Iowa vs louisiana


Well-Known Member
you dont understand. New Orleans is know as a "trouble" area. why do you think we host events like mardi gras? no where else can you get away with that shit! not to mention, what you didnt say is that THE GOVERNMENT KNEW THAT THE LEVEES WERE STRUCTURALLY UNSOUND AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT! they knew for YEARS! and only evacuated us 2 days before it hit! no power, water, food and cops are shooting at us because were "stealing food" YOU LEFT US THERE TO DIE DAMNIT! Thats why we lost our damn minds!


Dont let anyone fool you twisty. Louisiana is a shithole. New orleans is the pickpocket capitol of the world after paris. THe crime and gang rate their is outrageous. When they moved those people to houston(which is probably 4 times the size of NO), houstons crime and homicide rate skyrocketed. Now they really want to rebuild it. If anyone was thinking, they would let it die.

damn 40; nola is just one city much do you really know about the people of our state?? or new orleans for that matter? it is rich with history and culture...its not all bourbon st and caliope.... but hell, since the beginning of its history, nola has been a drinking, gambling, whore fuckin, rowdy place...why expect any different now. but if you really want to get into what makes our poor different from iowa, hit me up on pm, i dont like to get political in public..:joint:peace


Well-Known Member
Hurricane 1st......then flood..........
double whammy...........don't forget..

Brownie............good job:mrgreen:
Katrina bypassed New Orleans and landed in Mississippi. Fail.

The difference is the distinction between a culture rooted in government dependence and a culture that is self-reliant.

Katrina just took out the garbage.


Well-Known Member
missed us? are you fuckin kidding? did u wade thru the wreckage of your house or visit the hospital complaining of "katrina cough"? im not garbage, im a citizen of a corrupt state yes, but im not garbage. that shits offensive man.


missed us? are you fuckin kidding? did u wade thru the wreckage of your house or visit the hospital complaining of "katrina cough"? im not garbage, im a citizen of a corrupt state yes, but im not garbage. that shits offensive man.

thank you. +rep bro; kinda offended by this thread myself, awaiting some replies...


Well-Known Member
It was not a direct hit. Mississippi took the brunt of the damage. In NO, the problems started in the days after Katrina passed by, when the levees broke. Levees that National Geographic said would break in a 2004 issue. Civil engineers said for decades the levees would not hold.

When I said taking out the garbage I was by no means referring to every resident of NO. I was referring to the criminals who took charge in the wake of the flooding. I am talking about the criminal refugees who migrated to Houston, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, Memphis, Dallas/Fort Worth. etc. The trash that continues to occupy government funded hotel rooms to this day.


Well-Known Member
the hurricane was downgraded a catagory but it was still a catagory 5 when it hit land.
you try evacuating an entire city in the span of 2, maybe 3 days that is a topographally defined as a soupbowl. hurricane drops enough water to lift the boats in the water, then said boats crash thru a levee and floods... into a city full of people who had weathered hurricanes before and were unable to leave, even if they wanted to. dont make a blanket statement about a state just because of over-sensationalism from the news. sorry i flew off the handle, but that is a pet peeve of mine. I love my state, no matter what happens.


It was not a direct hit. Mississippi took the brunt of the damage. In NO, the problems started in the days after Katrina passed by, when the levees broke. Levees that National Geographic said would break in a 2004 issue. Civil engineers said for decades the levees would not hold.

When I said taking out the garbage I was by no means referring to every resident of NO. I was referring to the criminals who took charge in the wake of the flooding. I am talking about the criminal refugees who migrated to Houston, Baton Rouge, Shreveport, Memphis, Dallas/Fort Worth. etc. The trash that continues to occupy government funded hotel rooms to this day.
i understood what you meant bro; wasnt really offended by your post... but those people are the same ones who before katrina, were living in government housing projects, getting government healthcare and income, and eating government cheese; why would we expect them to take care of themselves now?? i agree that these folks are trash; but still no reason to advocate our entire state/people as a shithole....

Dont let anyone fool you twisty. Louisiana is a shithole. New orleans is the pickpocket capitol of the world after paris. THe crime and gang rate their is outrageous. When they moved those people to houston(which is probably 4 times the size of NO), houstons crime and homicide rate skyrocketed. Now they really want to rebuild it. If anyone was thinking, they would let it die.


New Member
i understood what you meant bro; wasnt really offended by your post... but those people are the same ones who before katrina, were living in government housing projects, getting government healthcare and income, and eating government cheese; why would we expect them to take care of themselves now?? i agree that these folks are trash; but still no reason to advocate our entire state/people as a shithole....
You are right. I should have said Orleans


and that is the "difference between iowa and louisiana"; you are allowing those people that i speak of above shape your entire view of a state....the rest of us got boats, chainsaws, tractors, 4wheelers and got to work as soon as the rain stopped; we drove to texas to pick up trailers of generators and barrels of gas, then ran stores and put our lives back together ourselves before bush and "fema" were even involved; and alot of us recieved no help from anyone but ourselves and each other (friends/neighbors). but im sure those kind of stories dont make news up there....just the ones about our "new orleans thugs":roll:


Well-Known Member
if you are placed in an enviroment that is corrupt, you yourself will become corrupt.
if you recieve no help finacially from your job, city, government, of state, you will do whats necessary to survive. regardless of what that may be


You are right. I should have said Orleans

still yet, just the same small percentage of people...they have been our problem for years; i suppose you dont know about fema/nat'l guard not allowing "civillian boat rescue" and our shithole city residents refusing to stop helping their neighbors; understanding that under the circumstances they could have legally shot them...we are not bad people

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The difference is the distinction between a culture rooted in government dependence and a culture that is self-reliant.
I get where you are going with that ^^^ and I agree to a point. I mean I'm not sure how self-reliant someone can be when they are trapped on the rooftop of their home with no food, water or way out. On the other hand....when a MONSTER hurricane is headed your way.... you need to GET THE FUCK OUT! The IDIOT governor of LA and even BIGGER IDIOT Mayor of NOLA did nothing to get the people out in time..... although here in FL there are many poor people too.... but the government doesn't evac us.... we are responsible to get our own sorry asses out of the way. SELF RELIANCE!

Yeah Johnny hate to say it but Katrina was much larger than those Mentos looking circles... here you are...
Right you are.... my home is 300 miles East of where Katrina hit and my home was ROCKING with hurricane force winds at a Category 1 level as it was making landfall.

Hopefully Katrina has taught us ALL to not get complacent just because we don't have a direct hit hurricane for a few years.... because the minute you drop your guard and "poo poo" the seriousness of a hurricane.... BAM Mother Nature is gonna come along and open up a big ol can of whoop ass on you ;)


Well-Known Member
Government cheese. LOL!

For the record, I love New Orleans and I believe it is now, and will be a better place to live and visit.

Who would not love a town that soundly defeated the British; under the command of Andrew Mutherfucking Jackson consisting of U.S. Army regulars and a ragtag group of pirates and militia?


Government cheese. LOL!

For the record, I love New Orleans and I believe it is now, and will be a better place to live and visit.

Who would not love a town that soundly defeated the British; under the command of Andrew Mutherfucking Jackson consisting of U.S. Army regulars and a ragtag group of pirates and militia?
at least YOU know a little bit about who we are here...