Is anyone else "obsessed" with growing?

When I first started growing, I was absolutely obsessed with it. I'd spend every single day on this site absorbing everything I could, and helping others the best I could..
It was actually pretty unhealthy!! It became my everything. I would check on my babies several times an hour.
I'd awaken in the middle of the night, and feel COMPELLED to go in and check on them.
It actually worried my friends and family. I'm an addict, and on the Methadone Maintenance Program. As an of my problems is that I can't do anything halfway... I turn up every vice to 11/10.
It's good for the plants, but bad for the grower.
I was thinking lately, wondering if anyone else is as obsessed with growing their plants as I am. Wanting to go check on them every hour..... Thinking about those beautiful thick sparkling buds when your away.....constantly nurturing them any way you can...always researching ways to improve your ladies? Praying nothing bad happens to them??

Am I alone? :weed:
Yep. You're completely alone.

Especially here on a weed growing forum.

Pass that shit, bro- it HAS to be good!
I'd grow even if I couldn't consume it.
Its a beautiful plant in every way.
When the kids are gone ill likely use cob recessed ceiling lights/lamps and have moms all over the place for decor.
I forget what thread I saw it on, but a gardener type guy has a big ass mom growing in the middle of his living room with just sunlight. He has a small cabin, so it takes up a good chunk of the room.
If Cannabis had no other properties than smell and looks. It would be a favorite garden plant along side tulips and roses. Just so you know tulip, roses and orchid people are crazy as fuck too and they dont smoke their plants.
No shit. Tulip Mania, anyone?
I've got OCD tendencies, so yeah, especially being my first grow, I'm definitely obsessed. I'm hand watering 8 plants in soil in a walk in closet. Even on days where the plants don't need watering, I can't help going in and just checking on them at least 3 or 4 times a day. It doesn't help that I work from home, so I can pop in to my grow room anytime.
Lat week of a grow is the worst, want to check them every hour. Counting down now, if i pull them now its ok but a little longer and its perfect. Thats what keeps me from chopping them now.
It seems like every day i miss not checking in with my plants something happens so i try to never skip a single day while theyre growing anymore.

Curing in the other hand? ...shiiiiitttt, ive been in the curing room at minimum, three times a day and sometimes more swapping hygrometers around, taking in the aromas, shaking bottles around, feeling a couple buds here and there.. its crazy. Im two and half weeks into this cure and every day has been obsessive like...
I was thinking lately, wondering if anyone else is as obsessed with growing their plants as I am. Wanting to go check on them every hour..... Thinking about those beautiful thick sparkling buds when your away.....constantly nurturing them any way you can...always researching ways to improve your ladies? Praying nothing bad happens to them??

Am I alone? :weed:
Alone?? No , my wife is alone because all I care about is that fucking plant..her words.. I love it , roll it up is my it
Lat week of a grow is the worst, want to check them every hour. Counting down now, if i pull them now its ok but a little longer and its perfect. Thats what keeps me from chopping them now.
Yep.....last week or two....ive got 12 footers and there is no way i can canopy them like last year for the projected rain...plants too tall. Was thinking of buying some thin plastic painters cloth and draping over and secure with a belt of string ( wind if any).
Or...should i just let em get rained on?
Input appreciated.
Yep.....last week or two....ive got 12 footers and there is no way i can canopy them like last year for the projected rain...plants too tall. Was thinking of buying some thin plastic painters cloth and draping over and secure with a belt of string ( wind if any).
Or...should i just let em get rained on?
Input appreciated.
That size i would do nothing but praying there's no rain coming. Draping the stuff around the plant blocks ventilation in and around the plant.
My better half says if all she has to compete against are my plants, then that’s cool!!! Now naming my plants and taking to them is just part of growing. Is it not??

When I was around 15, I wanted to be at a time when I never run out of my fav herb!! Now I am there!! Life is great...