenious means of growing small quantities of pot. Some of these grows cannot possibly be to save money. There has to be more invested in the system than one could ever get out yield wise. It has to be about quality control, the "getting away with it" or simply just pride in the end result.
My question is WHY would someone risk the possible penalties for growing, only to grow such small quantities. For me, if we still had our old reliable, consistently good connection, I would not be growing. But since I decided to grow our own, I am making it worth the risk. In for a penny, in for a pound.
I am not slamming anyone, god bless you all for your efforts!! (And some mighty fine efforts some are!!!) I am just trying to get my mind around the rationale. There is NO WAY I'd risk jail, losing my house, or my parents house for a couple of ounces that I could go out and buy. It just isn't worth several years of even PROBATION, much less jail, for a few ounces in my mind.
Never had a pot plant pull a gun on me.........Quality control and LESS RISK. If done properly there is relatively zero risk. Copping an oz. every few days and usually having to drive to get it is far riskier in my opinion. It is always nice to control what comes out in the end product, don't like the strain try or create a new one.....don't like what your hookup has....pray he gets something different. Not to mention all the stuff being "sprayed" on herb these days.
I know this aint english lit 101, and don't expect it to be. It just goes to show not to take things (or people) at face value or first impressions. I have nothing but respect for most everyone start this is a stoner site/ growing community not an english lit site.
yes some growing systems cost lots, maybe more than one can yield in one grow, but people grow more than one yield, and after a while the growing systems pay for there selfs.
i am growing outdoors for now, but when i grow indoors i just use a old closet and a 250 to 600 hps.with a few fans.
anyone can grow for about£100 .and i can grow 8 to 10 oz with my 600 watt hps, that has got to be worth it.
some people cannot buy weed in there area, so have to grow, if they want to smoke, and the best smoke is free.
and most of us wouldnt get jail, for 4 to 8 plants.
or if you do smoke and keep getting sold shit,like glass in with the weed there buying etc. who wants that.
and everyone has a right to grow, just dont get caught.
i dont know many people who grow there own,for there own, that have got busted, just dealers.
and people only get caught for opening there big mouths.
btw what are you growing?.
I would love to be afforded that luxury!! To be able to do it just to try different strains, and face minimal penalties if I DO get caught. I truly hope you never quit growing. You'll never find a dealer as reiable as mother nature. It's great. I only wish I had started earlier, before we got spoiled by our longstanding connection. When that went by the wayside, and it became a chore to get GOOD and consistent pot, and when I had to deal with folks outside my comfort zone to do so is what made the decision to grow for me.I grow because I should be able to try different strains of cannabis (a naturally occurring, God-made, blessing of a plant) without having to drive around my county asking everyone and their uncle what strain their cousin has available. In my opinion, that is much more risky then growing (especially if you grow small amounts outdoors off your property, which is what I do).
But I also don't like depending on someone else exclusively. What if something happens to my dealer? Then I'm shit outta luck. I could have multiple dealers in order to make sure I have back ups... but that, again, increases the risk.
Someday I might stop growing and just rely on a dealer, if I find someone I trust who has the supply that I prefer. But I'll probably always have a stash of seeds of my favorite strain in the freezer... just in case.![]()
I know what you mean thelastpirate, I am going big or going home once I learn master the craft. If I do get busted I plan on defending myself and presenting the facts regarding its prohibition to a group of 12 of my peers not one old conservative judge.... I don't plan on getting caught though. Best of luck to all of us! Glad I am Canadian I have a chance lolTrue that. There is alot less risk growing it than going into certain parts of town to score, or buying from someone who is less than careful. And you lucky assed medical permit types have alot less risk than most others. (God bless ya!!!)
I just wondered if anyone actually thought about the possible fall-out, and weighed the consequences before deciding to grow. Almost everyone out there (notice the almost) is as intelligent, if not eloquent, as anyone i've met. It just seems that no matter what the risk is, ANY chance of jail has to be worth the time I'd get if caught. If I take ANY risk whatsoever, it's go for the gusto.
I know what you mean thelastpirate, I am going big or going home once I learn master the craft. If I do get busted I plan on defending myself and presenting the facts regarding its prohibition to a group of 12 of my peers not one old conservative judge.... I don't plan on getting caught though. Best of luck to all of us! Glad I am Canadian I have a chance lol
You are right bud very possible, I am in Canada we are left leaning assholes.What if your twelve peers are right wing conservative assholes?
Sorry, I get off on shitting on peoples' parades....![]()