Injured. My plant fucked me up.


Well-Known Member
That resin and eyes got me thinking. I get sore eyelids a fair bit. Real sore too, red skin, occasional broken skin. When my eyes are irritated I invariably rub them with my invariably resin coated fingers. I suppose it's not just the resin either is it, if you have constantly resin coated fingers you are going to be super adhesive to any other spores or germs or nasty stuff.
You should keep a box of rubber gloves around. I've been thinking of picking some up BC a) its way easier keeping your hands clean when tending, but b) I'm actually allergic to weed! No bullshit, I can smoke it just fine, but when I touch it with my hands and then start rubbing my eyes or even just any other part of my body really, I'll start turning red and getting hives. Its like the resin gets on my hands, and then any spot that I touch with that hand Will get a little patch of red and a little hive. Plus I always even the surface of the dirt out after I water and so I have to keep a "rinse" bucket to dip my hands in. My buddy uses gloves its just so much easier.

And BTW, am I the only person here who has been trying to squeeze in a foliar feed or some neem oil or something right before lights out, only to be cut short by the timer and left stumbling through the junk room trying to find the light switch on the wall, and tripping over your fox farms and lime bags while you catch yourself on the side of the flashing you bought to make a hood with, meanwhile splashing your crotch with feed water? Come on, I know I'm not the only one.


Well-Known Member
if youre messing with habaneros make sure to wash your hands before you take a piss, or else you will get a fiery dick.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I have a bad back that spasms every 5 years or so, which anyone who has experienced knows that you cannot move because of the pain. You are frozen in that position, and if you move at all it's like getting stabbed. I had a grow going and I was trying to reach under the plants to the last one in the line, almost flat and stretching when it popped. I was stuck under those plants for almost 2 hours waiting for my wife to get home and pull me out. That sucked big time.
My buddy has a bad spinal injury, same thing happened to him. He got stuck at his one res reading pH only a few weeks ago. I'd love to laugh but it was really tough on the poor guy, he was stuck kinda pressing himself up with his arms so he wouldn't go head-first into an ebb-and-flow table. ONLY good thing is he managed to convince his wife (with a little help from his friends) to give up a better room so he wouldn't need to bend to work any more. He was stuck for only 5 minutes though but still he was WASTED tired from the effort of holding himself up. He still had jelly-arms the next day.

Not a growing injury he came off a bike at high speed but it's quite a co-incidence somebody else went through the same thing!


Well-Known Member
I Hope i never get a bad back. It's happened to me twice where i feel like i cant move and just lay down on ice for 20 minutes until my back goes numb then im good. I'm 26, but have done construction on and off since the age of 16. My dad has a real bad back, and when it goes out, he's down for the count for a day or 2. He did swimming pool construction for 15 year or so and I sure that took a toll on his back. Are all you guys with back problems formerly or currently in some type of the construction industry? JW because thats my theory, and i've been trying to avoid heavy lifting for the last 4 years.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I Hope i never get a bad back. It's happened to me twice where i feel like i cant move and just lay down on ice for 20 minutes until my back goes numb then im good. I'm 26, but have done construction on and off since the age of 16. My dad has a real bad back, and when it goes out, he's down for the count for a day or 2. He did swimming pool construction for 15 year or so and I sure that took a toll on his back. Are all you guys with back problems formerly or currently in some type of the construction industry? JW because thats my theory, and i've been trying to avoid heavy lifting for the last 4 years.
Holy fuck dude, that's my day-job, I build pools lol... Been doing it with my pop since I was 13, I'm 33 now and I don't have the back problems, but my KNEES are WASTED. Backs and knees: Once they go you've got problems for life I'm afraid. Yoga really helps, though, and I'm no hippie. That, and loads of MSN supplements to keep the joints well lubricated.

I only really deal with pre-fabs now. Can do as much as possible using machinery, minimal time spent on close-up work, and because they take a fraction of the time you take on more jobs more often. Profit margins are good seeing as very little can happen in the line of unexpected expenses. Make most of my crown off 'Spa Baths' now, they take a day to put in, and people want EXTRAS, like heat exchangers and thermal blankets and so on, and every extra has it's mark-up.

