Input welcome, old dog new tricks.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm ready for a harvest myself! lol . The photos are coming along but nothing quickly. Realizing that when you ran yours it was like 15 weeks? I have a ways to go. The Autos are flying along. I have them staked down tight and I have to move the stakes every other day. I'm gonna get these done and then I'll pop about 20 photos. I believe the sex the cutting technique you mentioned will work most of the time. We shall see. Those are beautiful buds there like always. Your strains always seem to have giant calyx formations. I bet it's a great smoke. Hey, I have a friend here who just decided to start growing and chose Autos for the turnaround time. He just grows for himself. Anyways, I recommended some Mephisto strains and he gave me a couple beans. I was going to save till next run so they're a week old today lol. The cups at the bottom right. Now I just need another light to maximize my space usage.
They are looking good mate, and yeah the calyx’sare swelling but it’s just because I am waiting longer than usual to see if they did or not and have not been disappointed, guess I have been harvesting to early up till now.


Well-Known Member
Progress in the “mud room” they are nice and healthy. I did my last tie down today, still not sure I am doing it right. Will take a heap of clones and try and thin them out tomorrow..
Fingers crossed though.. the potential for an epic canopy is there. I’ll flip in a week or so I recon and chuck the Scrog net over it all.


Well-Known Member
I agree. They look fine. You've got them all opened up so they should really take off. I like your scrog style wires. I get alot of enjoyment arranging and re-arranging my canopies. I only have less than 10 plants though so it's not nearly as much work. You did the right thing waiting on those others because they look fantastic. Stuff looking like that goes for $100 a quarter here. Part of what got me growing my own. Mine don't look quite to that level but I can afford to do it at least. If our wreck settlement is decent then my wife has promised me bigger and better gear. Maybe then I'll be able to start growing some stuff like yours.
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Well-Known Member
Pulled everything out of the old growspace and scrubbed it down with Ajax. I put the wire grate back in and put the flowering autos inside. I transplanted the 2 new ones and while I was at it I checked those HP clones I started 3 weeks ago. They both had pretty full root systems so I put them in 1/2 gallon pots of fresh soil. Assuming they live, I'm gonna let them get proper size in 5 or 10 gallon pots and grow them out proper. The BBHP's I have in the closet are kinda hanging where they're at. They're not looking any worse but not much better either. Shoulda used bigger pots and added dry amendments sooner. They're still growing though so .....

