Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


Well-Known Member
It is just as illegal for me to marry another man as it would be for a homo. so how is that discrimination?
You have the right to marry a woman. Does my lesbian friend have that right?
Do you know what 'discriminate' means?
If we had a law that said that people with a low IQ can't be married, that would be discrimination too.
Does that example help you understand?

munch box

Well-Known Member
Why would I want to think of marriage as between a left handed woman and a right handed man? are you trippin on acid or is that really the best analogy you can come up with? Same with you Leo , your IQ analogy was super lame. Of course that would be discrimination.


Well-Known Member
Why would I want to think of marriage as between a left handed woman and a right handed man? are you trippin on acid or is that really the best analogy you can come up with? Same with you Leo , your IQ analogy was super lame. Of course that would be discrimination.
wait until they start telling you elephants can do math. :eyesmoke:

munch box

Well-Known Member
Yup, thats true. And then after that, the federal courts are going to make PG&E shut off all the power in California because a bird got stuck in some power lines


Why would I want to think of marriage as between a left handed woman and a right handed man? are you trippin on acid or is that really the best analogy you can come up with? Same with you Leo , your IQ analogy was super lame. Of course that would be discrimination.
Honestly man, you (and FDD) have been pushed into a corner on this one. You have no response so both of you guys have just brushed off the logic as us "trippin on acid" or "super lame"... How old are you, damn.. That's mature. :roll:

You can't answer it. This is a rights issue, you guys refuse to aknowledge that. How do you not see that you get to do it, everyone else should get to do it, bottom line. We compared it to black peoples rights, because in the beginning, guess what, they couldn't marry whites either. Same exact shit. You brushed it off. I brought up the left handed argument because the ''counter-logic'' presented to that argument was as basic as "you can hide being gay, you can't hide being black". The left handed argument is even more comparable and even more applicable for this analogy. You can hide being gay...OK, you can hide being left handed, so what's the difference?

How is you saying homosexuals shouldn't be legally allowed to get married any different than me saying left handed people shouldn't be legally allowed to get married?


Well-Known Member
Honestly man, you (and FDD) have been pushed into a corner on this one. You have no response so both of you guys have just brushed off the logic as us "trippin on acid" or "super lame"... How old are you, damn.. That's mature. :roll:

You can't answer it. This is a rights issue, you guys refuse to aknowledge that. How do you not see that you get to do it, everyone else should get to do it, bottom line. We compared it to black peoples rights, because in the beginning, guess what, they couldn't marry whites either. Same exact shit. You brushed it off. I brought up the left handed argument because the ''counter-logic'' presented to that argument was as basic as "you can hide being gay, you can't hide being black". The left handed argument is even more comparable and even more applicable for this analogy. You can hide being gay...OK, you can hide being left handed, so what's the difference?

How is you saying homosexuals shouldn't be legally allowed to get married any different than me saying left handed people shouldn't be legally allowed to get married?
i already said, "i responded in the other thread". before you continue to attack me you should go read it. :wink:

do you need a link?


Well-Known Member
if you click the red square you can read the whole thread.

just so you know, i'm not married. been with my "wife" almost 20 years. we have decided against marriage for our own reason. i admit we, unlike gays, do have the option to marry and gain some rights. but i think that is wrong. why should i be "forced" to marry? nothing will change other than legal rights on paper. and if it's simply "legal rights" then marriage shouldn't be a part of it.

"people shouldn't gain 'rights' simply because they are married." this is where i stand. :blsmoke:

still don't get how this makes me a bigot. =-/


my 2 cents
the government should stay out of social issues such as this. If someone wants to have more than one wife have at it but that is one dumb son of a bitch. I got one and that is more than enough :-)
this aligns with the same argument that pot should be legal because it is not the Feds decision about what you put into your body.


Well-Known Member
Left-handed people getting married and homosexual people getting married aren't comparable.

Discriminating against left handed people doesn't make sense, because they (unlike gays) haven't done anything wrong. They can't help their left-handedness, you see, they were born that way!

Gay sex is gross, and talking with an effeminate inflection is stupid - therefore, it is okay to discriminate against gays.

At least, that's the logic (rather, lack thereof) I'm getting out of this exchange.

It's okay to discriminate against gays because, well, we just don't like them!


Left-handed people getting married and homosexual people getting married aren't comparable.

Discriminating against left handed people doesn't make sense, because they (unlike gays) haven't done anything wrong. They can't help their left-handedness, you see, they were born that way!

Gay sex is gross, and talking with an effeminate inflection is stupid - therefore, it is okay to discriminate against gays.

At least, that's the logic (rather, lack thereof) I'm getting out of this exchange.

It's okay to discriminate against gays because, well, we just don't like them!

Pretty much..

Anyone comfortable with their own sexuality wouldn't feel so threatened by someone with a different one.

How do they feel as if they are being attacked, or that it's unfair for the homophobes to be called out for thier stupidity. If you are openly against someone for something so basic as sexuality, then I have no problem being openly against you.


Well-Known Member
The issue at hand is the minority of one. One person in society should get one vote to impose their belief system on their community. As it stands, the minority of one is being trampled by various amalgamated coalitions who enjoy "most favored" status, due to their political affiliations with D.C. The "gay marriage" "issue" is just one of many disguised attempts to strip political power from the individual. God State, here we come.


Well-Known Member
No, its about equal rights! It hasn't got anything to do with stripping political power from the individual...what a load of shit.


Well-Known Member
No, its about equal rights! It hasn't got anything to do with stripping political power from the individual...what a load of shit.

"Equal rights" for who? For thee, but not for me? Why doesn't my say count as much as yours?



Well-Known Member
Ok. Well, I'm not sure what kind of straw man you were trying to build there, but we arent discussing courts turning over the results of elections or anything like that...


Well-Known Member
Karen Smith, left, and Laura Espinosa react to California's supreme court decision to uphold Proposition 8 in San Francisco.

Although it pains me to see a lesbian cry, the people had their say, there. If more people had wanted gay marriage, the court imposed lifting of the original voted on ban would have remained in effect, and the lesbians would still be be smiling, and married, despite the will of the people being legitimately expressed at the ballot box, and ignored. And that's nothing to smile about, even if you did get your way at the expense of your neighbors "equal right" to dictate laws concerning behavior and conduct. Laws that we all must abide by, equally.

And prostitution should only be legal in states with laws making it so. Gotta love Nevadans. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so do you feel about gay marriage, and why chchoda?
That would depend on where I lived. I would tend to vote with the will of the majority, on this "issue". In the north eastern states, I would vote in favor of it. Elsewhere, probably against. I got no beef to pick with the diverse nature of our American culture.

When in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont (beginning September 1, 2009) and Maine (beginning mid-September 2009), I'd do as they do. Figuratively speaking, of course.:hump: