Iron Sky = Awesomesauce!


Well-Known Member
Space Nazis are going to attack us! Only Sara Palin can save us! (She can see them from Alaska!)
Seriously. Go get your friends and a bunch of alcohol. Smoke a few bowls and watch this movie. Good stuff. lol.


CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice on the flick. I hope there are lots of nude scenes not really porno just lots of juicy titties. Are there black titties in this movie because I love them black girl titties. I guess I'll watch it now after I finish my soup and crackers. Thanks alot, CC


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice on the flick. I hope there are lots of nude scenes not really porno just lots of juicy titties. Are there black titties in this movie because I love them black girl titties. I guess I'll watch it now after I finish my soup and crackers. Thanks alot, CC
Lol. No, No black titties that i can remember. Just a nice "higher" budget b-movie that is kind of intentionally funny. It really reminds me of the better b-movies that used to come out in the early/mid eighties. Remember renting movies from the local video shop and watching garbage like Chopping Mall or Bits & Pieces? They truly don't make many good b-movies like that anymore. As opposed to the grade D shit they produce for say SyFy (seefee? wtf is that anyway? dumb name change) these days.


Well-Known Member
Lol. No, No black titties that i can remember. Just a nice "higher" budget b-movie that is kind of intentionally funny. It really reminds me of the better b-movies that used to come out in the early/mid eighties. Remember renting movies from the local video shop and watching garbage like Chopping Mall or Bits & Pieces? They truly don't make many good b-movies like that anymore. As opposed to the grade D shit they produce for say SyFy (seefee? wtf is that anyway? dumb name change) these days.
Hobo with a shotgun is a pretty decent recent b-movie. For some reason nothing else is coming to mind.


Well-Known Member
Hobo with a shotgun is a pretty decent recent b-movie. For some reason nothing else is coming to mind.
Hobo with a shotgun was spectacular. That was 70's exploitation mimicry at it's best! That movie has some of the best quotes in recent memory.

'When life gives you razor blades, you make a baseball bat... with razor blades."
'It's a beautiful day for a skate-rape!"
'I'm gonna wash away my blood... with your blood! "
'You look so hot, I just want to cut off my dick and rub it against your titties!

I could go on all day...