Is It Possible to Grow Plants Without any Equipment?


Active Member
i used an Average Sized Plastic Cup.. And Filled It W/ Used Soil..

I'm Not Sure How good It Is.. But It Stays Moist.. I Don't Water It Often, And When i Do, Its Not Much Water I need To Use...

I Semi Germinated The Seeds... 1 Of 3 Cracked...

I Placed them About A Half Inch Deep Into The Soil.. I Did This Maybe 2 Days Ago..

how long would it take to see results? i leave it outside.. and when it gets dark.. i leave it in the bathroom with the light on for a while, then turn it off...

is it impossible to do it this way? my budget is tight..

Desired User Name

Well-Known Member
eek... Used soil is very bad....Do not put them in the bathroom at night or you will get wicked stretching, when you are using artificial light it needs to be as close as possible without burning the plant. They do not require any light until 1-2 days after penetrating the soil. Leave them outside if it doesn't get too cold at night(mine survived @ 41 degrees F a few days ago, but this depends on genetics), and make sure you put chicken wire around them or animals might eat them. My seedlings usually appear about 4 days after I first plant them, good luck to you!


New Member
you should leave them outside after the risk of early flowering has passed. the sun (and maybe some water every now and again) is all you need.


Active Member
i used an Average Sized Plastic Cup.. And Filled It W/ Used Soil..

I'm Not Sure How good It Is.. But It Stays Moist.. I Don't Water It Often, And When i Do, Its Not Much Water I need To Use...

I Semi Germinated The Seeds... 1 Of 3 Cracked...

I Placed them About A Half Inch Deep Into The Soil.. I Did This Maybe 2 Days Ago..

how long would it take to see results? i leave it outside.. and when it gets dark.. i leave it in the bathroom with the light on for a while, then turn it off...

is it impossible to do it this way? my budget is tight..

This is exactly my issue as well. I'm a young teenager with a severely tight budget, and no privacy whatsoever. I want to do something similar to what he's doing, and have perhaps 1-3 small plants at the home inside/outside (doesn't matter to me.) I have 5 germinated seeds an hour from home outdoors. The chances of them being fullblown yielding plants I understand is lesser than one under daily care and monitoring but I've very little space, time, or money.

Sorry mate for blastin my way into your thread though.. mine was ignored when I posted my introduction to the community.


Well-Known Member
if you want to grow with nothing you have to go outdoors and let mother nature be your equipment, even so you still need ferts.


Active Member
well i put some germinated seeds in a pile of mud when i was home for spring break about 3 or 4 weeks ago. nobody has been at the house until i came home this past weekend. look what i found! there has even been snow and below freezing weather. i dont know how hey survived. we'll see if they make it till summer when i can actually care for them.


Active Member
I'm going to try sometime similar. Pre-germinate the seeds in a cup --> put them in the ground when they've stemmed and show positive growth.

Edit: When your stoned you forget alot of shit, and I forgot to mention I'ma grow these seeds outside, and let nature do her thing.. while I'll just watch them, and ocassionally water them.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey KATA...

i s is very easy to grow.. BUT there is only one small possible problem... If the PH of your water isnot coorect your plants will not grow.. maybe the pH in your area is fine...?

checking the PH and adjusting the PH is very very easy.. check pout this video..

pH Water - See More Buds

ONLY have the thoughts that bring you what you want... cause YOU are responsible for all your THOUGHTS. and they are COMING!!!

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Grow without equipment? Maybe

Grow without KNOWLEDGE? Never.

READ. READ. READ. This path has been blazed for you by many only need pay attention to the signs

Oh ya...and and walk, don't run or you'll bust yer ass.

good luck

bt dt

Bill Gates

Active Member
Its a weed, one of the oldest recorded plants in history. You sure can grow like this. Net pots = Styrofoam cups with holes punched in them. DWC buckets can be made from 3 or 5 gal buckets. A 3" hole saw will convert the lids for holding plants. Lights can be converted from security lighting systems. Your only snag might be the chemistry for Hydro, Regular plant foods lack some of the micro neutrients because they rely on soil but that can be addressed easly. A self watering system can be made using a 3 gal and 5 gal bucket with a hole cut in the center of the 3 gal bottom and putting a net pot in the hole. the neuts are in the five gal and wicked up to the soil or coco peat for fool proof watering. Read Study Visualize Preform. And watch out for the smells after about the 3rd week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
tight budget eh
why not just go "borrow" some cfl lights from ur nearby hardware store
then all u need is a cord with a plug on one end
u can mod the cfls so they can hookup to regular wire with a plug on the other end
for example u could snip a cord off a lamp, take the snipped end and wire it to the cfl
take the plug and and plug it into the wall
and there ya go, do that 6 or 8 times and uve got a indoor grow ready
If I were you and I had no equipment I would grow outdoors. My boyfriend and I did a very simple grow this spring, with just a light and a fan, but still you need to buy a light.
So I'd go with outdoors, if you live in a semi-rural area just go walk around till you find a secluded place with good lighting, and plant them.


Well-Known Member
follow the link in my signature
you can see how i wired some cheap cfls for an ez to do indoor cheap grow
but like herbalfrenzy said, outdoor is great, im doing it this season and one of my plants is female and 6 feet tall
and i still have 2 months to grow them
so im doing great :D


Well-Known Member
This is exactly my issue as well. I'm a young teenager with a severely tight budget, and no privacy whatsoever. I want to do something similar to what he's doing, and have perhaps 1-3 small plants at the home inside/outside (doesn't matter to me.) I have 5 germinated seeds an hour from home outdoors. The chances of them being fullblown yielding plants I understand is lesser than one under daily care and monitoring but I've very little space, time, or money.

Sorry mate for blastin my way into your thread though.. mine was ignored when I posted my introduction to the community.
ur gonna get banned for sayin ur under age(young teenager).. they have ppl that patrol this so dont say stuff like that with ur new acc cuz we all know ur gonna open a new 1...


Well-Known Member
dude...just gerilla grow.its what i did when i was a kid.find a creek somewhere off in the woods.find a nice seclude spot by that creek(preforably with lots of sticker bushes around.)take a nice lil axe(didnt do this when i was a kid but i do now)and cut down a tree or two if there in the way.not any big ones tho.and there you need nothing but a spade and a bucket.till up the soil where your gona plant.only plant a few in one spot then find another a lil ways away and plant a few more.use the creek for water and nutrients especially if it connects to a river or lake.water them once a week when you visit and thats it.if even on of them make it and is a female youll get more weed than you know what to do with depending on where you live