Is Biden really that bad?

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Whoa buddy, roid out a little harder why don’t yuh. I’m putting forward a viable idea on a form of governance run by the actual people themselves instead of a Sliver of exceptionally wealthy. Before you could ever transition to such the idea has to be discussed so like minded get on board to have them running in various jurisdictions. A single candidate couldn’t get the operation on the ground it would have to be represented by a candidate in every district and I guarantee the population would vote for them almost unanimously because we as the people should decide what we want our tax dollars doing. You seriously need to go whack off or something cause you’re angry as fuck
Considering how many people think it is ok to vote for liars, seditionists and theocrats, your populist appeal has large sharks swimming in it.
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Considering how many people think it is ok to vote for liars, seditionists and theocrats, your populist appeal has large sharks swimming in it.
Yup it will but it’s a true democracy if everyone’s voicing their opinions consistently. I’d rather decide I’m willing to spend my taxes on 40 billion of aid to a war I have no stake in than have it forcefully directed there when I’d rather it stay here
Yup it will but it’s a true democracy if everyone’s voicing their opinions consistently. I’d rather decide I’m willing to spend my taxes on 40 billion of aid to a war I have no stake in than have it forcefully directed there when I’d rather it stay here
with MAGA fascists afoot, that might be the wrong way to go.

The remark about Ukraine means beyond question that you are pro-Putin. That is a surprisingly common sentiment among the hard right.
with MAGA fascists afoot, that might be the wrong way to go.

The remark about Ukraine means beyond question that you are pro-Putin. That is a surprisingly common sentiment among the hard right.
No not really see I’m more pro get your own house in order before trying to fix the community
how the fuck do you know what i know or don't know? you come in and make 2 or 3 stupid statements, and then start telling people what is wrong with their lives? i question your credentials to do any of those things...and talk about being happy in a delusional bubble? you seem so lost in delusional bullshit i'm surprised you can even find your way back to the real world to annoy people with your nonsense
how the fuck do you know what i know or don't know? you come in and make 2 or 3 stupid statements, and then start telling people what is wrong with their lives? i question your credentials to do any of those things...and talk about being happy in a delusional bubble? you seem so lost in delusional bullshit i'm surprised you can even find your way back to the real world to annoy people with your nonsense
Stupid statements !attacks !
You and other attacked my statements .
Inflation is so very real ,as for how and what causes it .
Just because you lack the ability to understand or grasp it ,it becomes stupid!
Anyone that does not follow your perspective is YOU ATTACK ,right wing , stupid ECT.....
Stupid statements !attacks !
You and other attacked my statements .
Inflation is so very real ,as for how and what causes it .
Just because you lack the ability to understand or grasp it ,it becomes stupid!
Anyone that does not follow your perspective is YOU ATTACK ,right wing , stupid ECT.....
Once again
Projection or confession?
Seriously cupcake :hug:
I’m more help the community and be nice to the nice kinda former Republican
All about values
Looks it’s all fine and dandy to want to help, but let’s use the home analogy for arguments sake. If you start seeing black mold on your foundation are you going to spend the money on remediating it to make sure you and yours don’t get sick and you and yours remain in good health, or are you going to ignore it and take your money and fix up bob and shielas front porch all the while allowing your problem to expand and continue risking it for your own household? Yeah grant the west is still a good place to be, but keep ignoring the at home issues and addressing the world issues how many generations will it be before it becomes dire straits? The west has always sent aid to others because the quality of life here remained high, but now it’s moderate to good not high. You advance others when you’re in positions to do so not when there’s more than just cosmetic damages to tend to
Looks it’s all fine and dandy to want to help, but let’s use the home analogy for arguments sake. If you start seeing black mold on your foundation are you going to spend the money on remediating it to make sure you and yours don’t get sick and you and yours remain in good health, or are you going to ignore it and take your money and fix up bob and shielas front porch all the while allowing your problem to expand and continue risking it for your own household? Yeah grant the west is still a good place to be, but keep ignoring the at home issues and addressing the world issues how many generations will it be before it becomes dire straits? The west has always sent aid to others because the quality of life here remained high, but now it’s moderate to good not high. You advance others when you’re in positions to do so not when there’s more than just cosmetic damages to tend to
we all live in the same world...a black spot growing anywhere is of concern to all
Looks it’s all fine and dandy to want to help, but let’s use the home analogy for arguments sake. If you start seeing black mold on your foundation are you going to spend the money on remediating it to make sure you and yours don’t get sick and you and yours remain in good health, or are you going to ignore it and take your money and fix up bob and shielas front porch all the while allowing your problem to expand and continue risking it for your own household? Yeah grant the west is still a good place to be, but keep ignoring the at home issues and addressing the world issues how many generations will it be before it becomes dire straits? The west has always sent aid to others because the quality of life here remained high, but now it’s moderate to good not high. You advance others when you’re in positions to do so not when there’s more than just cosmetic damages to tend to
Black mold in most cases in cooler climates is harmless although an eyesore
So who decides the legitimacy of concern on it even being an issue
In southern states black mold is a killer
But it’s not the same mold
Well all I know when Trump was in there I could get supplies at a reasonable cost. Gas was a lot cheaper and everyone was working.

Some don't realize that Democrats didn't like minorities or Marijuana until they found they could use them for votes.
Some don’t realize the Republicans have gone so far right down a rabbit hole no rationally thinking non fascist can follow
Kinda reminds me of Jim Jones followers
Black mold in most cases in cooler climates is harmless although an eyesore
So who decides the legitimacy of concern on it even being an issue
In southern states black mold is a killer
But it’s not the same mold
You’re grasping at straws to dodge the logic behind the analogy. I mean you keep bashing anyone opposed to your views but like so many like minded as you, you ignore and deflect the truth to perpetuate your self appointed moral authority. Everything I said is perfectly logical and I’m sure it drives you wild that you have no rebuttal of substance
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