Is it ready to crop?

Gareth Jehan

Well-Known Member
Please, just some comments and opinions in to whether you think my plant is ready for cropping. It’s white widow auto, veg was 6-7 weeks flowering is now 7 weeks. I was thinking of cropping in 5 days and want to begin flushing.



Well-Known Member
Can you turn off the blurp s and retake new pics? Your not going to get any answers with those on :joint:


Well-Known Member
About a pound......but seriously, that’s the type of answer you’re bound to get until you take a picture in normal light or with flash to drown out the blurple.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
there are still some white hairs on the top of the bud in the last picture which would indicate that its not ready


Well-Known Member
Looks to need a little more swelling of the buds/calyx...can you go another week? It would be best.
She looks great, good job op.