Insomniacs Unite!!!!

Apples good. Cool that your 64 still works my ps1 still works not that i use it lol. All the good ps1 games are on my ps3 now. Nice to meet you to.
I have the gameboy, sega genesis, N64, nintendo, super nintendo, ps1,2, and three.... LOl, I sound like I'm bragging...I'm not. It's not too much to brag about anyways haha.

People just throw this stuff away when all you gotta do is open it and blow off all the dust ha. Such an easy fix.

What strain are you smokin right now?
I'm smoking that blue crack (not actual crack for those of you that aren't familiar with this glorious strain). Who's that dude in your avatar?
You give such short replies it's hard to talk to you bro, :). Are you a insomniac or just up late tonight? I don't really care if you're not a insomniac since you seem like a cool person to have around RIU.
sorry bro im talkin a lil boxing n mma on another site. i am an insomniac lately. auron was my favorite character from ff10. got phresh at the bottom lol. did u see overeem kick brocks ass?
I don't pay much attention to final fantasy... do you watch bleach?

I pay absolutely no attention to pro boxing.... But I do love to train and spar with people.
I need a sandwich right about now.. im thinking a triple decker
drinking Vitamin Water and watching Avatar: The Last Air Bender cartoons on Netflix

and to add to the gamers conversation on this thread..
i recently got a Xbox 360 for free.. FUCK YEAH!!
i also bought Pokémon Red for Gameboy Color.. that game is the shit
You guys should play's a free badass game.

I got pokemon red and yellow....they truly are the shit.

Yes, it is time to make a triple decker whoo.

Do you box mannie?
naw always wanted to did muay thai in portland a few years back. my unc was a golden gloves champ and i always loved the sport. you do mma alot?

this fight was a masterpiece
I got skyrim not too long ago... but my bro accidentaly knocked over my ps3 remote into a fish tank and now the remote is fucked and skyrim is just sitting there collecting dust :(.