Is foil a bad idea?


Active Member
I'm a newbie in every sense of the word.....but, i have a pretty good looking plant growing in a closet thats about 4'x4'. The walls are painted an off white color, my question is, would I be better off leaving the walls or is aluminum foil better to line the walls with?

I live in an apt. and cant paint the walls and I dont have any money for mylar.....


Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Don't use foil! It can create hotspots in your room and is really not reccomended. Mylar is really not that expensive, suppliers on ebay sell it for £1/metre and you wouldn't need much for a 4x4 closet. The paint shouldn't be too bad but mylar would definatly be better.


Active Member
thanks for the word....ill just leave the walls for now....this is just a test grow from a bag seed anyway. my next grow will be more legit and ill get mylar...(plants a female and lookin good so far though, just started to flower :) )


Well-Known Member
alloy foil : bad bad stuff

this stuff can cause hotspots, it looks cool but can/will burn your plants. it is also a real pain too get perfectly smooth.

white plastic sheet, flat gloss white paint, flat white paint, mylar, black/white plastic.

these named above are best too use. mylar can reflect 85/90+% light back, plastic and paint around 80-90% dependant on product and specs.

could get away with white craft paper , thin white card also if you want real ghetto style.

leave the alloy foil for baking your potatos on the BBQ's. or a banana split and filled with chocolate drops then baked in foil on BBQ, is awesome when your having a good blaze :eyesmoke: try it i just finnished one and still have the munchies lol



Active Member
haha, that banana split sounds like a slice of heaven right now.......and thanks for that info! im moving in a couple days so ill be sure to get something when i move the way...

i'm moving in a day with a 4' plant....were only moving about 4 houses up, but does anyone have any advice about the best way to move my plant with nobody seeing it?


Well-Known Member
box is best

something around the same size as pot and can hold the plant safe, an electrical item box something like that. makes it look like you have white goods for you new pad. same with neuts etc etc keep them outta sight in a box taped up taht way eyes dont look in.

good luck with move, and yeah the choco banana will be a hit when blazed. thats the only stuff you should use tinfoil for in my eyes


Well-Known Member
What are your lights?? CFLs or HID?? If your using CFLs tin foil won't create any hotspots, are harm your plants. If ya got any metal halide or HPS then ya thay could
create hot spots and extra heat for your grow room. Flat white is good and easy if
your room allows.