Interesting Facts About The Bible And Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Actually the only thing he wants us to do is spread the gospel and save the lost.

Also Jesus is God in the flesh..
lol Jesus is not god in any way shape or form. There's no way that's possible. Well there is one way, Jesus had a Multiple personality and talked to himself alot lol


Well-Known Member
The gospels were written 30-100 years after Jesus' life.

One man is most likely responsible for why you believe Christianity is true, and his name isn't Jesus.


Well-Known Member
I notice that the people that do not have any real insight on these subjects are usually the ones that throw insults around.
He says jus before he makes an insult...

I'm sorry if you can't read fast enough to keep up with the video's. There are reading programs out there if you need help. lol.
Do you think his problem is that he can't read fast? If he enters a reading program will the videos suddenly become interesting? Is there some sort of program that would help you extract a point from what people are saying?
I don't really give a crap whether you like the way I put information out here or not. It's quite entertaining to know that it bothers you though.
Did he say he personally had a problem with it, or was he simply trying to put comments into context? Do you not think it would help others understand your information if you yourself brought up some interesting points? Do you not see the value in adding some context to the vids you post? Are you suggesting that you value the imagined frustration you caused MP over efficiently conveying information?

There is some really interesting info in these video's and think that if people would take a little time to research some of the topics they would see some very surprising facts about what is going on in the world today. As far as I am concerned as long as I spark the interest of just one person than I am satisfied with the thread. So don't feel the need to stop by if you don't have anything worth of value to add. All I see from your responses are insults and personal attacks. At least when I post in other peoples threads I make a point to try and add some info of value.
What I saw was a suggestion that would help you reach more than just one person, but of course you interpret it as an attack You spend a lot of time saying these videos have surprising information but can't be bothered to point any out? The vids speak for themselves you say, is that because you are unable to? You seem to be intimidated by suggestions that you should have independent thought. What about people who are unable to view videos but are still interested in facts about the bible and jesus? What's the big deal with adding summary and context to your posts if it isn't that you are unable to?