Input needed


Soooo, me and my old lady were throwing out an old tv, when all of a suddon she sais why dont you gut it and use it to grow. Great idea i said! After gutting the tv the space inside is actually pretty fuckin nice. 48"L 17"W57"T enough space for the few i want to grow anyway. My questions to my fellow green thumbs are:

1. Will a 400w HPS be enought to grow 4 autos and a photo period per grow? (ive also got 3 24" cfl tubes both 65 and 27k to put in for lower branches and 4 105w 27k cfls to place periodic to help undergrowth)

2. Suggestions on cooling/venting? It's litteraly an old big screen it has all kinds of space inside lol help me out with this please!

3. Nutes... I have been thinking of going with jungle juice 3 part.. anyone use this? if so, review?

thanks guys/gals! :bigjoint:


ive been tucked in our spare bathroom for a few months now, it's time to upgrade and make it legit. know what i mean. im not trying to jump head first but i definatly making this happen, slowly but surely.


I read that entire thread, i even commented and asked his advice. As much as i would love to have the cab he's working with it's not going to happen. i like the tv. the screen easily comes off and goes back on, im not worried about it being stealthy because its just me and my girl and shes down with it. i'm not trying to get my mind changed, im asking for help in accomplishing the tv bro. i appreciate you pointing me in the irght direction though. ups for that


Well-Known Member
Well I'm alittle fucked up right now. So I will look at your first post tomarrow. Might have a few ideas.



This is the tv with the screen on. the inside is gutted and is covered in mylar. the specs are 48"L 17"W 57"T (gutted)


Well-Known Member
I would say 3 plants and a 400w light would work good. I've moved many of these tv's how are you opening it? You need in there daily. Can we get a pic of it open? Might have a few ideas for you.


the screen is pretty much rested on 2 screws inside. it's easily removed and put back on. i'm sure ill have light leaks but i plan to find a way to seal it. (stealthy isnt an issue, i would love to keep it just a tv but unfortunatly itll probable look more like a tv used for growing luls)

this was my idea so far. ill explain it then give you some what of a visual (sorry im baked luls)

i plant to do 4 autos and 1 photo (photo is expirment plant, lst and clones ( homefully) so vegging long is what im headed for)

i plan to hang up a 400w hps in the middle with 2 105w cfl bulbs hanging on either side (to suppliment the autos until they get big enough to do work with the hps) i plan to grow them 18/6

heres what i came up with, just havent figured out how to vent it :(


am i over shooting? quantaty isn't the goal. i think quality and variety is more what im shooting for. also i plan to do as much learning with the photo as i possibly can so the photo doesn't really matter for lack of a better word.

i'll take some pics of the actual tv in a bit, i broke the screen its self but its fixable. like i said stealthy really wasnt the goal, only person i need to hide it from is on board luls


yea bro after thinking it over and reading some other replies ill probably just get a real 4" fan- i plan to have ducting from a window unit going into the room as well but i stll plan to vent light heat. ill just stop procrastinating and do it right the first time