Input on this recipe??


Well-Known Member
I am preparing my soil for May planting and would like input on the recipe I am using as this will be my first organic grow. Not to bring derision on myself, but I have routinely grown 1.5 lb container plants with Miracle Grow potting soil and 1/2 strength MG fertilizer and 5+ lb in ground plants with Miracle Grow amended with natural soil, perlite, and well aged chicken shit.

So this year I will be growing in 100 and 150 gallon smart pots as well as the usual 15 gallon container and in ground plants using the following SubCool based recipe. Please opine as to whether or not I have added too much, too little, or omitted something. I would hate to burn up a bunch of perfectly good plants. The soil will cook for about 50 days and the plants will be well established 24" - 30" some seed, some clones when they are transplanted into their final container with the super soil in late May.

8 bags of Roots organics
50 lbs Worm castings
5 lbs 0-10-0 Bat guano
5 lbs Blood meal
5 lbs Fish bone meal
5 lbs Soft rock phosphate
1 cup Azomite
2 cups Alfalfa meal
2 cups Kelp meal
2 cups Crab meal
2 cups Oyster shell
1 cup Sweet lime (powder)
3/4 cup Epsom salt
2 Tbs Humic acid powder

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
Im lazy and just buy bagged super and base soil. You can order the charge pack from tga. If you make it your self add mikes and bb. look up oregonism xl.


Well-Known Member
Why would you add oreganism when there is humic acid and worm castings. Both are the same thing. A little redundant.

care taker its fine. But if you have crab meal, soft rock phosphate, kelp, and azomite you won't need blood meal, bone meal, guano, Epsom salt, lime, oyster shell flour. Imo crab meal, soft rock phosphate and kelp meal are better options. I prefer glacial or basalt rock dust to azomite.

I used to rock per cu ft
1/2 cup crab meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup neem meal
4-6 cups rock dust

then the base is peatmoss, coco, pumice /perlite / rice hulls (which ever is easier to find), worm castings , and compost.

I recently dropped the crab meal and now use down to earth vegan mix.