Is it possible that some really frosty strains are just flat-out impotent?

Well I have had plenty of both of those first two strains mentioned and while they are quite different they both make my point perfectly.

Couch lock weed is exactly the kind of weed that is not offering a balanced high. I want smoke that is uplifting and potent and long lasting. Those strains are mostly sleepy. I like to be able to tune in to my environment until I choose to tune out. That is the main effect missing from most strains that are continually mentioned and popular.

Good breeders bring out the land race sativa blooming mental giggly fun quality while keeping the medical effects and strong buzz.

I am continually trying new strains to see if I can find this balanced effect like true old school skunk had. Not a new hybrid named old school skunk.

I would rather smoke the skunk x romulan than the other two suggested but I have only tried them separately. And it is the particular phenos and individual breeder chooses that make great strains. The lab tests with tests for only a few canabanoids is why we have headed in the wrong direction.

It seems to me people want pot to affect them like alcohol. Not a psycho active substance.

If I wanted just flat out potent marijuana the black market in New Jersey has real diesel. The old diesel that gets you lost in your own neighborhood. But I am looking for an alternative to pharmaceuticals. Not a strain to copy opiates with no fun part.

But it is a lot more potent and does what the popular strains you mentioned much better. Of course anyone who had a real plant like that would never share. That would put them out of business. so I would have to hope for stress seeds and hope for a great pheno. Or I have to do it with someone's $200 seeds. And I would still get bored with the smoke.

But if you prefer to always sit and stare any strong modern hi test strain seems to do well enough.

Until you build tolerance to it.

I will likely continue to avoid the 25% + strains as I said. For me. That high is boring and ineffective. And I build tolerance to it very quickly.

The sativas and hybrids that got us high all day long even trippy high only had 8-12% THC.

The older holy grail stuff had 4%.

That skunk/ romulan is the "real" skunk.......x romulan......It is nice, very nice..

Ghost cut OG = simply insane if done right - higher THC content but really, really reminds me of the "old world" sativa's of southern Mex, Columbia, Panama.....Simply soaring, powerful and long lasting "highs".....Little Indica effect in the right pheno.....The wife calls it a "cloud driver" high......

I have a passion for Chemdog - 91 and #4......If you want to check out - that's my ticket.....Oooof!

There are differing and complex effects from some "super high strains. I mean in comparison to GG, very complex.....They are rare or hard to get....Worth the effort and time......if that's your thing..

Rocket Fuel out of MOTIV 303 seeds is insane.....

Best Sativa "I" ever smoked? SSSDH from connoisseur gen. Period, bar-none!

Home grown natural wonders - mickey kush has a pheno that will hit 30.....Talk about a sativa slap in the face.....(No this is not the Subtool strain - it's their strain and they took back the strains they gave Sub).
i think the entourage effect is a lot bigger thing than most people think, but i also think personal body chemistry has a lot to do with it. i've grown strains that other people loved, but they didn't do shit for me. Jack Herrer is like that, i have some beans from seedsman, they grow pretty plants that all my friends eat up, but i can smoke the shit all day and not get more than a light buzz. from what i've been able to figure out, myrcene and humulene are the terps that effect me more than others, which is kind of disappointing, because i love the pinene strains, but they seems to have less effect on me.

I think you're on to something and I agree with you....
I'm in England so a lot of what is on the market has been grown for THC content or for yield. But they do say that
Yer i too have noticed the growing mental problems caused by high grade weed. This site seems to dispute it even though its an obvious problem here. Paranoia is one of the mild effects, the rest way more worse...
I used to dispute it myself but have seen it in friends and family over time, Could well be they had underlying issues which were brought to the surface via very strong strains, maybe it wouldn't of had they not hammered the weed. Without a time machine its impossible to know.
I used to grow a strain called Acid, everyone loved it but for me it caused panic attacks and paranoia, not your average paranoia either. Luckily I recognised it for what it was and made sure I never smoked it and stuck to the blue cheese.
I suppose it is different strains for different people.
Researchers in the UK don't believe the old resins we used to get (red seal, paki black ect) caused any negative side effects, the thought been the cbd counter acted the thc. Still a lot to learn on the subject. Shame we are stuck in the dark ages and our government burys its head in the sand and screams super skunk at every opportunity.
That skunk/ romulan is the "real" skunk.......x romulan......It is nice, very nice..

Ghost cut OG = simply insane if done right - higher THC content but really, really reminds me of the "old world" sativa's of southern Mex, Columbia, Panama.....Simply soaring, powerful and long lasting "highs".....Little Indica effect in the right pheno.....The wife calls it a "cloud driver" high......

I have a passion for Chemdog - 91 and #4......If you want to check out - that's my ticket.....Oooof!

There are differing and complex effects from some "super high strains. I mean in comparison to GG, very complex.....They are rare or hard to get....Worth the effort and time......if that's your thing..

Rocket Fuel out of MOTIV 303 seeds is insane.....

Best Sativa "I" ever smoked? SSSDH from connoisseur gen. Period, bar-none!

