Fuck the church. They take 10% of everyones money because you can buy your way into heaven, with cash. It's a scam, it's a pyramid scheme and there are a whole lot of takers.
Priests must abstaine. I guess molesting little boys is considered abstaining by church standards?
The bible is just different peoples personal views of how they viewed jesus. It was not handed down by some fiery god, it was invented, made up, much like a Readers Digest.
Thou shalt not kill (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth)
Thou shalt not kill (if your neighbor plants 2 crops in the same field it is your duty to gather others together and stone him)
You can and will go to hell for mixing 2 fabrics on your body. (guess those poly-cotton blends will be the death of us all)
Should I continue with the contradictions?