Well-Known Member
I'm just curious. It looks like you put a lot of thought into it. I've never considered raised platforms on either side with a vertical light. With a horizontal, light is reflected so it increases foot candles. How does the vertical effect light candles, that is my question. Great design though. I'm now considering platforms with yoyos attached to all 4 corners so I can raise or lower them
1) It can only be so bright or the plants don't like it anyway (bleaching).
2) It doesn't really increase ft candles because that is directly proportional to plant position and can be the same for either. Vertical lights plant tend to be able to get closer because they don't run near as hot.
3) Reflecting is inefficient.
4) You can have 2-4x as many plants with one bulb receiving the same lumens as those using a reflector would have.
Hope this helps you out bro