Injured. My plant fucked me up.


New Member
Well I've been lucky enough to never be burnt, eye gouged, had icy hot on my nut sack but I've always had bad luck with my fans. I don't have the covers on the blades and I'm a stocky dude. About 5'8 245 so when maneuvering my 8x8 room ive been whacked in the cheek, the ear and it even bit me on the ass before..
Had a piece of shit Advanced Nutrients Bad Ass Blades figure 8 fan take a chunk out of my hand once. They are defective and I was testing one due to the gears skipping . I stood there after the blade stopped in my hand and asked someone to unplug the bitch as it was pushing deeper in by the second lmao . Running fans without covers is serious shit and I have scars to prove lmao


New Member
Thought I would note another sticky fucking mess involved with growing . The damn sticky yellow and blue traps , ever had one caught in 4 feet of hair or have it stick to the side of your face whie inspecting your grow or crawling around ?

Lmao how about a sticky trap stuck on your ass cheek . Had a buddy who sat on one naked in his grow , damn hippy eddy got a free hair wax out of that one and claimed to have just about lost a nut upon removal haha lmao .


Well-Known Member
Tried to throw you some more respect points Mad Hamish. You're mentality sound awesome, got some great wisdom in that last post. It's all about being positive and making friends who keep you connected.

As far as the post. My head is a magnet for everything. I've smashed my head so hard one time on a ceiling beam that I almost knocked myself out. My buddy was on the floor laughing.
You name it I've hit my head on it carbon filter, lights, boards, and corners of tables etc.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Thought I would note another sticky fucking mess involved with growing . The damn sticky yellow and blue traps , ever had one caught in 4 feet of hair or have it stick to the side of your face whie inspecting your grow or crawling around ?

Lmao how about a sticky trap stuck on your ass cheek . Had a buddy who sat on one naked in his grow , damn hippy eddy got a free hair wax out of that one and claimed to have just about lost a nut upon removal haha lmao .
I did that about 20 an hour ago, spotted a few fungus gnats buzzing about last week, dosed and dried the pots and hung sticky traps. I was just doing some training on a few plants, stuck deep in thought turned around to go fetch some ties got the damn flypaper thing right in the face. It's one of those long thin ones too and pretty fresh. So I pull it off my face, it breaks at the top and the top bit comes down on my hair, get that yanked off and got it stuck on my arm hairs pulled a few of those. Worst was trying to get the wrinkled goddamn thing off my hands and into the bloody garbage. Stuck to the left, stuck to the right, try stick it to the garbage bag, extract bag plus some garbage.
I still smell it, had a shower but gonna go for another one.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I had a brief stint of stupid the other day. Running ducts and wiring I needed this small table to stand on so I took my cordless battery charger and put it in the utility sink. No big deal...the water to the sink is disconnected. I had some other stuff sitting in there.

Finish for the day, hang out, etc then decide to do some laundry; its about 3am. Go upstairs and like 15 minutes later I hear water falling on the floor. I run down in the basement and the utility sink is overflowing all over the place (washer drains to sink). I run over and put my hand in to unclog the drain.


Got the shock of a LIFETIME. Older house, non grounded outlet. The charger still plugged in shocked the living shit out of me. Bad. I'm convinced that if I wasn't wearing shoes, I would probably be dead.

jesus man, glad ur alright.

Green Troll

Active Member
Not an accident but a near miss, i have a Wilma system, 70 litre res, and i use reverse osmosis, so a trickle of water. Filling my tank takes a fair hours. So i have it chugging away filling my tank and i go off to do other stuff. Well, you have a smoke, watch some movies, have a little nap.......HOLY SHIT THE RES TANK!

I run to the grow room, flick the tap off and check the tank. You know when water has that skin on it, bulging on the rim of a glass? That on a 70 ltr tank. Dipping the tip of the pump i use to drain my tank was like defusing a bomb. If i would have not woken with a start, the water damage would have been extensive...


I don't know what that shit says but I bet those are links to low brow Russian porn.....

I once tripped over some cords and fell on a concrete floor and kicked myself in the ball bag in the process, it was completely the plants fault.