Now if only this goddamn economy will come right, sigh...


Well-Known Member
Yea my dad's knees used to be shot but then he got surgery and they're good as new, anyway yea if the economy comes back im definitely going back to the swimming pool business, i used to make around $12k in 3 months doing that every summer.


Well-Known Member
OK it didn't quite happen to me but it was funny as all hell:
A good friend had his grow up in his ceiling. Now sweet as he is, not the sharpest tool in the shed, bless his heart. So he was tending some of his babies (soil, great big heavy bags of soil) when, as was inevitable, the absolutely un-reinforced ceiling finally gave in. He might have had a few planks between the rafters, gods alone know.
All I know for sure is, his girlfriend reckons one second she's watching some TV, the next ol John and his ladies have joined her in a cloud of white dust and brown debris. Entire grow, grower included, came tumbling out the ceiling in one big heap. Some plants actually fell ON him, he put his foot through the ceiling first, lost balance and grabbed the closest thing (a bloody PLANT) and proceeded to head down ass-first clutching his prize. The rest just followed.
To be a fly on the wall that day :)
Worst I've done to myself is kinda barbecue a tiny bit of my hair sticking my head under 1000watt HPS lamps. Didn't actually burn anything, but it smelled like I did.
so yea... I am going to share this in hopes that it doesnt happen to anyone else..this was. . .last week...... :o I decided to try out the Habenaro pepper spray for spidermites that i found on this site under plant problems / buggz.. This is my story : I got 5 or 6 habenaro peppers from the market and brought them home, started dicing them up and making sure to split the seeds and inners to realse the cata(hot shit i cant remember the name) So i decided ive never tried a raw one and popped a small piece into my mouth, as soon as you bite down and feel the juice flow out of the pepper it starts to burn ( its hot but not gonna hurt you .. ) well the heat wouldnt go away so after several minutes and finishing dicing and getting them onto the stove to simmer w/o boiling i decided to get a drink of water after only washing my hands 1 time i cupped my right hand under the faucet and took a quick handfull drink... BIGGEST MISTAKE I COULD MAKE!! so apparently you really need to scrub your hands and or WEAR GLOVES because alot of the stuff that is hot in the pepper was still on my hand, so now my entire goatee is onfire and my skin is turning red, i tryed to wash my face in a panic and spread the terrible skin burn all over my damn face like and idiot........ shortly there after im leaning over the kitchen sink while my wife is pouring milk into my hands that im splashing on my face !! LOL Never thought i would be doing that my wife was sitting there feeling sorry for my face but laughing at milk treatment... after leaving milk all over my face for a few min i washed my hands the entire time over and over again while the milk was helping. I washed my face off ( NO EXTRA BURN THIS TIME 7 TIMES WASHING YOU HANDS WORKS ! ) and i decided to try out the vegetable oil as i still had a light burning sensation on my entire face.. my skin stopped burnning and my goatee looked pretty funny being laid down with veg oil.. skin is really soft now though ;D
lol Thanks guys, got my moneys worth out of that bowl.


Well-Known Member
Bummer dudes. What fails to realy sink in to kids when they are young is that you need to stop fucking around, study, and get a good job. Manual labor WILL wreck you. Using your brain all day and working on big projects is taxing believe me, but at the end of the day, your body still the pay is typically better.

Not trying to diss you guys, hats off for being able to do that work. I love me some major DIY house projects but I certainly couldn't do it for a living.


Well-Known Member
Positions held like that are increasingly rare. The way the system works unfortunately, is , if you can do it on paper, you have the job. Doesnt matter f you can do the job, or if you should, and it doesnt matter that most people who arent qualified for the job are working it, and the people who could do the job right can't, because they lack some paper that is only attainable after much reading and writing, or at some prohibitively expensive cost of learning.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Bummer dudes. What fails to realy sink in to kids when they are young is that you need to stop fucking around, study, and get a good job. Manual labor WILL wreck you. Using your brain all day and working on big projects is taxing believe me, but at the end of the day, your body still the pay is typically better.

