Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying...people try to interpret what "god" thinks and says, when in reality, they have no idea.

Yeah, well, I'm not a Christian, so I guess that means none of that stuff applies to me!
lol, yeah, I know what you mean. That's why when people tell me what God wants I ask them if He told them that personally :razz:


Well-Known Member
im not the type for blind faith either.
Do you have faith you will fall in love?(again or first time)

We have alot of blind faiths, some are church based, some are not.
It's another thing that's 'being human.' Call it what you will, like superstition, who's not superstitous?
Ignorance that's irrationally maintained by everyone, like a genetic code.
Even disbelief is a faith.


Well-Known Member
Do you have faith you will fall in love?(again or first time)

We have alot of blind faiths, some are church based, some are not.
It's another thing that's 'being human.' Call it what you will, like superstition, who's not superstitous?
Ignorance that's irrationally maintained by everyone, like a genetic code.
Even disbelief is a faith.
I just read this after I posted.
.........yea, that's some good bud:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
it has taken on several different turns in its lifetime... i wont get into religious debate though...... sits back and watches
I love talkin god, just not with freaks.
More with the none believers, you hear some pretty wild ideas.
After all, it's all ideas, right?
I'm an open book and won't take a position.
Love the subject tho.


Well-Known Member
i live in california and prop 8 is a big deal its for banning gay marriage, i say no let people marry but isnt the marriage liscense a bunch of bull anyway? sounds like another good way to control, before it was a crime for blacks to marry whites. the state shouldnt have a say in your personal relationships


New Member
I love talkin god, just not with freaks.
More with the none believers, you hear some pretty wild ideas.
After all, it's all ideas, right?
I'm an open book and won't take a position.
Love the subject tho.

Too late, u've already taken one. :blsmoke:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Dude, the principal's job is to sit in the office and hold that chair down till 3:30pm.Everyone knows that.;)
Are you prepared to let them have control of the curriculum too then?

I disagree, Public Education is a dismal failure at any rate, and needs to be axed, or at least opened to competition. Maybe with their jobs on the line the teachers will stop raping students, and start teaching students.

Of course, there are other reforms that would also make the education system better. One would be giving principals the ability to hire and fire instead of letting it reside in the board. The principals are like general managers. They are the one's that are responsible for making sure the schools are doing their job. If they don't have the ability to do that, then what's the point of their position, besides cheerleading and figure-heading?


Well-Known Member
You know what?
I think they can have whatever civil unions they want, but not marriage in the church.
I hate haveing arguments as I am very receptive to points of others to the point of often being convinced by the other side...

But on this topic I follow my heart and it says no. It has never been OK since the dawn of man, but suddenly in the last 30 years its the in thing...

I do not believe in the traditional way anymore I have a much more accepting view of other schools of thought etc... yet I have to accept that some of it could be the truth. Just like some people accept a mayan rock with a calendar is the truth of when the world will end...

Something that I remember from church days as a kid, was in revelations where it said, the devil will walk in the streets like a lion... This to me is one example of that devil.

Of course I do not treat gays any diffirent than anyone else, but I feel entitled to an opinion, regardless of how distastefull it may seem, I am merely saying what is on my heart... isn't that better than silence and negative thoughts?

My parents had the most loving, careing relationship I could imagine... maybe this just imprinted deeply on me.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Respectfully, ANC...Homosexuality has been around since history.It's just attitudes change.Ever hear of Sappho?Marc Antony? Julius Ceasar?Alexander the Great?Ganeymede,one of Zeus's lovers, and the myth the Planet Jupiter's Moon Ganymede was named after, was a male nymph Zeus seduced.Look at any history book, or ancient works of fiction, and homosexuality is rampant.That makes it look like we've regressed a bit.It seems to me that homophobia is a bit newer than tolerance.:peace:
You know what?
I think they can have whatever civil unions they want, but not marriage in the church.
I hate haveing arguments as I am very receptive to points of others to the point of often being convinced by the other side...

But on this topic I follow my heart and it says no. It has never been OK since the dawn of man, but suddenly in the last 30 years its the in thing...

I do not believe in the traditional way anymore I have a much more accepting view of other schools of thought etc... yet I have to accept that some of it could be the truth. Just like some people accept a mayan rock with a calendar is the truth of when the world will end...

Something that I remember from church days as a kid, was in revelations where it said, the devil will walk in the streets like a lion... This to me is one example of that devil.

Of course I do not treat gays any diffirent than anyone else, but I feel entitled to an opinion, regardless of how distastefull it may seem, I am merely saying what is on my heart... isn't that better than silence and negative thoughts?

My parents had the most loving, careing relationship I could imagine... maybe this just imprinted deeply on me.


New Member
Marriage is a made up concept to barter a woman and her dowry as property. It was most certainly not about love, which is a very new western barometer. A good portion of the world still operates with arranged marriage and love is not a factor. Property and money is, as always, follow the money to reveal the kernel of truth.

So let's get off the high horse of religion and just stick with real issues. The church was always meant to be the "blessing" on the CONTRACT of BUSINESS, not as the opined arbitrator of the definition of the marriage institution.

As stated previously, people are incredibly superstitious, so getting the church or any other talisman would seem to be a logical step for a legal contract. Marriage was instituted when mankind had no baseline scientific knowledge. Everything was a mystery once the veneer was peeled back. This is the sort of petri dish societal setup which produces religions.

Religions produced in modern times are scoffed at because people are far more informed about the world than ever before.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Religions produced in modern times are scoffed at because people are far more informed about the world than ever before.

You mean like unitarianism, or The ramblings of L. Ron Hubbard scientology. Certainly it's not Christianity of which you speak?