Is it ok to feed your dog weed leaves? itsa boxer


Active Member
There is Omega 3 and 7. And no dont feed them to your dog. Dogs eat meat based dogfood. Feeding them weed is not only stupid but cruel. Does your dog feed you Lawn Grass when he eats it? No. So return the favor. Being a dogman and doglover I would label it as inhumane. But then again I was always the guy who got mad when people blew dogs and cats hits and got them just aint natural to living beings who arent capable of understanding it...but youll do "of course" what you will.... and feel right doing it. Personally id just wait for the dog to ask for it and if he dont ask I wouldnt give it to him.

Well said Mr. Dogman :clap:


Active Member
It is a proven scientific fact that marijuana relieves pain when a dog has worms, look it up!!!!!!!

My dog hates weed, but she loves beer! I have to hide it from her sometimes!


Well-Known Member
The guy who says animals don't like to get high is wrong actually but he comes from a good place caring about animals so no need to jump on him.
There have been a million and one studies on animals like the ones where rats were given two buttons to push one for food or water or something and one for a cocaine solution. Guess which one they chose over and over and over until they died of starvation or something?

It's weird, but it's a proven fact that some animals DO really like it. A friend had a dog with hip displaysia (however that is spelled) and boy did that dog like to get a little relief from his pain. I honestly do believe having smoke helped that dog live just a little bit longer and enjoy a few more romps around the yard. EVentually unfortunately the pain became too intense and no medicine was enough... But still you get my point.

If you give it to an animal who doesn't like it, or give too much to where they are uncomfortable that is abuse. But if they come to you when you're smoking and you always give them hits and they still keep coming to you when you are smoking there is no doubt that they like it. Otherwise they would go and hide just like they do when you pull out nail clippers or ask if they want to take a bath.

They're smarter than people give them credit for.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
My dog always tries to eat my plants. I gotta watch him when hes in my grow rooms. Oh and leave a bud on the table and it will be gone just as soon as you turn around. I have made that costly mistake a few times. I have even had him try to eat right out of my freshly loaded bong before I hit it while its in my hand. All my dogs but one hated the smoke though. My last dog Chiba liked it and would put his head on my lap when I was smoking.
For some reason all of the cats I have had love the smoke lol


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm...I used to feed my girlfriends cat bud, just a lil bit at a time he seemed to just relax the thing is if you would leave a bag out he would eat every last bit of it. The dam thing ways 25 lbs. But i thought you actully had to cook the thc before you could actully get it to come out of the plant and be able to cook and eat.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Heh I have 5 dogs, three of them love to eat the leaves, dried, fresh off the plant or however they can get to them. 2 of those 3 dogs get in my face every time I hit my bong or bowl, so I get'em high, they seem to want about 2-3 hits and then they will go eat, drink, play, sleep. The dogs that don't seem to want anything to do with it, I leave that way.

One of those 2 dogs that like to get high, I gave a half a canna-cookie too.. lol I almost felt bad. He was so fucked UP but he had the biggest smile on his face and seemed like he was enjoying himself... if he even knew what was going on lol...

All my dogs are just as fine as I am. No problems or vet visits. Weed may not have been ment for dogs, may have not been ment for humans. Dogs are just as capable of eating a bunch of BUDS from a plant in the WILD as we are. We are just more intelligent and smoke the shit. If my dog is mature, not a puppy, and acts like he wants to get high with ole pap's- then he's gettin high.

Your dog will be fine if he eats a little grass, a turd, a raw uncooked bone (never feed cooked bones, they splinter), a bud, a sack or a leaf. They have short digestive systems and can process foods a lot easier than we can. They also metabolize fat very well so they come down quickly. Just please don't get your puppies high, they need time to mature and develop completely. You wouldn't give a child weed would you? If your all worried about a little weed your dog consumed you should start looking into what he eats on a daily basis (ie: dog food vs raw meats).


Well-Known Member
A lot of people don't seem to undersand how strong leaves can actually be. You're talking about an animal with zero tolerance and for all we know you could have a seriously trichome coated plant. Even fan leaves on strong plants have enough trichomes to get a dog high, it doesn't actually take that much.

But... Eating it can be a very disturbing feeling for them, they don't like it. Even a dog that does get on your lap and want a hit or that drinks beer (I've had both type) won't like getting high that way.

And yes the hairs irritate their internals and bot good for them, but stems are a complete nightmare waiting to happen. Stems easily will get lodged in their throat. You might get away with it for years and then that one time...

(no I don't feed my dogs weed or get them high, but I do have two that have made mistakes on their own and either ate a bud or eaten entire stumps and stems they've found.) Once they get high off bud or leaf they'll never make that mistake again. Stems don't get them high though, nothing there.
well put. a teeny tiny single hit here or there aint gonna kill em, but u gotcha watch what they eat. got a pit that loves to eat mj, anything-in fact he will eat anything-i can tell when he nabbed abud from the table or sumthing-he gets fucked up for like 3 days-now if the weed had mostly clear trichs, man he gets paranoid and wont sleep for 3 days straight-


Well-Known Member
Anyone that gets their animals high is a fucking asshole, would you blow pot in your babies face?


Well-Known Member
of course they did Baz, look at that pup in ur avitar-he is smoking a huge blunt? oh wait, is that photoshopped? lol


Well-Known Member
Anyone that gets their animals high is a fucking asshole, would you blow pot in your babies face?
I dont get my dogs high, but comparing a dog to a baby?

Would you let your baby sniff other babies arses?
Would you feed your baby junk outta a can?
Would you let your baby lick its own balls?
Would you let your baby run arround in the park eating allsorts of crap they come accross?

The list goes on....


Well-Known Member
Lmao BadDog did you say that as a joke?

Just your Av is a dog smoking a cigar ha ha


Well-Known Member
Lol hard to see inlarge it and stick coming out of the side of the skulls mouth will stand out alot better :bigjoint: