Is Biden really that bad?

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Even his own secret service guard would kill the fucker if he had to live with him! :lol: Alone with no TV would be the worse possible torture for Donald, forgotten in a cell with nothing but his own thoughts. He would go mad quickly. It might be nice to arrange a jailhouse marriage for him, but that won't happen. Solitary confinement is torture, for a Buddhist monk it would be an opportunity, for Donald it would be torment. Donald would have to live with himself 24/7 with no distractions, the monk would come out stronger, Donald will come out blubbering.
It cost 4 times as much to keep a prisoner in solitary.....thump ain't worth it.

Manufactured crisis.

Good thing we can't have history books anymore, bc of people like you, or you'd know about these things. How many people do you personally know who died in a pandemic so deadly you had to hide from the sun for 2 years. Don't worry. I'll wait. And go first. ZERO
we can't have history books because people like desantis print big piles of bullshit lies that no teacher worth their degree would use.
real teachers don't like to lie to children...that is grooming, cultist
It cost 4 times as much to keep a prisoner in solitary.....thump ain't worth it.
Hey, Donald was always high maintenance, just ask the secret service, he broke their budget at lightspeed. He won't like what the department of prisons does with him eventually after he racks up enough time.
Why don't people like biden? Same reason we don't like democrats in general. Shit like this.

I bet you liberals love this shit. It's probably why you're moving from places like CA, NY, OR to places like TX/FL. Why not stay? You love it so much, right?

Libs are the MOST self ritcheous dipshits the world has seen.
it's a new policy here in CA....if your going to move, then move to TX/FL. Turn American BLUE.
Maybe trump could work on completing his college education (on his own this time) while enjoying his free housing and food in a federal prison cell. I'd pay to watch that on payperview.
Donald had to cheat bigly to get his degree, he's too stupid and indolent to be educated, he could never make it on his own even in his best years. Back then you could pay a smart poor guy to do your work for you and even take your exams in a lecture hall with 300 other students and there is evidence people did that, including his sister.
Donald had to cheat bigly to get his degree, he's too stupid and indolent to be educated, he could never make it on his own even in his best years. Back then you could pay a smart poor guy to do your work for you and even take your exams in a lecture hall with 300 other students and there is evidence people did that, including his sister.
maybe he will get lucky and get a smart cell mate....
Happiness means different things to different people. His means punishing those that he doesn't agree with. His liberty means the right to punish those he doesn't agree with.
Wars have unintended consequences, including this one, Putin blundered in Ukraine and Trump and the GOP did in America. If they lose, the democrats will have no choice but to destroy the fascist among them as a constitutional duty, it won't be pretty.
Happiness means different things to different people. His means punishing those that he doesn't agree with. His liberty means the right to punish those he doesn't agree with.
If I were you I'd take an attack on my family and trying to use them as political pawns personally and would be mightily motivated. When I call this a war I'm not kidding, they are at war with you and the country and have been for a long time. Hopefully they and Donald over reached and it will give the democrats an opportunity to protect the country and constitution by leveling the playing field a bit, dealing with disinformation. Destroy the fascists in congress using an independent special counsel and new anti domestic terrorism laws for the rest of the assholes. They can clean out Mitch's party for him and give the FBI the tools to cut the idiots off at the knees. Make life Hell for 100 plus republicans who voted against certification after the insurrection with public hearings and subpoena powers that an independent special counsel has, do a Clinton on the works of them for two fucking years.
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