Is Biden really that bad?

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Is this one of his meltdowns? I took this stupid fucker off ignore to watch him spazz out. Hey you stupid shit, your ideas are trash because you are a garbage human. The best thing going on in your life is hanimmal writing long posts telling you how wrong you are. Write some more wrong shit to get people to pay attention to you.
He means like me paying school taxes so your kids get an education
You socialist

Forcing other people to pay for things you might like, but they don't prefer, is alot like stealing, except it's worse.

When somebody steals they usually do it stealthily, rather than repeatedly harvest money from them. Extortion might be the proper word to describe your preferred way to "educate" (indoctrinate) people.

Government run schools are alot like prison, except in prisons you're probably less likely to be shot or molested by a pervert.
When you use the word "free" you really mean other people will be forced to pay for decisions some people made and if they don't pay up you're okay with using guns against them right?

If not, what do you mean ?
Yeah, because someone has gotta wipe your ass in a few years. When the sheriff seizes your trailer for back taxes and they auction it off, guns are seldom involved unless they are republicans. People get rescued at sea and off mountain tops daily and from car accidents too, often by helicopter and most of those involve bad decisions.

You gotta pay taxes Rob, stop bitching about it you greedy bastard, maybe someday your taxes will also pay reparations to African Americans in the form of free healthcare for them and improved schools. If they are gonna take over, they might as well be healthy and well educated, though it is the legal immigrants you'll most likely end up working for, they tend to be highly educated.
It's over 90 days until election day, the economy is improving and it's what it's like on election day that counts. The recent wins by the democrats will be kicking in by then too, improving things for tens of millions of Americans. Trump is yet to be spooked by indictments in Georgia and announce his run for 2020 (again) and how he was robbed. Meanwhile Mitch would blow Garland if he would indict Trump tomorrow and get him out of the way, they need to spin real hard this time around. A Trump TV trial in Georgia with 3 ring circus is not what Mitch or the GOP in Georgia need, but they might get it before the election, or at least indictments for Trump. However Georgia is only the first of many indictments for Donald, the hits will keep coming and Donald will keep freaking out. Once he's indicted the judge owns his ass and will muzzle him, so he's still useful running around like Chuckie with a knife inside the GOP. ;-)

Timing is everything and about all the democrats can realistically control, while staying inside the limits of the constitution and law.
Don't forget to capitalize Law. It's kind of important for us granted Rights from whatever Creator we choose, up to and including a baloney sandwich; the middle of which is a slice of most of your posts.
Yeah, because someone has gotta wipe your ass in a few years. When the sheriff seizes your trailer for back taxes and the auction it off, guns are seldom involved

So you are okay with forcing people to wipe my ass and you're willing to use a gun to make them?

While I appreciate your effort in trying to help, I had no idea you bear such love for my nether regiuon. It's kinda dark and hairy and smells like forest humus. very organic!!
Baloney is bad for your health, but health would be the least concern of a covid death cultist and Clorox drinker.

You capitalize Clorox sure as shit though huh while leaving Constitution and Law in lower forms.

"End of quote. Repeat the line."

A Canadian shilling for this is hilarious, excuse me; canadian.
Forcing other people to pay for things you might like, but they don't prefer, is alot like stealing, except it's worse.

When somebody steals they usually do it stealthily, rather than repeatedly harvest money from them. Extortion might be the proper word to describe your preferred way to "educate" (indoctrinate) people.

Government run schools are alot like prison, except in prisons you're probably less likely to be shot or molested by a pervert.
It sounds like the Trump campaign
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