Is anyone else "obsessed" with growing?

I think being "obsessed" with plants is a advantageous survival trait that is passed on genetically. Not long ago being obsessed with plants meant a better chance of survival. That "satisfaction of being with plants" feeling is a reward mechanism. It keeps you coming back.
That is a very neat way of looking at it. Considering many healing properties of modern medicine are plant extracts, before big pharma we relied on shamans and herbalists. Since I've started growing I have gotten more into actual veggie gardening as well, and started planting fruit trees throughout my property. I pay a lot more attention to my girls though, only for fear of having to depend on other sources for herb. I now absolutely prefer to know where my stuff came from, and it just feels amazing puffing, knowing that this is something that I tended from seed to fruit. Gardening in general has really opened my eyes to a more peaceful way of life. I care less and less about materialistic things each passing day. Living like a hobbit ftw.
I was thinking lately, wondering if anyone else is as obsessed with growing their plants as I am. Wanting to go check on them every hour..... Thinking about those beautiful thick sparkling buds when your away.....constantly nurturing them any way you can...always researching ways to improve your ladies? Praying nothing bad happens to them??

Am I alone? :weed:

keep others away and your pleasure remains.
I was thinking lately, wondering if anyone else is as obsessed with growing their plants as I am. Wanting to go check on them every hour..... Thinking about those beautiful thick sparkling buds when your away.....constantly nurturing them any way you can...always researching ways to improve your ladies? Praying nothing bad happens to them??

Am I alone? :weed:
Lol Both me and my wife would say obsessed is an understatement.
There is another part that is just as satisfying. Most of our lives are spent consuming. The ability to produce something is rare. Having a large stack of firewood, food you have grown and stored, herbs you have dried. I think these are also in our psyche and create a sense of "satisfaction". Once you get some skills down abundance starts flowing. This I feel creates a "generosity of spirit". You have so much. You want to share what you have with others.
i won't go into detail, but i'm not a very mentally stable person. i started growing weed indoors for a couple of reasons, mostly, i was tired of paying stupid prices to idiots who didn't even know what they were selling, but once i got started, it became an "obsession" i guess...
when i'm stressed out and would like to kick the ass of the next person who bothers me, i go sit and play with the plants, check for any problems, check how heavy the pots are, and i find myself just zoning out looking at the sea of green, i'm not mad anymore...till the next asshole comes and bothers me
i won't go into detail, but i'm not a very mentally stable person. i started growing weed indoors for a couple of reasons, mostly, i was tired of paying stupid prices to idiots who didn't even know what they were selling, but once i got started, it became an "obsession" i guess...
when i'm stressed out and would like to kick the ass of the next person who bothers me, i go sit and play with the plants, check for any problems, check how heavy the pots are, and i find myself just zoning out looking at the sea of green, i'm not mad anymore...till the next asshole comes and bothers me

It's great that you have an outlet for it. People are just the worst.
I never get tired of it, been growing on/off for 35 years and this plant still amazes me. The indoor garden is like my zen spot where I can just be with the plants and nothing/no one else, heaven if you ask me. When I get passionate about something my OCD takes over and if channeled in the right direction I look at it as a good thing, it's just a matter of using it for something useful/productive. Welcome to the club and embrace your OCD! ;)
I was that way at first but after a couple of grows I was only concerned with making it as easy as possible. Now growing in coco with blumats I sometimes go a couple days without even looking at my plants. Automated watering and everything else on timers. The thing I dread the most is harvest time. I hate trimming buds. It was neat the first couple of harvests now it's just a boring chore.
I was thinking lately, wondering if anyone else is as obsessed with growing their plants as I am. Wanting to go check on them every hour..... Thinking about those beautiful thick sparkling buds when your away.....constantly nurturing them any way you can...always researching ways to improve your ladies? Praying nothing bad happens to them??

Am I alone? :weed:

You are not alone:

clocking up over 40 years here

I'd call it a compulsion not quite obsessive yet!
i won't go into detail, but i'm not a very mentally stable person. i started growing weed indoors for a couple of reasons, mostly, i was tired of paying stupid prices to idiots who didn't even know what they were selling, but once i got started, it became an "obsession" i guess...
when i'm stressed out and would like to kick the ass of the next person who bothers me, i go sit and play with the plants, check for any problems, check how heavy the pots are, and i find myself just zoning out looking at the sea of green, i'm not mad anymore...till the next asshole comes and bothers me
Diddo, I find peace and calmness whenever I'm with my gals. Unless I find a bud worm... those motherfuking plum sucking dick holes piss me the f*** off!
If a pot plant grows and no one gets high off of it, did it ever really live?
Good question. I may find out. Or maybe not. Back in July there were 5 cop cars and a helo down at my STL patch. I assumed the plants had been chopped, like another nearby patch had been, so I stayed away. But I recently went down there to look, and all 3 plots with 11 plants total are still there. Part of me wants to go chop them down, and another part wants to just let them die. That is a lot of cops to decide not to put out cameras. Not sure which part will win.
Good question. I may find out. Or maybe not. Back in July there were 5 cop cars and a helo down at my STL patch. I assumed the plants had been chopped, like another nearby patch had been, so I stayed away. But I recently went down there to look, and all 3 plots with 11 plants total are still there. Part of me wants to go chop them down, and another part wants to just let them die. That is a lot of cops to decide not to put out cameras. Not sure which part will win.

Ghillie suit
But as far as growing weed goes, I have a love hate relationship with it. Love all the good parts. When the rain comes right and they are growing like crazy. When they respond to the LOB work and become a bush. Love the first taste of a new strain in the fall. Popping seeds of all the new crosses you have made. Planning on all the crosses to come.

Hate it when the cops find your grow. When rain doesn't stop and whole plants melt down before your eyes. When the termites kill budding plants. When you find worms in your harvested bud.

I do good to get to my patches once a week. But I do spend lots of time thinking about them when I'm not there. And this time of year, I spend all my free time trimming.
I can beat the cameras if they are there. But everyone would still know it was me. {I broke my never grow where you play rule} If I do the creepy crawly thing, I will wait until all my other plants are in the barn. It's been 2 1/2 months since they had any care, and this is the worst year for bud rot I have ever seen, so not expecting much left. I would like to snag any seeds though.
i won't go into detail, but i'm not a very mentally stable person.

Well, you can't be all bad, since you play LOTR LCG.

I don't know if obsessed is the right word, but I really enjoy growing. Such an interesting rewarding hobby that keeps you on your toes.