Ipcc report 2013

So your not going to read report then?

Is your version of reality that delicate?

I wouldn't even wipe my tukas with it, let alone read it. The IPCC has shown it's ass so many times now, it has NO credibility with anyone other than hardcore liberal douchebags and Eco-loons.

While I am a staunch supporter of nuclear power and technological advances in "green" energy, I accept no horseshit timetables, deadlines, restrictions or payouts based on the predictions of people who thus far, look like a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a doorknob.

Good luck with that. The left distrusts and hates the right, and vice versa.

This is a lot like the war on the second amendment in the US. You can't compromise with the gun grabbers, there is no middle ground.
But your happy to reduce carbon emissions? Your happy to support nuclear? But because of wing nuts there's no middle ground?

Or have we at least this one time met in centre?
Did you notice they hugely dropped their lowest potential figures?

The Earth is definitely warming, I'm still not convinced its solely due to human influences tho.

the bolded is blasphemy, you should be Drawn And Quartered for questioning the "consensus"!

i bet youll appear on the Skeptical Science Name and Shame list for that impious remark...
I wouldn't even wipe my tukas with it, let alone read it. The IPCC has shown it's ass so many times now, it has NO credibility with anyone other than hardcore liberal douchebags and Eco-loons.

While I am a staunch supporter of nuclear power and technological advances in "green" energy, I accept no horseshit timetables, deadlines, restrictions or payouts based on the predictions of people who thus far, look like a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a doorknob.


"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MuyLocoNC again."
But your happy to reduce carbon emissions? Your happy to support nuclear? But because of wing nuts there's no middle ground?

Or have we at least this one time met in centre?
You don't have to be an Ecoloon to know reducing our dependence on carbon based fuels is not only expedient but common sense, but basing it on the theory that humans will have turned Earth to Mercury in only 7 years is ridiculous tho...
You don't have to be an Ecoloon to know reducing our dependence on carbon based fuels is not only expedient but common sense, but basing it on the theory that humans will have turned Earth to Mercury in only 7 years is ridiculous tho...


I wouldn't even wipe my tukas with it, let alone read it. The IPCC has shown it's ass so many times now, it has NO credibility with anyone other than hardcore liberal douchebags and Eco-loons.

While I am a staunch supporter of nuclear power and technological advances in "green" energy, I accept no horseshit timetables, deadlines, restrictions or payouts based on the predictions of people who thus far, look like a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a doorknob.


"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MuyLocoNC again."
Thank both for discounting yourselves from conversation
You don't have to be an Ecoloon to know reducing our dependence on carbon based fuels is not only expedient but common sense, but basing it on the theory that humans will have turned Earth to Mercury in only 7 years is ridiculous tho...
No one's saying we're going to turn into mercury

The industrial revolution started way over a hundred years we've been at this for a while now...

What sort of timescale were you looking for? Or are you perfectly happy to pass the problem down the line yet again?
So your not going to read report then? Is your version of reality that delicate?
Everything you've said about DesertDude applies equally to you. I can, however, tell you with absolute certitude that Earth will return to an ice age, as it has with regularity for the last BILLION years
I can, however, tell you with absolute certitude that Earth will return to an ice age, as it has with regularity for the last BILLION years
when is it going to return to an ice age? What are your temperature forecasts for the time before that?

Vague declarations always trumps science right?
I for one do not support the "live in mud huts" ideology There are some efficiency improvements we can make in the western world but ultimately we have a world full of people that have every right to enjoy the same power luxuries that US westerners do Now it's perfectly possible for us to get off of carbon fuels and that's without wasting huge amounts or money and damaging large tracts of land with renewables (I do think they have a place in power but not to supply baseload power) The one simple answer is nuclear power Don't forget fukishima was one of the world's oldest reactors.... it was hit by one of the biggest earthquakes ever recorded... (dropping a meter compared to sea level)... then hit by a frigging tsunami... We have the technology and the fuel to power ourselves with nuclear power for over 20000 years http://www.withouthotair.com/
Water vapor causes much more greenhouse effect than co2. A fact conveniently ignored by the AGW alarmists. Nuclear power is not a simple answer.
when is it going to return to an ice age? What are your temperature forecasts for the time before that? Vague declarations always trumps science right?
Puh-leeeez! Let's not pretend your "Vague declarations" are science. My predictions? The warm period we enjoy now is not as warm as the last interglacial warm period, which was cooler than the one prior to that, which was cooler than the one prior to that, etc., so enjoy it while you can. The AGW crowd has been caught lying too many times to have their predictions to be taken at face value. If their case was irrefutable, why do they lie? Al Gore, arguably the leader of the movement, uses hundreds of times the carbon of the average American. He doesn't practice what he preaches. How true can his sermon be?
AlGore is suggesting that there be political penalties for anyone who continues to deny that humans are the primary cause of global warming...

Guess that 1st amendment is getting in his way for global power domination...

When someone starts demanding that discussion be penalized you know they are on the losing end of the argument.