Home grown natural wonders - mickey kush has a pheno that will hit 30.....Talk about a sativa slap in the face.....(No this is not the Subtool strain - it's their strain and they took back the strains they gave Sub).

Og's and chem are why all of my current favorite strains contain ECSD and Lemon Thai. There are many different takes on these plants and hybrids.

I have a delicious smelling Deadhead Og and you can smell the guava chem in it so strong.....

But so far in our tests the Blue Lemon Thai has amazing phenos of top shelf real OG quality plants with tons of complexity, flavor and complex long lasting effects.

And as I have stated before the coconut oil from it and the related strains have already melted Mrs. MMG's life long cysts half away since we started consuming infused coconut oil this year.

Her doctor was sure she had the wrong ultrasound results. And from my research and experience it's the complex canabanoids that have a higher chance of signaling the body to heal.
I forgot to ask @Dr. Who when you say "real" skunk I know of quite a few.

Do you mean like real roadkill skunk? Or cheese?

Or do you mean the old pungent flowery almost sick rotten rose smelling skunk that could take you away for hours and hours. The Hawaiian sativa grown in California in the 80's.

It changed some but the farmers in jersey had it. We got busted in high school constantly because even a little roach sealed in a cigarette cellophane smelled up a whole classroom in minutes. Plus we just smoked the shit. Lol.

And the skunk 6 I miss dearly from the Colorado mountains was a perfect hybrid of the 2 powerful skunks with an even balanced high head and body. We would snowboard all day high as a kite.
I forgot to ask @Dr. Who when you say "real" skunk I know of quite a few.

Do you mean like real roadkill skunk? Or cheese?

Or do you mean the old pungent flowery almost sick rotten rose smelling skunk that could take you away for hours and hours. The Hawaiian sativa grown in California in the 80's.

It changed some but the farmers in jersey had it. We got busted in high school constantly because even a little roach sealed in a cigarette cellophane smelled up a whole classroom in minutes. Plus we just smoked the shit. Lol.

And the skunk 6 I miss dearly from the Colorado mountains was a perfect hybrid of the 2 powerful skunks with an even balanced high head and body. We would snowboard all day high as a kite.
Pretty sure real road kill skunk is dead, every time someone claims to have it, when i meet up with them their skunk always is fruity and barely skunky at all. Honestly some of my non-skunk strains smell more skunk than their "road kill skunk". I been in colorado for a few years myself , if you ever in the front range and want to smoke some of the best organic fire in colorado hit me up.
Back in the day there was a prolific strain in massive demand called Jamaican, or BC Beasters. Looked fantastic, the folk loved it because it was light green and crystally as fuck. Why they liked light green? I don't pretend to understand the market. The growers liked it because it produced huge, huge beautiful buds and the stink was much lessser then other strains. The thing was , though it looked fantastic it was not very potent at all. At the time you could hardly give weed away that wasn't this light green weak stuff. Anyway the market moved on and that is when the Kush first started coming around, then everything changed. No one was interested in Jamacian any more
Back in the day there was a prolific strain in massive demand called Jamaican, or BC Beasters. Looked fantastic, the folk loved it because it was light green and crystally as fuck. Why they liked light green? I don't pretend to understand the market. The growers liked it because it produced huge, huge beautiful buds and the stink was much lessser then other strains. The thing was , though it looked fantastic it was not very potent at all. At the time you could hardly give weed away that wasn't this light green weak stuff. Anyway the market moved on and that is when the Kush first started coming around, then everything changed. No one was interested in Jamacian any more
Jamaican and bc/beasters are two different things, bc/beasters comes from British Columbia in canada, Jamaica comes from Jamaica.
No this strain of Jamaican was not, in fact BC beasters as I knew it was re-marketed Jamaican first exported from BC and rebranded to get BC in the name.
Pretty sure real road kill skunk is dead, every time someone claims to have it, when i meet up with them their skunk always is fruity and barely skunky at all. Honestly some of my non-skunk strains smell more skunk than their "road kill skunk". I been in colorado for a few years myself , if you ever in the front range and want to smoke some of the best organic fire in colorado hit me up.

The G-13/skunk I have growing is smelling pretty offensively skunky. We will see how she leans.

And thank you but I moved out of Colorado almost 9 years ago now. But if I visit I will do that.
Back in the day there was a prolific strain in massive demand called Jamaican, or BC Beasters. Looked fantastic, the folk loved it because it was light green and crystally as fuck. Why they liked light green? I don't pretend to understand the market. The growers liked it because it produced huge, huge beautiful buds and the stink was much lessser then other strains. The thing was , though it looked fantastic it was not very potent at all. At the time you could hardly give weed away that wasn't this light green weak stuff. Anyway the market moved on and that is when the Kush first started coming around, then everything changed. No one was interested in Jamacian any more

I know this weed. It used to flood Colorado in the local off season. It looked like it should be good but it was never potent enough compared to the local strains or the California stuff.

