Is Canada Cannabis Growing legit?


Well-Known Member
Live in Manitoba so no legal personal grow allowed... not criminal but comes with a $2000 fine if ur caught. Want to get my acmpr so I can be ‘legit’ but my family doc won’t get on board. Was looking at to get a 5g script for a 25 plant limit, will end up being about $150 for the script.
Anyone have any experience with them?


Well-Known Member
Live in Manitoba so no legal personal grow allowed... not criminal but comes with a $2000 fine if ur caught. Want to get my acmpr so I can be ‘legit’ but my family doc won’t get on board. Was looking at to get a 5g script for a 25 plant limit, will end up being about $150 for the script.
Anyone have any experience with them?
Not me personally but I also live in Manitoba, one of my buddies got a 500$ script from acmpr but I'm not sure for how many plants. So they are legit, you can also get a personal production licence if you have medical problems. I'm probably going to get a personal production licence soon because my depression and anxiety. My parents/brothers will probably get the acmpr soon. Also it's a 2500$ PER PLANT fine in Manitoba for growing without a licence.

Sorry for the book.


Well-Known Member
Lyte clinic. Free 5g a day with 24 plants I believe.



Well-Known Member
Is that Alex who runs that clinic... if so its legit. I know plenty of people who got their scripts from him. I personally use Tony @ license to grow. Used him twice and a few friends did too. Any of the major well known ones are legit. If you look hard enough there should be plenty of doctors these days willing to sign a 5g script for free.


Well-Known Member
Is that Alex who runs that clinic... if so its legit. I know plenty of people who got their scripts from him. I personally use Tony @ license to grow. Used him twice and a few friends did too. Any of the major well known ones are legit. If you look hard enough there should be plenty of doctors these days willing to sign a 5g script for free.
Yea, i keep getting emails from ‘Alex’ but then buddy said his name was Charles lol I had filled in the forms but wasn’t crazy about paying the price so left it, since then I’ve been getting 3 emails per day from Alex/Charles. I get the sales angle but it gives off a bit of a scam kinda vibe... just don’t want to get ripped off.
Its tough because I live in a smaller town in a rural area so not a lot of open minded docs up here unfortunately, so I think I’m stuck paying.
Do you know if they provide the completed page of the health Canada acmpr form that the docs need to complete?


Well-Known Member
Not me personally but I also live in Manitoba, one of my buddies got a 500$ script from acmpr but I'm not sure for how many plants. So they are legit, you can also get a personal production licence if you have medical problems. I'm probably going to get a personal production licence soon because my depression and anxiety. My parents/brothers will probably get the acmpr soon. Also it's a 2500$ PER PLANT fine in Manitoba for growing without a licence.

Sorry for the book.
It’s nuts... such a scam, made by Conservatives with old stereotypes about growing, who think they will force you into buying corporate cannabis (which I will never do lol).
Pretty sure a 5g per day script from a doc AND having them complete and sign the page on the acmpr licence is all that’s needed to get a 25 plant limit.


New Member
I also live in Manitoba and been looking to get a license to grow for personal use . I suffer from anxiety and depression also rectal prolapse and have since I was a kid I’m now 31 years old and my doctor refuses to go on board to help me with cannabis. Even though they openly admitted it could potentially help my conditions when I was a youth and at that time it was not legal yet. I told him I was done talking medications and not feeling like myself and like a zombies told him I was going continue to use it which I have the past 16 years and my doctor still won’t help go this route anyone know of an open minded doctor in Manitoba that would help or consider


Well-Known Member
Ask your dr to refer you to a cannabis specialist. They can't say no. It's your body, your right to choose what LEGAL medicine you prefer. Paying for a script is a scam. Our health care pays for the dr visit. So those drs are 'double dipping'. My dr was more then happy to refer me to a specialist and I have a 9gram a day limit. Free. As it should be. A registered nurse can sign your script. So you may not even be seeing an actual dr.


Well-Known Member
Ask your dr to refer you to a cannabis specialist. They can't say no. It's your body, your right to choose what LEGAL medicine you prefer. Paying for a script is a scam. Our health care pays for the dr visit. So those drs are 'double dipping'. My dr was more then happy to refer me to a specialist and I have a 9gram a day limit. Free. As it should be. A registered nurse can sign your script. So you may not even be seeing an actual dr.
Cannabis specialist hahah they will be like is this a crazy person? Should we call security? Here in Canada you go to the doctor for a common disease and they don't do jack shit let alone something like that. You probably just got very very lucky with your doctor.


Well-Known Member
Here in BC we can grow in our homes though. "Growing cannabis plants at home is legal. Adults 19+ can grow up to four non-medical cannabis plants per household. "


Well-Known Member
Cannabis specialist hahah they will be like is this a crazy person? Should we call security? Here in Canada you go to the doctor for a common disease and they don't do jack shit let alone something like that. You probably just got very very lucky with your doctor.
Uhm. I'm in Canada bro. A cannabis specialist is a dr who specializes in cannabis and writes cannabis scripts. Medical has been legal for a long time. It doesn't matter if your dr doesn't like weed. That's why you're asking for a referral to a dr who specializes in the matter and can make a better non bias decision for you.
The only crazy person would be someone (a dr) not willing to offer you help for your ailments, or a dr who is asking you to pay for a script. You ever pay a dr to write you a script for antibiotics?
And or/ a dr who would rather give you addictive drugs rather than something natural. Stand up for yourself and your rights.


New Member
I forgot to mention that I also suffer frequent nausea & vomiting since I was a kid and my doctors been blaming the cannabis for that saying that it is caused by Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome which is impossible as my nausea and vomiting started years before I’d ever come across cannabis and trying different medications that made me feel not myself and that’s when I found cannabis and found that it helped with the nausea and vomiting didn’t stop it completely but helped minimalize it along with helping my anxiety and depression I’ve explained this to my doctor and they are not listening whatsoever just trying to push me back on medication I don’t believe in and put that they think it’s Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome to the cannabis specialist referral and I was denied because of that


New Member
Been dealing with all of this since I was about 13 now and still haven’t been even properly diagnosed yet and somehow my youth medical history has yet to have been found and this new doctor I’ve been dealing with says my youth file should not matter they can still treat me now but I disagree my youth records are the stem of the problems and a time line that shows how long that I’ve been dealing with this