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Is that you Congressman Wilson? 

I didnt read all 64 pages on this thread, no way i have the time but im just going to speak my mind on this topic real quick. I live in South Carolina, so thankfully I don't see many homo's around, but there was one that stood out because he...'it' more like it, had an awful lisp, wore pink shoes, carried a purse, and was apprehensive to the slightest distasteful look shot at him. This was at my Highschool too, i think he was suspended several times for fights, or clothing issues. I wanted to tell him that if u don't want to get looked at like your some ugly spectacle, stop dressing/acting like one.I realize not all homos are like this but i have to wonder HOW people end up in such a shitty state of being.
Also, how can men be interested in another mans hairy ass. Like i'm sorry you didn't have the necessary rough-and-tumble experiences to make you into a MAN, and that instead you played with barbies and braided hair when you were growing up, but To me it doesnt compute, at all. There is no such thing as a gay gene, that's fucking preposterous. It's a leftist joke. No wonder this countries gone to hell.
Homosexuality is disgusting, but 2 women together i have a lighter view on, because somehow its CLEANER. But if 2 lesbos try and raise a son, then i have problem with it, unless they expose him to sports, and activities that make us into what men are supposed to be, upstanding, strong, and brave. Not some pussified girly men who put their penises in a hole meant for EXITING ONLY. oh and read this (It's not recent recent, i know, but it still happened, and can happen again.)
So gay people are getting owned left and right with not only discrimination, but mother effin FLESH EATING DISEASES. Im not going to make this a religious argument because religion helped ruin part of my life so therefore i am not part of any 'group'. Fuck unificationist beliefs, if Sun Myung Moon is the Messiah on Earth LIKE HE SAYS HE IS, then he failed miserably. I believe in God, or a creator, that is all. But if God did create an Adam & Eve, Man and Woman, Man to be with Woman, Penis for the Vagina to simplify it, then i really don't think there's supposed to be Adams with Steves. If i ever see two gay dudes walking down a street...with an adopted son...i would have the audacity to question their motives. Rightfully so too i think, 2 gay dudes raising a son will MOST LIKELY result in a future gay. A future failure to be discriminated against, seeing as gays make up what, 4% of the population? If i was a homo, i wouldn't even shoot for marriage. I would seek straightness. Because vaginas are where its at.
Let's just think his posit through for a minute.
We know that not all Gays are queens. Just like hetero folks, there is the dominant ones and the more submissive ones.
Now if you were gay and NOT a queen and going to school, sports would be mighty attractive to you. Football huddles, the comraderie of the huddle... mmm... the showers after! Mmmmmm.
I imagine that there are quite a few gays playing sports.... more than ppl think.
Hunting falls into the same category..... so the next time ur out there acting all manly in the woods, don't forget that a BJ is one tent away.
If you play sports or hunt, there's a pretty good chance ur gay!!
Politics .... stupidity..... it's all mighty close.LOL, CrackerJax. We might not agree on political issues but I see we do agree on stupidity issues.
Wait a second, sports are what makes men "upstanding", "strong", and "brave"? (upstanding, eh? So all men who participate in sports are "upstanding"? That's funny!)
Jesus Christ.
I must have fallen asleep at the computer and am now having the most HORRID nightmare of my life.
Someone wake me up if I start screaming, k?
Wow, this was funny. A gay dude on a sports team would definitely be noticed and eventually singled out. Besides, even if the girlyman does get on the team, what are the chances the rest of the players are gay and he's going to 'get some'? That last line you wrote makes it sound like you mean that there are a lot gays playing sports and hunting, please specify. You mean on the West coast maybe? Because there sure as hell isn't any of that in the South/East.Let's just think his posit through for a minute.
We know that not all Gays are queens. Just like hetero folks, there is the dominant ones and the more submissive ones.
Now if you were gay and NOT a queen and going to school, sports would be mighty attractive to you. Football huddles, the comraderie of the huddle... mmm... the showers after! Mmmmmm.
I imagine that there are quite a few gays playing sports.... more than ppl think.
Hunting falls into the same category..... so the next time ur out there acting all manly in the woods, don't forget that a BJ is one tent away.
If you play sports or hunt, there's a pretty good chance ur gay!!
Marriage is a HOLY UNION. Most homosexuals don't believe in god, but would be more than happy to join in holy matrimony before god. A little hypocritical. The problem with gay marriage is that if it was legalized, churches who don't accept the practice would be forced to perform them. If they don't, they could be sued and shut down. That is wrong. However, I believe gays should have all the rights a heterosexual has. They shouldn't be discriminated against because they are different. I think they should start a program where they are recognized as partners, without getting the churches involved. Most religious people don't accept it, so stop trying to force it on them. Seperation between church and state. I guess that means the government can impose regulations, and dictate practices of churches, even when it goes against what they stand for.
The penis in the wrong hole argument, LMFAO, that is the funniest shit Ive heard all should of at least tried to defend the Penis in the wrong hole argument.
The penis in the wrong hole argument, LMFAO, that is the funniest shit Ive heard all day.
Where was marriage originated from? It is a union before god. They "leave it out" to fir their needs. Most marriages in this country are performed in churches, by priests. Whether you call it a "legal" union, or a "holy" union, it's the same thing. Where did all of the gays go to get married when it was allowed? Not the churches, right? That's the way it has always been, and people are trying to change that.Wrong. Marriage is a LEGAL union. Marriage is not restricted to those with religious affiliations.
I'm an atheist, but I can get married. Doesn't even have to be in a church, or with a priest
When atheists or other non-Christians get married, they leave out that bit about "holy matrimony" and anything else that relates to your chrisitan "god".
Where was marriage originated from? It is a union before god. They "leave it out" to fir their needs. Most marriages in this country are performed in churches, by priests. Whether you call it a "legal" union, or a "holy" union, it's the same thing. Where did all of the gays go to get married when it was allowed? Not the churches, right? That's the way it has always been, and people are trying to change that.
Perfectly worded. +repDo you really feel you have the right to tell another human being what he or she can or can't do with themselves? If so, what gives you that right, and what happens if others feel they have this right too?
Think it over.
so said michael jackson.Perfectly worded. +rep
If you're in love it doesn't matter.
Nobody has the right to take away your right to love somebody...