Is Getting Diagnosed With MS Enough To Get A Medical Card?


Well-Known Member
whats up people!I was just diagnosed with MS and have snt in my medical records to the thcf and am waiting to hear back from them.I know MS is a qualifying condition but i really dont have a long history of symptoms. Will just being diagnosed with mMS be enough to get me the card? Thanks for any replies


Well-Known Member
yes it is, my mom has ms. we live in mass where mmj dosnt exist. her doctor told her to try marijuana as a treatment. it should be enough for you


Well-Known Member
i hope so cause it really does help with my balance and spasms. It just seems like all the info i got refered to being in pain, which i do have, but its not an all the time thing. Hopefully other states start approving he medical marijuana! luckily im in Oregon.thanks for the response


Well-Known Member
Just to let everyone know, I am officially a medical card holder now! :-) All I have to do now is find some other card holders in the Portland area to get some medicine from until my crops are ready for harvest?

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your MS ,and glad to hear everything is going smooth as far as the ability to get the meds that will give you the relief you need ....rob


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your diagnosis. Oregon is in the process of trying to takeover the cultivation and distribution of medicinal cannabis to patients on the state's registry. And impose a $98 dollar tax per ounce. Voters shot down this measure in 2004 but they are trying again.

My fear is that they will make it unavailable to those who really need it. First the states are reluctant to recognize MMJ and then once they see how lucrative it can be they want to take over. This bill would essentially close any dispensary and make it illegal for patients to cultivate thier own medicine. The $98 tax they would impose would pay for the states cultivation and distribution operation.

If this somehow gets passed which I doubt it will. I want to see the Oregon State MMJ service get raided by the DEA just like they are doing to legal MMJ operations all over the country. And those who introduced the bill be prosecuted under Federal law. If they want to play the game then they must assume the risk of DEA intervention.:spew: