Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

space temp not temp on the moon

Some parts of space are hot! Gas between stars, as well as the solar wind, both seem to be what we call "empty space," yet they can be more than a thousand degrees, even millions of degrees.

However, there's also what’s known as the cosmic background temperature, which is minus 455 degrees Fahrenheit. So what would a thermometer in space reveal? Somewhere between those extremes — depending on whether it's in the sun or the shade.

Here's what’s going on: Most of the gas in space is too thin to warm anything up. Essentially, there are not enough gas particles to "bump" into and transfer heat to an object. So if you were in space, but shielded from the sun, you would radiate away nearly all your heat pretty quickly and cool to the cosmic background temperature. Step (or float) into the sun, and you’d be warmed. Either way you'd need lots of protection!
space temp not temp on the moon

Some parts of space are hot! Gas between stars, as well as the solar wind, both seem to be what we call "empty space," yet they can be more than a thousand degrees, even millions of degrees.

However, there's also what’s known as the cosmic background temperature, which is minus 455 degrees Fahrenheit. So what would a thermometer in space reveal? Somewhere between those extremes — depending on whether it's in the sun or the shade.

Here's what’s going on: Most of the gas in space is too thin to warm anything up. Essentially, there are not enough gas particles to "bump" into and transfer heat to an object. So if you were in space, but shielded from the sun, you would radiate away nearly all your heat pretty quickly and cool to the cosmic background temperature. Step (or float) into the sun, and you’d be warmed. Either way you'd need lots of protection!
The solar plane between earth and moon would be around -200 to -250 to +200+a few degrees f according to the experts. The astronauts say they landed in the middle of the moon terminator line. not too hot not too cold the Goldilocks zone.
either way highly unlikey in them so called coverall space suits :) i think they could of done a better job gel suits there fore reflecting radiation and show off the women astronauhghts ass space ex / spandex lol
either way highly unlikey in them so called coverall space suits :) i think they could of done a better job gel suits there fore reflecting radiation and show off the women astronauhghts ass space ex / spandex lol
That's interesting because the exhaust vapors from the suits were supposed to cool them off. It freezes to ice that would cool jelled filled suit liners but they didn't do it that way. none of the videos show these exhaust reflected ice particles.
That's interesting because the exhaust vapors from the suits were supposed to cool them off. It freezes to ice that would cool jelled filled suit liners but they didn't do it that way. none of the videos show these exhaust reflected ice particles.

At those pressures ice does not persist, especially in finely divided form. Saturn's rings are cold enough that they lose less than a kilogram of water a day to sublimation. (source:Wosczyk, Iwanizewska, Exploration of the Planetary System, 1974) But at lunar temps in daylight the temp is above zero C where water and ice have a vapor pressure of 8 mmHg, a hundredth of an atmosphere. By the time the vapor (!) is cool enough to crystallize it has fallen below the necessary pressure.
What i find ironic is also who is really engineered the Apollo missions sure was not americans there not that smart but in fact the germans lol ironic isn't it Verner vaun braun ring a bell lol
What i find ironic is also who is really engineered the Apollo missions sure was not americans there not that smart but in fact the germans lol ironic isn't it Verner vaun braun ring a bell lol

LOL time to ignore this obvious bit of unhappiness.
Truth is could it of been faked hell yeah lets have a brief summary here it makes perfect sense that if anyone was going to make it to the moon it would of been Russia there never was a race USA could never catch up to begin with they even admit it russia 1000's of hr logged space compared to under hundreds of logged failed attempts from USA ..
Non sequitur. Russia and USA had different emphases on their space programs. Comparing hours logged means nothing. They had an effort in place to do lunar missions (google N-1 booster) but we out-engineered them.
its a no brainer when you keep level open mind to it Russia new that it cannot do it but USA did lol to funny
when you joined this forum to learn how to grow would you take advice from someone well known in the field or ???? someone that is fairly new to the game talking like he knows his shit yet you notice his first thread how high do i hang my light ??

It amazes me how everyone gets stuck into there beliefs and to be honest
who in the hell builds a space station with thin supports on outside of it when ever anything needs to be fixed ??? you have to go outside of it to fix it does this make fucking sense ???
the space shuttle record alone is fucking joke but wait here they never left earths orbit with one so it makes it even more of a joke considering what 20 - 30 years earlier they went to the moon ??
Does that make fucking sense TBH tecnology has moved forward rather fast yet when you look at the space program its at a crawl WTF
Again, priorities have changed. Russia's program was orbital. Ours has become orbital. The Station and the Shuttle were designed for LEO, low earth orbit. No problem if you keep your premises organized.
lol they post some picture of mars stating there is salt water then show some shadow moving making it or trying there best to fool you that that is wet sand lol WTF people are stupid but hey even then most things are relayed via satelite not hard to bounce it back making it seemed that hey we just had contact with a alien race simple ..
Usa has known for a long time there far from number 1 thy brain washed everyone in thinking were number 1 its the american way the foundation of what is america today
Yet you never have or never will be number 1 lets face it even when semyour duncan needed chips for his super computor ???? he never got them from USA he had to order them from japan and china
funny huh the bearing shit who makes the best bearings usa right lol Fuck Germany had the best bearing back in 1945 same thing applies for the stealth technology everyone is thinking Were usa we made when in fact you fucking stole it from germans remember the Hortin google it you might find some similarities to your todays steath bombers and what have you lol funny when you break it down
So think what you like and be fooled and deceived its your way of life no need to change anything remember all you are is a puppet
And now back to our scheduled program: bash those idiot Yanks. Excuse me while I go do something more fulfilling, like scratching my left cheek.
if the earth is 3.68 times bigger then the moon could it be when them so called astronauts took there first picture of earth the earth would of still filled the hole window ??? rather then show some small planet lol
At those pressures ice does not persist, especially in finely divided form. Saturn's rings are cold enough that they lose less than a kilogram of water a day to sublimation. (source:Wosczyk, Iwanizewska, Exploration of the Planetary System, 1974) But at lunar temps in daylight the temp is above zero C where water and ice have a vapor pressure of 8 mmHg, a hundredth of an atmosphere. By the time the vapor (!) is cool enough to crystallize it has fallen below the necessary pressure.
You didn't see the real videos of them explaining the ice on the windows. You couldn't have. In one of the videos it clearly builds up on the window.
think about it we see the full moon no problem from earth the other way around be like this so even at the moon the earth would be massive not small planet they showed in window lol earthmoon.png