Is Afghan Kush Really Worth This Much?

u right but thas VERY VERY CHEAP WHERE IM in tx oz's are 450 and up!.....300 a oz is a steal here............thas the best deal of the century so 3200 a lb is NOTHING!
My jedi kush goes for 5 a p and for close friends etc its 4200 ,but we have been doing this for 12 years

I recently just picked up 5 afgahn kush seeds all feminized
kush goes for 600/Oz in my area. Yea 600 WTF. I'm never paying that much I don't care how good it is.
Yes it is one of the best strains around, 3200 a pound is steep tho, grow it on your own and its pretty much free, heres a link to some Afgan Kush seeds for $20 :

I was looking for some nice kush picks when i look at wikipedia and i see this

this is an exsact quote

"Afghan Kush is an expensive variety of cannabis with prices at around $3,200 per pound."

if you dont belive me look at the site here
Afghan Kush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

neways do you guys think this is true or just a load of caca?
I was looking for some nice kush picks when i look at wikipedia and i see this

this is an exsact quote

"Afghan Kush is an expensive variety of cannabis with prices at around $3,200 per pound."

if you dont belive me look at the site here
Afghan Kush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

neways do you guys think this is true or just a load of caca?
well depends where you live i live in qatar which is in the arabian gulf close to afghanistan , and my freind bought a one pound slab of hash which is about the size of your palm and one third the thikness of your palm and it cost him 5000 qatari ryals which is about 1369$ the added price in america can be considered as tax and transport fees.
i prefferr weed realy as it is a fun drug , trust me guys stay away from hash as it is very strong and can be addictive as it can have chemical additives (egyption hash) or in the case of afghani it has opium additives which is very hurtfull and has a dirty high where u cant even walk ull just sleep... its no fun , unless u enjoy being stoned out of your mind =].:joint::hump: :weed: the main strains in qatar are afghani hash and pills and indonesian weed which is humid but strrrrroooonnnngggg.
Yeah man that sounds normal to me, even a hook up in some cases. I mean look at it this way. If you take the normal prices, well i'm taking the ones where I live, and then just compare

If you have the normal 50 and 8 100 a quarter 150 a half 200-300 an O.

A $3200 pound comes out to only $200 an ounce. Now I now to just about everyone on here will have a different opinion on whether that is cheap or not but I don't care. In some places I now people who are happy to get a $280 ounce.

So the answer is yes, it's only 200 an ounce man, just do the math.
id say its about AVG for most places

if you think thats expesive..get some pricing on Gold Seal Afghani hash! its very tuff to find it since the war fired up.
been getting afghan kush for $280 an ounce, great shit
Lucky You :) Around here it go for , if it was around probally $350-380 oz .. Maybe .. Might even be $400 if you only get 1. Sucks this thread is making me want to smoke and all I have is some brown ass Mex brick weed that I payed Mid prices for and got schwag. $120oz.
Doesnt even get me high ... Hate not having a legit dealer ... I think I'll go get a headache now :)
Lucky You :) Around here it go for , if it was around probally $350-380 oz .. Maybe .. Might even be $400 if you only get 1. Sucks this thread is making me want to smoke and all I have is some brown ass Mex brick weed that I payed Mid prices for and got schwag. $120oz.
Doesnt even get me high ... Hate not having a legit dealer ... I think I'll go get a headache now :)

come to canada the money you spend to get here you save on chronic