Is anything impossible?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
1 million years in the future, one billion years.. Just think about that for a second...

Our civilization has been around for roughly 8-10K years, as we see it today, agriculture, literature, etc.

What could happen 10,000 times from now? That amount of time has happened TEN THOUSAND times over... what would our species look like then? Consider the time it took us to advance from human flight to space flight. 58 years from the first manned flight to a man in space...

What could we do in A MILLION years? 1,000,000. A BILLION? 1,000,000,000!

Is time travel impossible? (if not, why aren't there time travelers from the future visiting us right now?)

Invisibility? Human flight? Telepathy?..

Is anything impossible, given the extent of future technology?
Not a lot actually , because our sun will have burnt out by then .


Well-Known Member
That got me to thinking pad, good post. Now think about this, maybe time travel is possible...but we don't have anyone visiting because the human race won't last long enough to control it or even discover how to beyond theory. The way things are going, they just recently are coming out with contacts that show outside viewers images and they are in the works of making ones that will allow the wearer to see things like text and such (sounds like a video game hud lol). I doubt there is anything impossible. Out of those 8-10k years we have been around, the majority have been pretty much dormant when it comes to advances up until the last couple hundred years where everything kicked off. If we keep going at this rate nothing will be impossible with technology, though I fear we will destroy ourselves before all of the things to do have been done.


Well-Known Member
i think your missing the point he is trying to make, but in the future... there will not be a four sided triangle, unless the ammend the word triangle to have four sides. If you put a woman on heels, she is taller than herself

hopefully in the future good things will come, thats what we all hope (not expect). I feel like south park was pretty damn spot on with the master race and languae as we all blend back together..

I hope we do something in our life time to make sure there is a future tho, we are kinda fucking up the earth. No other living species has made such an impact on the world as humans, maybe we should be kinder.


I imagine that humans are capable of genetic mutation to the point that we can live infinitely if not for hundreds of years. I am sure humans are capable of evolving to god like proportions, but not in our lifetime!

And i agree with Indagrow, I think in a couple hundred years if not less there will be only one distinct race of humans. As we are all only one race... Human. Cross breeding between colors of humans will likely end up with one grey race ;) (love south park btw)

Its very likely nothing is impossible because well... in the words of joe rogan [h=1]“If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.”[/h]


Well-Known Member
It's impossible to know anything with 100% certainty.

It's impossible to know someone who is a 'married bachelor'.


Well-Known Member
It will always be impossible to break the laws of physics. Anything we accomplish in the future, no matter how amazing, we will do within the physical laws. It's also impossible to have a super hot girl that isn't also crazy...


It will always be impossible to break the laws of physics. Anything we accomplish in the future, no matter how amazing, we will do within the physical laws. It's also impossible to have a super hot girl that isn't also crazy...
Well if you think about it, the law of physics is man made. Anything man made has flaws. And yes every girl is also crazy Haha. Sweet name by the way. "Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else"


Well-Known Member
lol. you can't be two women of different heights at the same time.
Not at the same time, but I think that's another conflict of the rules of reality, like the 4 sided triangle. You can, however, be the same woman of different heights at different times through medical procedures.


Well-Known Member
Well if you think about it, the law of physics is man made. Anything man made has flaws. And yes every girl is also crazy Haha. Sweet name by the way. "Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else"
The laws of physics are not man made, they are merely discovered by man (and I suspect any other sufficiently intelligent, sentient creatures throughout the cosmos). There may be physical laws yet undiscovered, but that is beside my point. Good to see you here, welcome to RIU...


Well-Known Member
Number 1, yes, but number 2 is just a language barrier. That's sort of cheating, as Buck's earlier example with the 4 sided triangle
It's not cheating.

It's a defined property. You could say that about anything in language, there's always a barrier based upon the definition of the object. It's impossible to go up and down at the same time, in the same sense. It's impossible for two distinctly different items to occupy the same space/time simultaneously.

It's impossible for something with mass to pass the speed of light! (we'll see about this one) :D


The laws of physics are not man made, they are merely discovered by man (and I suspect any other sufficiently intelligent, sentient creatures throughout the cosmos). There may be physical laws yet undiscovered, but that is beside my point. Good to see you here, welcome to RIU...
Thank been here for a couple years, but only ever posted for grow advice.

I imagine that it's entirely possible to change the laws of physics. We just aren't advanced enough to even grasp it yet.


Well-Known Member
We can change our understanding of physics, maybe to better manipulate it to our advantage...but physics happens wether we observe it or not. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, dose it float away?


We can change our understanding of physics, maybe to better manipulate it to our advantage...but physics happens wether we observe it or not. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, dose it float away?
That's not really a good way to look at it, in my opinion.

The law itself is entirely manmade because some guy said "oh well that apple fell on my head, so thats the law of physics"
just as time is only perceived by man. every idea we have is made by man.

i imagine it does on other planets if the gravity is less than it is on earth. Its pretty crazy how lucky we got that we are on a planet with the perfect amount of gravity to keep us from being crushed or floating away. For stoners you guys sure don't have very open minds lol.

You guys should read this its not what you would expect. DEFINITELY NOT A RELIGIOUS THING GOTTA READ ALL OF IT. I figure you guys in this thread would enjoy it.