Interesting Facts About The Bible And Jesus.


Active Member
I am a believer, but I think at times posting info like this tends to hurt people's thoughts. It is great info though, but it seems to always be so cryptic. Believe in my opinion does not require delving deep into cryptic findings. The main point that needs to be pushed is LOVE, love for yourself and for mankind. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. Ask, in prayers, for help in understanding the best way to handle situations. Not judging people. In one of the films it showed gay people and how hatred should be expressed, that is incorrect, it is not up to us to judge.

There was many points in these films I disagreed with as there was many I agreed with. No man will know the time, these haphazard tries at determining them is not what God wants us to be doing.
He wants us to live a full and happy live, not run around saving people or worrying about the end times.


Active Member
I am a believer, but I think at times posting info like this tends to hurt people's thoughts. It is great info though, but it seems to always be so cryptic. Believe in my opinion does not require delving deep into cryptic findings. The main point that needs to be pushed is LOVE, love for yourself and for mankind. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. Ask, in prayers, for help in understanding the best way to handle situations. Not judging people. In one of the films it showed gay people and how hatred should be expressed, that is incorrect, it is not up to us to judge. He wants us to live a full and happy live, not run around saving people or worrying about the end times.

Actually we are commanded to watch for these signs. God put prophecy into the Bible so that we will be prepared when the time comes. The reason most prophecy seems to be cryptic is because they did not fully understand the visions they where having. Imagine what missiles look like falling from the sky. Imagine trying to describe what a helicopter looks like when you have no other references to describe it. Which is why he used locusts and scorpions in his description. They where the only words he had at the time that resembled what he was seeing. Also the translation used is very important. Some of the info seems cryptic because the words don't translate into English very well. But when you look at the original Hebrew and Greek, you can get a much more detailed understanding of what the author was trying to convey. Once again all the info in the video's is verifiable even the Obama stuff. At no time did the video say anything hateful or judgmental towards gays. It just simply showed a gay parade while showing the scripture that prophesied about it.

Any ways thanks for visiting. As I always say, don't take my word for it. Read and study the Bible for yourself. But you were correct on one point, that God is love and he wants us to share his word to the world. There is no better way to love someone than to share Gods word with them.


Well-Known Member
magine trying to describe what a helicopter looks like when you have no other references to describe it. Which is why he used locusts and scorpions in his description. They where the only words he had at the time that resembled what he was seeing.

one thought to that, these writers did know metal and would probably have recognized it. why then would they describe such things as locusts and scorpions and not adding a further description of metal?

there are very old descriptions of flying vehicles in ancient indian texts and there they are described as vehicles not birds.
or were the people in the middle east more retarded or poetic?


Active Member
Actually it does mention metal. Revelation 9:7-9 reads as follows. "The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle.(As in armor) On their heads were crowns of something like gold,(gold is a metal) and their faces were like the faces of men. 8 They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. 9 And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron,(iron is also a metal) and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle.


Active Member

looks a lot like what is described in the above passage. I could be wrong. But when you tie that together with all the rest of the world events that seem to correlate with Bible prophecy it is hard to ignore.


What if someone invented a time machine and went back in time and wrote the bible, knowing that the events would happen because they have already seen them, just for lols to screw with people? Is that not just as plausible?


Active Member








Well-Known Member
Wow, too many videos without enough information. Fuck, it's worse than trying to read the beginning of Star Wars. Come on. Do you have an opinion or do you have UTUBE? Really! Videos of text scrolling by? What's the point of that? Eight minutes to "read" a video? Express an independent thought, please!


Active Member
Wow, too many videos without enough information. Fuck, it's worse than trying to read the beginning of Star Wars. Come on. Do you have an opinion or do you have UTUBE? Really! Videos of text scrolling by? What's the point of that? Eight minutes to "read" a video? Express an independent thought, please!
The thread is called interesting facts about the Bible and Jesus. Everyone of the video's has just that. The idea is to spark a conversation about those video's. They contain many talking points. Pick one and make a comment or ask a question. If you don't like the thread than you don't have to visit. It is that simple. I notice that the people that do not have any real insight on these subjects are usually the ones that throw insults around. I'm sorry if you can't read fast enough to keep up with the video's. There are reading programs out there if you need help. lol.


Active Member


Active Member
Just cut to the chase.

I am a super rich, important, high powered, mega owner boss and dont have time to watch these vidieos.

Does Jesus like weed or not?
As much as I'd like to think the JC would sit in the circle with me...I have to resign myself to the fact that he's in a place where he just doesn't need it. When you got all that light you no longer need anything to help cope with the darkness.


Well-Known Member
The thread is called interesting facts about the Bible and Jesus. Everyone of the video's has just that. The idea is to spark a conversation about those video's. They contain many talking points. Pick one and make a comment or ask a question. If you don't like the thread than you don't have to visit. It is that simple. I notice that the people that do not have any real insight on these subjects are usually the ones that throw insults around. I'm sorry if you can't read fast enough to keep up with the video's. There are reading programs out there if you need help. lol.
The point is that we all have access to Youtube and can watch these videos if we want. Generally in an internet forum, the OP presents a point to discuss. Otherwise, you could have just posted a set of links and say you thought these videos were interesting. Instead, you embedded every single video without any comments or explanations. That's just bad netiquette.

For someone that claims to read college level theology books, it doesn't appear that you have a single individual thought of your own.


Well-Known Member
As much as I'd like to think the JC would sit in the circle with me...I have to resign myself to the fact that he's in a place where he just doesn't need it. When you got all that light you no longer need anything to help cope with the darkness.

oh he needs some of this.


Active Member
The point is that we all have access to Youtube and can watch these videos if we want. Generally in an internet forum, the OP presents a point to discuss. Otherwise, you could have just posted a set of links and say you thought these videos were interesting. Instead, you embedded every single video without any comments or explanations. That's just bad netiquette.

For someone that claims to read college level theology books, it doesn't appear that you have a single individual thought of your own.
Yes I know everyone has access to youtube. But the simple fact of the matter is that most of the people on this forum would never search out these video's. I don't really give a crap whether you like the way I put information out here or not. It's quite entertaining to know that it bothers you though. There is some really interesting info in these video's and think that if people would take a little time to research some of the topics they would see some very surprising facts about what is going on in the world today. As far as I am concerned as long as I spark the interest of just one person than I am satisfied with the thread. So don't feel the need to stop by if you don't have anything worth of value to add. All I see from your responses are insults and personal attacks. At least when I post in other peoples threads I make a point to try and add some info of value.


Well-Known Member
This is an awesome thread man, love the videos, only one descrepency. Jesus didn't create anything lol. God created it, fo sho, Jesus is god's son, so I'm guessing Jesus like's to get his smoke on hehe.

And a Side note, Jesus probably didn't die on a cross. Those torture stakes that were used in that time were basically huge poles with their hands nailed above their head. It was very unlikely that jesus died on a cross.


Active Member
I am a believer, but I think at times posting info like this tends to hurt people's thoughts. It is great info though, but it seems to always be so cryptic. Believe in my opinion does not require delving deep into cryptic findings. The main point that needs to be pushed is LOVE, love for yourself and for mankind. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. Ask, in prayers, for help in understanding the best way to handle situations. Not judging people. In one of the films it showed gay people and how hatred should be expressed, that is incorrect, it is not up to us to judge.

There was many points in these films I disagreed with as there was many I agreed with. No man will know the time, these haphazard tries at determining them is not what God wants us to be doing.
He wants us to live a full and happy live, not run around saving people or worrying about the end times.
Actually the only thing he wants us to do is spread the gospel and save the lost.

Also Jesus is God in the flesh..