Is anything impossible?


Well-Known Member
I studied quantum physics and nano in school for materials engineering, but maybe the institution destroyed my creativity to think like that. If man was not around, there would still be physics it's the way things interact with each other
pas always to each their own tho brotha, I admire your ability to question the known tho !


I studied quantum physics and nano in school for materials engineering, but maybe the institution destroyed my creativity to think like that. If man was not around, there would still be physics it's the way things interact with each other
pas always to each their own tho brotha, I admire your ability to question the known tho !
If all we ever followed was the known, we wouldn't have half the stuff we have today:)


Well-Known Member
Thank been here for a couple years, but only ever posted for grow advice.

I imagine that it's entirely possible to change the laws of physics. We just aren't advanced enough to even grasp it yet.
That's not really a good way to look at it, in my opinion.

The law itself is entirely manmade because some guy said "oh well that apple fell on my head, so thats the law of physics"
just as time is only perceived by man. every idea we have is made by man.

i imagine it does on other planets if the gravity is less than it is on earth. Its pretty crazy how lucky we got that we are on a planet with the perfect amount of gravity to keep us from being crushed or floating away. For stoners you guys sure don't have very open minds lol.

You guys should read this its not what you would expect. DEFINITELY NOT A RELIGIOUS THING GOTTA READ ALL OF IT. I figure you guys in this thread would enjoy it.
That's a good short story, Mindphuk posted that a couple of weeks ago. The laws of physics are not invented by man, they are observed and tested. They would exist even if man had never existed. When Newton observed the falling apple (not sure if that story is true) he was obviously witnessing the force of gravity upon the apple, he wasn't inventing it. That's like saying since we observe the ocean, we invented the ocean. If we could invent physical laws we'd probably give ourselves the power of unaided flight, or let cold fusion actually work. As far as we can observe (which is damn far) physical laws hold true and are constant throughout the universe. In what ways could you imagine that we'd be able to break/change these physical laws when every bit of matter and energy in the known universe is governed by them?

P.S. It's good to keep an open mind, but not so open that one's brain falls out ;)


I believe if men weren't, by nature, so greedy, selfish and evil, anything would be possible. Imagine, if we had the power to visit other people on other planets, what would be the first thing to happen? Where's the gold? Maybe someday all people will be kind and respectful to one another, and trust worthy with the powers of time travel and intergalactic travel?


New Member
Like you said, man is too greedy, selfish and I wouldn't say evil but violent, this could really go to the human nature in general. Not all people but there will always be war.


P.S. It's good to keep an open mind, but not so open that one's brain falls out ;)
We can never bend the laws of physics if everyone thinks like that. It obviously is a thought by man because we have LAWS for it. Laws are meant to be broken;)

I'm not saying man invented gravity. Just saying the rules for it are In fact man made.

And the other person who posted about mans greed, selfishness...ect
It has been like that for thousands of years. We are just a couple hundred years into realizing how fucked up the human mind really is. The more we advance the more we realize we have to work together. I imagine none of us, or very few will be alive to see the day man abolishes greed. Its just how our minds have always worked. The human mind is a fragile thing.

No one gets out of life alive, people should realize they don't need to speed it up.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying man invented gravity. Just saying the rules for it are In fact man made.
No they aren't! Gravitation follows the rules that nature set for it. We uncovered the rules, we discovered the laws, we did not invent them.


New Member
well who knows guys... 20,000 years from now we could be more basic than the life we have now. take a look at Ancient history. The greeks had amazing aquaducts and other crazy shit. I think I remember seeing on the history channel that their was a toilet found that dated back to ancient times...but it was lost because of war and destruction after countries went to war with eachother. War is always going to happen...(im guessing) I think the power will constantly be shifting, countries will be on top and eventually fall. Like the old empires.


Gravity is a man made word to better understand it, as is the laws. Weird to compare it to; good and evil is man made, murder is man made. We don't kill to survive anymore. We kill over ego.

Maybe the first step towards abolishing ego is to not say someone is wrong, but to just take it as another theory. Just like people who hate on others religious beliefs that don't realize they are no better if not worse. This isn't school this is a pot forum. I don't need you telling me I am wrong. Im not saying you are wrong just stating my beliefs on the subject. Figured other ganja aficionados would be less.. pardon my language and no offence but "douchey".

I hope for a more simple life. Economy crash, credit card companies fail, and the government falls. I believe anarchy is the best way for us. We need to govern ourselves as individuals, not an entire world as dictators. The age of information is allowing everyone to open their eyes to other happenings.
But the information has its downside;
Anyone else notice all these mass shootings are happening after the media started making the killers famous?


Well-Known Member
Gravity is a word to describe a natural phenomena. ALL words are man-made. The phenomena is not. You cannot simply claim that the discoveries of science are a made up construct. Gravitation, chemical and nuclear reactions, infectious diseases, plate tectonics, evolution; all of these things would and did exist prior to mankind being here to observe and make labels for them.


I didn't say the phenomenon is man made. Why are you preaching on a smokers forum? Shouldn't you be teaching a class? Oh wait No one gives a shit ;)


Well-Known Member
I didn't say the phenomenon is man made. Why are you preaching on a smokers forum? Shouldn't you be teaching a class? Oh wait No one gives a shit ;)
I'm trying to help explain where you are wrong in what you said, so yes, I guess I'm teaching. If you don't give a shit when you are wrong about something, I can't help you with that. Since you repeated the incorrect claim three times, I can only assume you actually do give a shit.

You claim the 'rules' are man-made. Well the 'rules' and the phenomena are the same thing. The only thing man did was to put words and symbols to the rules that already existed. That doesn't make the physics man-made, it makes it man-discovered. There is a distinct difference.


No shits given here. That's all I was saying is that we interpreted it. You are saying I'm wrong when you are reading what I say wrong, but in all actuality you just said exactly what I did. you're a dwarf among midgets congratulations Mr.professor.