Not trying to diss you guys, hats off for being able to do that work. I love me some major DIY house projects but I certainly couldn't do it for a living.
Berklee graduate, missed a perfect GPA by .1, qualified sound engineer, ex music director of a pretty large recoding lable who's business model I helped develop (raging success, my boys are playing alongside BT and Skrillex :P ) , owner of a professional grade music mixing facility, successful DJ and music promoter. Currently developing a new updated business-model and starting my OWN publishing-house. I'm one of the pioneers of Direct To Fan marketing mate...

I said it's my day-job, not the sum total of what I get up to. But it does fund all of the above ;)

Work season is short, mostly summer, 4 intense moths of raking in the dough bigtime, then 8 months of making dreams happen ;)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Positions held like that are increasingly rare. The way the system works unfortunately, is , if you can do it on paper, you have the job. Doesnt matter f you can do the job, or if you should, and it doesnt matter that most people who arent qualified for the job are working it, and the people who could do the job right can't, because they lack some paper that is only attainable after much reading and writing, or at some prohibitively expensive cost of learning.
That all only counts if you're happy with working FOR somebody. Yeah sure then everybody's a small fish in a sea of sharks. How human beings got trodden down to 'accepting their place' I don't know. In my grandpa's days EVERYBODY was a business man, making plans and earning dough off their own skill sets.

You don't need the education before you start. You can make the time and study nights as soon as you have that little job that's going to pay for it. I've sat talking to STEVE FUCKING VAI right here in my bedroom in South Africa, him sitting in his house in LA. Harnass modern technology for more than amusement and amazing things can happen.

I don't care who you are, the world is your oyster as long as you take what you've got and do the best you can with it.

If it means starting with manual labour and educating yourself over the next 15 years, but ending with your own dream becoming real, that is good, yes, that is good!


Well-Known Member
Positions held like that are increasingly rare. The way the system works unfortunately, is , if you can do it on paper, you have the job. Doesnt matter f you can do the job, or if you should, and it doesnt matter that most people who arent qualified for the job are working it, and the people who could do the job right can't, because they lack some paper that is only attainable after much reading and writing, or at some prohibitively expensive cost of learning.
That is the view of someone without said degree. Fact of the matter, you probably couldn't do my job without a degree and I'm pretty damn sure you couldn't do mad hamish's job either. I missed suma cum laude by .07 or some shit. No matter, I chose to go climbing in Yosemite and miss finals.

Seriously though, college is a WHOLE lot more than getting a paper

The US is full of opportunities for everyone. And unfortunately, just as many excuses


Well-Known Member
It wasnt an excuse.

The rest of us have irreplaceable and for most, unattainable knowledge and skills that cannot be learned about in a book, and even the best of teachers struggle with the teaching of those things. Trouble is, it doesnt pay. What's worse, is people look down on you, thinking you're better than you or that you are a simpleton, but in truth, it's just as necessary to the world we live in as what the educated folks do. Difference being, when the lights dont work, we can still live, people like you just become our resources.


Well-Known Member
Kind of amusing how you make all these generalizations about people with degrees. Yeah there are plenty of brilliant people without degrees. There are also lots of dumbass with degrees.

But, if you took a sample of the general population...which group in general is smarter, well, the facts say those with degrees. There is a reason that employers, some employers, want people with advanced degrees. That reason is not simply "to keep those people without them down".

If the lights go out for a good length of time, I'll light my kerosene lanterns and load my guns. This grad is a pretty damn good shot.


Well-Known Member
Hear Hear. I keep mine on me ;).

Im not trying to put anyone down, please dont misunderstand. A degree does make you smarter than without, because you will have been exposed to more...everything. That activity builds connections in the brain making us as humans, smarter every day. Im saying that there is a vast knowledge base that is being largely untapped just because of the way our society works.

