Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
I rock out with my cock out for some breakfast and kitty pie. I manage to snag a 4-5 hour sleep just about every morning now that I've got this amazing medication, and I'm not losing weight anymore! I take it as a good sign.

Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
I rock out with my cock out for some breakfast and kitty pie. I manage to snag a 4-5 hour sleep just about every morning now that I've got this amazing medication, and I'm not losing weight anymore! I take it as a good sign.
That..... made me giggle, like a fucking schoolchild


Well-Known Member
yeah well I don't know over here it's ~8:00am...I'm not a pure Insomniac...I usually just go to bed around 4-6am and wake up around 2-3pm...more of a night owl than an insomniac :P
However I have no idea what's keeping me up after 2 benzos :O