Thank you Raven, I needed to know that !
With that said, I can't really take any of your comments seriously .... in a political or historical context. As your opinions are obviously biased.(programmed)
I don not believe in imaginary beings overseeing 'heaven' and chosen people .... nor any form of holy land. As to me, that is the root of this whole problem.
(Please don't take this personally) I will not attack your religious affiliation nor your overlords.
As this is not the scope of this thread. And it's seems you have a lot of things to investigate and learn ... but I imagine it might be to late for you.
Your just as blinded by your preconceived notions as I am, the only difference is I realize there is nothing absolute and I could be wrong, your sure there isn't a god, but neither of us have any way of proving it. My views don't come from those I was raised with, because I tend not to agree with them. Most of my religious views are oddly based on 20 years studying various aspects of the occults and experimenting on them. So what it comes down to is, you know what you know, and I know what I know, but to be so pompous as to be sure your right. There is no way for either of us to know that. So I appreciate the concern, but concern yourself with yourself, and I'll do the same, and we'll call come out stoned on the other end. In fact the only part of the traditional Christian views I do believe is that they are a chosen people. I believe this not so much because of scripture, but more because of how much of this and previous conflicts have them right in the middle. I don't think of God like I'm supposed to, a great omnipotent old man that thinks like we do, but as our cells our separate entities, that come together to make a whole (us) thats what I believe God. The sum of all creation. Does that make sense? Tell you the truth, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold on to the title christian, as I don't see the bible as infallible, it was written by man with his own biased and agenda's, and from what we are learning from history, Jesus wasn't the first person to make his claim, and he was doing exactly as the one before him had done like someone following an example...but like we've both said, this isn't in the scope of this thread, want to talk more about it, pm me

I'm always game for a good theological talk...
Puffer, Always remember this. I've known someone 25 years and found out I didn't know them at all, never get the idea you understand someone from one post. Nothing is what it seems.
P.S- it occurs to me history is nothing but the records of the winners, so how can you take anyone seriously on a historical basis? Does having religious views mean someone flunked history class? The more I think about it, your post was quite weak, did you think it through before you sent it? Or do you feel your views are superior because you have no religion?