Is it possible to grow using regular light bulb?


I wanted to know if this was possible because I heard that :leaf::leaf::leaf: grows any where in most conditions and I'm planning on growing my babies indoor for 6 weeks and then grow them outside I live in South Florida it never really gets cold. I put them in sunlight in my window during the day but can I grow my babies with a regular light once the sun goes down for a extra 4 hrs of light for 6 weeks?
bro, why would you even consider growing with regular lights...... thing is, if its to save money from buying lights i dont think ur gonna be able to afford all the other necessities ie. nutes and ph up & down and the list goes on, and if thats not why you asked i mean... if u want really crappy bud that is really spacey you'd be lucky to get that, if it even pops up. spend some time reading because im a noob and let me tell you, i could find out whether thats a good idea or not in a matter of 5 seconds in these forums. I would not suggest attempting to even grow until you get SOME info under ur belt. Im not expert trust me but before you ask a question like that look it up, cause some people really get mad about questions that are blatantly obvious. Not trying to be a debby-downer just looking out, the more $ you put into your setup and nutes, generally the more impressive the result, except what unbridledcannabis said, hes dead on. if u dont have money to buy a mh & hps setup use a cfl otherwise might as well go find some ditch weed down there and pluck that up.


Well-Known Member
That may be true in some ways jimmy, but believe me, $ is not everything. My first indoor grow was under 150 euro and I got a lot of bud for that. The OP said he was going to grow outside and all he needs is something to make the plant think it is still not lights out (i.e to keep it in a veg stage until he transfers it outside). My concern would not be what type of bulb, because a fairly low level bulb will put out enough lumens for the plant to continue thinking it's in a spring time veg period, but the fact that he is in a Bible state with no legal MJ growing (as far as I am aware) and that he will have a MJ plant in the window with a light above it. I would suggest moving the plant away from the window when it gets dark (or perhaps no one can see the window).

You'll be fine with a couple of cfl's, and you can grom MJ without loads of nutes and money and still get good smoke.

Good luck,



Jimmy.. you have no knowledge did you fail to realize I said extra 4 hours? I'm taking my babies outside in 6 weeks just letting them grow a little indoors I live in South Florida it never gets cold why buy a light when I already have 1?


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Jimmy.. you have no knowledge did you fail to realize I said extra 4 hours? I'm taking my babies outside in 6 weeks just letting them grow a little indoors I live in South Florida it never gets cold why buy a light when I already have 1?
Because if by "regular light" you mean an incandescent then most will say no. The spectrum provided by these is not correct and will cause your plants to stretch excessively. The low buck lighting alternative would be CFL lamps that will screw right into a standard socket. They don't provide a lot of lighting, but I suspect that it will serve your purpose.
A word of warning though - be damn careful in Florida with plants, they have no sense of humor for MJ down there.


Well-Known Member
Because if by "regular light" you mean an incandescent then most will say no. The spectrum provided by these is not correct and will cause your plants to stretch excessively. The low buck lighting alternative would be CFL lamps that will screw right into a standard socket. The don't provide a lot of lighting, but I suspect that it will serve your purpose.
A word of warning though - be damn careful in Florida with plants, they have no sense of humor for MJ down there.
AMEN to that GWN
Because if by "regular light" you mean an incandescent then most will say no. The spectrum provided by these is not correct and will cause your plants to stretch excessively. The low buck lighting alternative would be CFL lamps that will screw right into a standard socket. They don't provide a lot of lighting, but I suspect that it will serve your purpose.
A word of warning though - be damn careful in Florida with plants, they have no sense of humor for MJ down there.
EXACTLY!!!! couldn't have said it better myself. That's what I was trying to explain to you kid. If you want advice dont ask questions that you could figure out anywhere on the net or in this forum in 5 seconds. No one talks about incandescent lighting... why cause no one uses it. and you go and ask a question like this and I try to help you realize that this isnt a question you really wanna ask. and then you go off on my "knowledge" I'm not asking a question that everyone is thinking duh da duh, (carlos mencia voice). So dont get so defensive bro, was trying to help, now im just calling your question out. I do agree with you though dst you dont necessarily need to spend top dollar for quality crop but i would say its a fair statement that in general as i stated it tends to produce a more impressive crop, any crop can be good if you know what you're doing. but asking about incandescents when theres thousands of threads and youtube videos on cfl's i guess i just dont understand the want to use one of those when u can pick up a cfl for like $12 sounds like trying to take the easy way out, not the proper way. easy way= generally worse crop. lemme know how your stuff goes though, go ahead use a incand. I wanna see how it turns out :clap:


Active Member
I wanted to know if this was possible because I heard that :leaf::leaf::leaf: grows any where in most conditions and I'm planning on growing my babies indoor for 6 weeks and then grow them outside I live in South Florida it never really gets cold. I put them in sunlight in my window during the day but can I grow my babies with a regular light once the sun goes down for a extra 4 hrs of light for 6 weeks?
Don't grow under regular light bulbs, even for a little while. It can work... sometimes, but it doesn't give enough of the right wavelength spectrum necessary for photoysnthesis I and II. CFL's are cheap and good. Use at least 60 watts for each plant.
Dude, go down to Walmart and get you a 150watt equivalent cfl bulb I think they are about 8 bucks.... Put this about 2" above plants. You'll be happy!


EXACTLY!!!! couldn't have said it better myself. That's what I was trying to explain to you kid. If you want advice dont ask questions that you could figure out anywhere on the net or in this forum in 5 seconds. No one talks about incandescent lighting... why cause no one uses it. and you go and ask a question like this and I try to help you realize that this isnt a question you really wanna ask. and then you go off on my "knowledge" I'm not asking a question that everyone is thinking duh da duh, (carlos mencia voice). So dont get so defensive bro, was trying to help, now im just calling your question out. I do agree with you though dst you dont necessarily need to spend top dollar for quality crop but i would say its a fair statement that in general as i stated it tends to produce a more impressive crop, any crop can be good if you know what you're doing. but asking about incandescents when theres thousands of threads and youtube videos on cfl's i guess i just dont understand the want to use one of those when u can pick up a cfl for like $12 sounds like trying to take the easy way out, not the proper way. easy way= generally worse crop. lemme know how your stuff goes though, go ahead use a incand. I wanna see how it turns out :clap:
Watch your mouth I'm not no kid..


Haters watch my baby grow into a monster Outdoors.. I have a light that I'm using but like I said before IT'S GOING TO BE AN OUTDOOR CROP.
imho i have grown outdoors in florida for 15 years
anywhere lower than georgia youre going to have massive strectch due to high summer heat and massive humidity
resulting in spindly buds
i have like 5-6 budding outside right now thT ive basically given up on. they have been outdoor scrogged and will probably yield 1/4 of my indoor grow due to
overheat/overhead trees/ muggy days/ rain destroying trichs/ bugs/ thiefs/ also all of the pure indicas ive grown outside wont even flower or tend to flower super late with low yields due to reduced light intensity

btw they are all at least 6 foot tall with 25% indica
floutdoor is shitt on bud density m8
keep them as short as possible


What does keeping them short do? I thought the taller they grow the more buds you get.. I made my plant shorter & I have pics but I don't understand why everyone told me to do this I thought it was good that my plant was getting taller.


Well-Known Member
youre tha lame with that wack ass grow know it all ppl tryna help yo goofy ass and u want to get hostile n shit