Is code really worth it?


Well-Known Member
When you're talking to a connect over the phone, how worthwhile is it to use code? because seriously, if someone's already listening in unless you've got a really slick code they're gonna know something's up.

I think it's a lot easier to just talk straight with em, that just makes life easier.


stays relevant.
I say if you're the one on the receiving end of a deal. Talk however you're expected to. Don't ever screw things up.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Use some thing milk.Ask to borrow some...then they ask how much you need....figure out the measurements before hand...obviously nobody borrows an eight cup of milk, so say a couple tablespoons, 1/4 cup for a quarter,and so on.

Aslan King

Active Member
I am old school and never did a day so i stick to what has worked. Once I have a face to face the phone call shouldn't have to contain codes or anything. Just letting the person that what we agreed to ready. The biggest killer I have seen on phone calls isn't product talk, it's location talk. The gotta earn their money if the want me.:bigjoint:

the worst thing to do is underestimate the cops. If they want you you are done. A popular tactic here is to catch someone leaving your house, use there testimony for warrant. (Don't Deal from your house)