Well-Known Member
Yea both parent are long haired breedsBaz, is that puppy a mix between that Rott and the German Shepard in the pics??
Yea both parent are long haired breedsBaz, is that puppy a mix between that Rott and the German Shepard in the pics??
idk, is it ok to feed you ricin in your tea?Is it safe to feed your dog weed leaves? Ive heard hemp oil etc is extremely nutritional with omega 7 and stuff but I just need confirmation.
My dog is a young, year or less, boxer.
Maybe you should get your jaws forced shut and get smoke blown in your face,,if u wanna get them high just exhale the smoke in their face...hold their muzzle shut so they gotta breath it in through their of my friends does this with his pug...and he stumbles around lol its hilarious...but everytime they light up he comes running to sit on mommy or daddy's lap lol