I used to think Beasters meant "B" grade.
I'm in England so a lot of what is on the market has been grown for THC content or for yield. But they do say that

I used to dispute it myself but have seen it in friends and family over time, Could well be they had underlying issues which were brought to the surface via very strong strains, maybe it wouldn't of had they not hammered the weed. Without a time machine its impossible to know.
I used to grow a strain called Acid, everyone loved it but for me it caused panic attacks and paranoia, not your average paranoia either. Luckily I recognised it for what it was and made sure I never smoked it and stuck to the blue cheese.
I suppose it is different strains for different people.
Researchers in the UK don't believe the old resins we used to get (red seal, paki black ect) caused any negative side effects, the thought been the cbd counter acted the thc. Still a lot to learn on the subject. Shame we are stuck in the dark ages and our government burys its head in the sand and screams super skunk at every opportunity.

Yer its bad in the Uk, people here still think it will get legalized too. Police arent bothered with small growers and smokers round my parts anymore.
Og's and chem are why all of my current favorite strains contain ECSD and Lemon Thai. There are many different takes on these plants and hybrids.

I have a delicious smelling Deadhead Og and you can smell the guava chem in it so strong.....

But so far in our tests the Blue Lemon Thai has amazing phenos of top shelf real OG quality plants with tons of complexity, flavor and complex long lasting effects.

And as I have stated before the coconut oil from it and the related strains have already melted Mrs. MMG's life long cysts half away since we started consuming infused coconut oil this year.

Her doctor was sure she had the wrong ultrasound results. And from my research and experience it's the complex canabanoids that have a higher chance of signaling the body to heal.

Only use cold pressed coconut oil, the rest is low grade crap :-)
Pretty sure real road kill skunk is dead, every time someone claims to have it, when i meet up with them their skunk always is fruity and barely skunky at all.
THIS! I feel the same way, man. Lots of young people don't realize who they are talking to when they tell me they have the skunk...I've learned to just chuckle about it.
I don't ever recall seeing a single sparkling trichome on any batches of Colombian or Mexican weed back in the day...but I remember other of them being how "expando" the weed was. But the real skunk was always sticky and it would literally tear away from the sides of the plastic bag when you opened sounded like tearing off a piece of packing tape every time the bag got opened. No container could contain the smell. The real reason patchouli oil became popular was because of the fact that the skunky-quality of that weed was so strong, it would just stick to everything -even without smoking it -just if someone had some in their pocket or in an old film container (remember those?) it stuck to it...the scent molecules were literally like the ones that stick to everything when a real skunk sprays or is road-killed...that old school skunk could mark you the same way! Patchouli oil could mask it...but then, when people smelled patchouli oil, they knew it was because you had knowledge of the skunk!
Some of the outdoor auto's I've tried were covered in crystals but were utter crappola. As for different effects, my BHO fucks me up (yes a bit of paranoia in the mix) and the girlfriend says it doesn't get her high but my ISO does and me about the same. I could see BHO having some effect on the mind if I did it every day all day for months lol.
I forgot to ask @Dr. Who when you say "real" skunk I know of quite a few.

Do you mean like real roadkill skunk? Or cheese?

Or do you mean the old pungent flowery almost sick rotten rose smelling skunk that could take you away for hours and hours. The Hawaiian sativa grown in California in the 80's.

It changed some but the farmers in jersey had it. We got busted in high school constantly because even a little roach sealed in a cigarette cellophane smelled up a whole classroom in minutes. Plus we just smoked the shit. Lol.

And the skunk 6 I miss dearly from the Colorado mountains was a perfect hybrid of the 2 powerful skunks with an even balanced high head and body. We would snowboard all day high as a kite.

The old Cali strain from the 80's.....The Romulan was a pheno I liked and the cross was done years ago....Friend down the street has been running that sense that crossing.....I haven't tried to bust the beans from it, as he simply gives us cuts when I want some.

The Cali skunk was delivered to me by a friend from the old commune by Ukiah......Trying to remember,,,,,,82, 83, 84? Anyway. I was living in this big old house in the Heritage Hill section of town. We never locked the door. "Come on in and use party house" Just leave something for the owners.."commune mentality"..LOL. I was breeding Rottweiler's and had a big male and a female there with me.....They were happy dogs and loved people....more so if you knew them but pretty damn calm...kept the riff raff out.

Anyway, One of the guys I went out there with. Came home to visit and brought the "Skunk" and clones with him. I was sleeping and around 2 am. I was awakened by noise in the living area. I smelled what in my sleepy haze I thought to be dog shit! I was pissed...Got up and said, "Ok, what one of you dogs forgot to wait, and shit in the house?"....

Laughing started and I looked up to see my old friend and a local album rock radio DJ. Sitting on the couch with an open bag of that "skunk" on the table, with a bong smoldering.....(Dogs were getting petted and took off for the cover of the bed room I had just left..)

My buddy say's wtf dude? It's the weed, not the dogs! You can guess what I did next....

Clones were retrieved the next day - With great excitement!

That's the legend of how "Dog shit skunk" came to GR Mich......
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