I was once homeless, and these people in W. Virginia took me in (to later rob me, long story). I had lived amongst the most backwards people that you can have in the US of A, I mean no shit, this place wasnt even on the map, too small. Stereotypical hillbilly rednecks, hardworking hardcore patriotic sweat of the brow type of people. Except for an incredible amount of hard drug and pill use, these people are incredibly intelligent, at least the ones who haven't fried their minds. :( I had also grown up in a pretty well off middle class lifestyle, private and public schooled, pilots license, I was exposed to some finer ways as they say. So what Im getting at here, is that I've seen all kinds, up close in living relationships with people across classes and other barriers and I can say that people are smart as fuck, in or out of college.


Enoch's beautiful skin update #1 : contemplating just applying more oil to skin, skin isnt as shiny and soft as it was for the first few days.. dont want to revisit the pepper experience...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I missed suma cum laude by .07 or some shit. No matter, I chose to go climbing in Yosemite and miss finals.

Seriously though, college is a WHOLE lot more than getting a paper
HAHAHAHAHAHA for me it was Table Mountain lol... Oh gods catching up and explaining and all those things. Flipside of it is, was a date with a girl I really liked. Happily married 10 years this year (I only joke she's moved to Australia).

But I get what you were really saying. You've got to make sure that whatever you do, it's worth it. If I was working on a lower level manual labour job, screwing up my body with no real rewards to show for it, yeah that would suck balls. Fortunately for me I found a niche very early on, damn lucky to be able to trade a few hard hours for a good few grand and know how to invest that.

For me, what was the best part about college, is everybody you speak to is working on something exciting. Everybody's REALLY into everything they do, it keeps you highly motivated and inspired. And it is that network of friends from college that I rely on for my bread too. As we all advance in our lives, the benefits of meeting when we did grow. I mean I make decent money because I know the musicians, was in class with the sound guy, got tutored by the accountant, lectured by the mixing engineer, smoked phatties with the animator in lunch hour, etc etc.

And it's never too late to get that experience hey. Mate of mine got into mycology at age 38, got his degree by 42, and his gourmet mushroom business and distribution chain up to breaking a good profit by age 44.


Active Member
Well I've been lucky enough to never be burnt, eye gouged, had icy hot on my nut sack but I've always had bad luck with my fans. I don't have the covers on the blades and I'm a stocky dude. About 5'8 245 so when maneuvering my 8x8 room ive been whacked in the cheek, the ear and it even bit me on the ass before..



Well-Known Member
I had a brief stint of stupid the other day. Running ducts and wiring I needed this small table to stand on so I took my cordless battery charger and put it in the utility sink. No big deal...the water to the sink is disconnected. I had some other stuff sitting in there.

Finish for the day, hang out, etc then decide to do some laundry; its about 3am. Go upstairs and like 15 minutes later I hear water falling on the floor. I run down in the basement and the utility sink is overflowing all over the place (washer drains to sink). I run over and put my hand in to unclog the drain.


Got the shock of a LIFETIME. Older house, non grounded outlet. The charger still plugged in shocked the living shit out of me. Bad. I'm convinced that if I wasn't wearing shoes, I would probably be dead.
If it would have been 220 or 240v my friend we would be giving a moment of silence for you. Be careful. Good to hear you were not seriously hurt.


Well-Known Member
Kind of amusing how you make all these generalizations about people with degrees. Yeah there are plenty of brilliant people without degrees. There are also lots of dumbass with degrees.

But, if you took a sample of the general population...which group in general is smarter, well, the facts say those with degrees. There is a reason that employers, some employers, want people with advanced degrees. That reason is not simply "to keep those people without them down".

If the lights go out for a good length of time, I'll light my kerosene lanterns and load my guns. This grad is a pretty damn good shot.
I would not bother trying to talk rational with people who choose to instigate arguments about the importance of a good education. I struggled for ten years on a fork lift because my family had the same attitude as that guy. I seriously thought I just wasn't meant to get a college degree. Luckily I met a new group of friends that all were going back to school in their late twenties and early thirties, and they encouraged my to go and get my "paper". One year down and 7 more to go because only death or the government will stop me from becoming a doctorate of history. You have to want it and go for it. Thirty two and a honor student again for the first time in over fifteen years. I'm not ashamed and would suggest everyone do it. Don't settle for what scraps they give!