Is cross-pollination a problem?


If 2 strains are growing in the same space can this cause any issues with the yield?

Will both plants basically produce a hybrid of the 2 strains or will it only effect any seeds that may be produced?

Should I worry about keeping them separate or just enjoy the ride?
If 2 strains are growing in the same space can this cause any issues with the yield?

Will both plants basically produce a hybrid of the 2 strains or will it only effect any seeds that may be produced?

Should I worry about keeping them separate or just enjoy the ride?
if two female plants are in the same space there will be no problems. They can not breed because they have no Pollen. If there is a male, than they can pollinate, and you will eventually have seeds on your female plant. This will diminish your yeild and your THC content, but on the bright side, you will have a host of seeds to plant and play with.

Good luck!


The last grow was a single female that may have been shocked a bit and produced a few seeds. If the same thing were to happen, would the seeds retain the strain of the plant it's on? Would this most likely be a hybrid or is it all just a crap shoot from there? Not worried, just curious.
The last grow was a single female that may have been shocked a bit and produced a few seeds. If the same thing were to happen, would the seeds retain the strain of the plant it's on? Would this most likely be a hybrid or is it all just a crap shoot from there? Not worried, just curious.
Woah, In order for your plant to have produced seeds it needed to have been polinated. Are you growing outside?? or maybe your plant went hermi and polinated itself. anyway, the seeds will be half the genetics of both parents. that is, the mother and the father. father = polenator, mother = flower.

you should spend some time reading though the newbie page. :)


The last plant was inside, by itself. I know it went hermaphroditic, I'm assuming from the stress of the move. I was just curious if the same thing happened with these 2 in a closed space if you could determine what strain/hybrid the seeds would be. I understand how basic horticulture works, males and females etc. However I searched through every forum and even the advanced ones made no mention of this admittedly strange circumstance.
Ahhh, i see,

Well.. hopefully they don't go hermi on you again. if they do both become pollinators, as far as I know, there will be no way to know which seeds came from the pollen of which plant.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy the seeds my friend.. Every time i've shocked em into going hermie I was lucky as ever and ALL the seeds it produced were female!! I know thats not the case for some, but the MYTH that they will produce only hermie seeds is just that, a MYTH...

~cheers om a blunder gone right for you...


I'm definitely not using the hermi seeds if I don't have to. Don't think I'm that lucky, but hopefully the new setup will prevent the need for crossed fingers. Never really thought to worry about the seeds not being female, thanks for the heads up. I guess I'm spoiled to feminized seeds.


Active Member
If a female hermies due to stress, (not genetically predisposed) and pollinates another female, you will get feminized seeds. I had a female hermie and pollinate itself. The next 20 I planted of those seeds produced one male, one hermie and 18 ladies. Just my experience.