Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

But what's legitimate? Who's got that say? They do, and we just accept it? I don't. Too many people with too many motives, both individual and collective.

I don't doubt that some of them aren't legitimate...but without the highest level of security's just a guess. And you're correct that people profit by things they probably shouldn't...but is that truely a conspiracy?
I don't doubt that some of them aren't legitimate...but without the highest level of security's just a guess. And you're correct that people profit by things they probably shouldn't...but is that truely a conspiracy?
noun, con·spir·a·cy \kən-ˈspir-ə-sē\
Simple Definition of conspiracy
  • : a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal

  • : the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal
noun, con·spir·a·cy \kən-ˈspir-ə-sē\
Simple Definition of conspiracy
  • : a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal

  • : the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal

Simple definition, yes. You and I could conspire to rob a bank...

That's not quite on the same level as lying about going to the moon that would require an est. 400,000 people involved or JFK...100's involved...

Our bank job, a conspiracy, is not exactly the same. 2 people could maybe remain silent...
There is a vast difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory. The conspiracy, as Tangerine said, 2 or more conspire to do something. A conspiracy theory is an explanatory or speculative hypothesis suggesting that two or more persons, or an organization, have conspired to cause or cover up, through secret planning and deliberate action, an event or situation typically regarded as illegal or harmful. The term conspiracy theory has derogatory connotations, suggesting explanations that invoke conspiracies without warrant, often producing hypotheses that contradict the prevailing understanding of historical events or simple facts.

If were are talking about just conspiracies, then yes, we probably run into them multiple times daily in our own lives. Two guys at your job set up a situation to make you look bad is a conspiracy. Two people set up a situation to gin up the company stock, and then buy it up at a reduced cost. A discussion about whether or not governments do certain things in an underhanded manner is ludicrous, of course they do and have done since gov't was invented.
The government has done a lot of horrible shit over the last 200+ years...I don't think most of that shit qualifies as 'conspiracy'...

Most of this conspiracy shit started after JFK...I have no doubt I'm in a minority thinking it was Oswald acting alone. But in the end, there are hard facts and evidence...and there's theory. Unproven theory is nothing more than bullshit. Facts and evidence remain facts and evidence...JFK case was solved in my mind with computer animation of the 9 movies shot of the assassination along with the realization that the shooter had 8.2 seconds for 3 shots, not 5.6 seconds that the Warren Commission concluded. (5.6 seconds was the time between the 2nd and 3rd shot)'s just not the answer people want to hear.

And...the government can't tell everything...there are very legitimate national security issues...I think that gets confused with conspiracy.

The 3rd shot on JFK was only 88 yds - I've dropped two deer at twice that distance while not needing a 2nd shot on either within seconds of each other with a rifle entering service in 1903.
Admittedly I have better optics and a bit of a ballistics advantage (30-06 Ackley Improved), but it's basic's - I'll wager the rifle I could do the same with the Mannlicher-Carcano with a bit of instruction and practice (both of which were afforded the shooter).

Basically, if I can get a clear shot at a reasonable distance - say out to 350 yds or so you won't have time for "hail mary's"

I don't see why this is such a point of contention - it ain't that tough.
Simple definition, yes. You and I could conspire to rob a bank...

That's not quite on the same level as lying about going to the moon that would require an est. 400,000 people involved or JFK...100's involved...

Our bank job, a conspiracy, is not exactly the same. 2 people could maybe remain silent...
It didn't require that many people. Only 12 people went to the moon.
Why would they tape over the original Apollo 11 footage? Here's a documentary about the project paperclip.
This man was a technical publications writer at rocketdyne. Rocketdyne built the engines for the Apollo program.
Ralph Rene makes some interesting points.
I think William cooper was killed by the cops.
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Nasa got $7 from every american. I watched this when it aired on tv. Lets see what the nasa scientists have to say. I'm sure they could answer some basic questions.
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The government has done a lot of horrible shit over the last 200+ years...I don't think most of that shit qualifies as 'conspiracy'...

Most of this conspiracy shit started after JFK...I have no doubt I'm in a minority thinking it was Oswald acting alone. But in the end, there are hard facts and evidence...and there's theory. Unproven theory is nothing more than bullshit. Facts and evidence remain facts and evidence...JFK case was solved in my mind with computer animation of the 9 movies shot of the assassination along with the realization that the shooter had 8.2 seconds for 3 shots, not 5.6 seconds that the Warren Commission concluded. (5.6 seconds was the time between the 2nd and 3rd shot)'s just not the answer people want to hear.

And...the government can't tell everything...there are very legitimate national security issues...I think that gets confused with conspiracy.
The 3rd shot on JFK was only 88 yds - I've dropped two deer at twice that distance while not needing a 2nd shot on either within seconds of each other with a rifle entering service in 1903.
Admittedly I have better optics and a bit of a ballistics advantage (30-06 Ackley Improved), but it's basic's - I'll wager the rifle I could do the same with the Mannlicher-Carcano with a bit of instruction and practice (both of which were afforded the shooter).

Basically, if I can get a clear shot at a reasonable distance - say out to 350 yds or so you won't have time for "hail mary's"

I don't see why this is such a point of contention - it ain't that tough.
you shot Bambi?
not talking about the camera exposure as u know, im talking about the liars/Astros saying they couldn't "recall seeing any" stars, busted right there
That's an interesting point. Why didn't they take a telescope and take some pictures of the planets without the atmospheric disturbance that we have here on earth. Maybe they knew people on earth study the star orientation and they feared they wouldn't get it right.
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That's an interesting point. Why didn't they take a telescope and take some pictures of the planets without the atmospheric disturbance that we have here on earth. Maybe they knew people one earth study the star orientation and they feared they wouldn't get it right.
I think we should ask a nudist