Injured. My plant fucked me up.


Well-Known Member
I have had my share of sticky times and what's worse than hair being pulled by resin ? Try rubbing your eyes by accident . That fucking kills and it is the worst that I have suffered , and I have done it more than once .:-(
HAHAHA omg yea i've done that. One time I leaned in to smell a bud and the tips of the leaves were burnt and one poked me in the eye and the tip broke off and got stuck in there. I had to go to the eye doctor to get it out and scratched my cornea. He asked what happened and I said I was doing yard work and it blew into my eye lol.

Any one got any funny stories of how they got injured or hurt while tending to your garden? I'd like to hear some funny stories that people have to share.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
OK it didn't quite happen to me but it was funny as all hell:
A good friend had his grow up in his ceiling. Now sweet as he is, not the sharpest tool in the shed, bless his heart. So he was tending some of his babies (soil, great big heavy bags of soil) when, as was inevitable, the absolutely un-reinforced ceiling finally gave in. He might have had a few planks between the rafters, gods alone know.
All I know for sure is, his girlfriend reckons one second she's watching some TV, the next ol John and his ladies have joined her in a cloud of white dust and brown debris. Entire grow, grower included, came tumbling out the ceiling in one big heap. Some plants actually fell ON him, he put his foot through the ceiling first, lost balance and grabbed the closest thing (a bloody PLANT) and proceeded to head down ass-first clutching his prize. The rest just followed.
To be a fly on the wall that day :)
Worst I've done to myself is kinda barbecue a tiny bit of my hair sticking my head under 1000watt HPS lamps. Didn't actually burn anything, but it smelled like I did.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
That's an amazing story Hamish haha. Can't think of any incidents yet, I've only grown once so probably why haha


so yea... I am going to share this in hopes that it doesnt happen to anyone else..this was. . .last week...... :o I decided to try out the Habenaro pepper spray for spidermites that i found on this site under plant problems / buggz.. This is my story : I got 5 or 6 habenaro peppers from the market and brought them home, started dicing them up and making sure to split the seeds and inners to realse the cata(hot shit i cant remember the name) So i decided ive never tried a raw one and popped a small piece into my mouth, as soon as you bite down and feel the juice flow out of the pepper it starts to burn ( its hot but not gonna hurt you .. ) well the heat wouldnt go away so after several minutes and finishing dicing and getting them onto the stove to simmer w/o boiling i decided to get a drink of water after only washing my hands 1 time i cupped my right hand under the faucet and took a quick handfull drink... BIGGEST MISTAKE I COULD MAKE!! so apparently you really need to scrub your hands and or WEAR GLOVES because alot of the stuff that is hot in the pepper was still on my hand, so now my entire goatee is onfire and my skin is turning red, i tryed to wash my face in a panic and spread the terrible skin burn all over my damn face like and idiot........ shortly there after im leaning over the kitchen sink while my wife is pouring milk into my hands that im splashing on my face !! LOL Never thought i would be doing that my wife was sitting there feeling sorry for my face but laughing at milk treatment... after leaving milk all over my face for a few min i washed my hands the entire time over and over again while the milk was helping. I washed my face off ( NO EXTRA BURN THIS TIME 7 TIMES WASHING YOU HANDS WORKS ! ) and i decided to try out the vegetable oil as i still had a light burning sensation on my entire face.. my skin stopped burnning and my goatee looked pretty funny being laid down with veg oil.. skin is really soft now though ;D


Well-Known Member
Hahaha xxENOCHxx; sorry to hear that man!! I'll share some quick advice for folks too. Never. NEVER. Icy-Hot your inner thighs. Squats hurt. Accidental Icy-Hot balls hurts more.

Worst I've done is hit my head on a water pipe; it's a bit of an obstacle course getting to my grow room!


Well-Known Member
ever stare into leds for a while.. I couldn't help it they are just so pretty... then you cant see for the day.. whaddup Ray!?:cool:


Well-Known Member
ever stare into leds for a while.. I couldn't help it they are just so pretty... then you cant see for the day.. whaddup Ray!?:cool:
I looked at my MH bulb to see if i could tell what kind of glass it was made of last night and Ive had a greenish blue bar burnt onto my eyes for the last 6 hours.


Active Member
My cheap ebay carbon filter fell straight on my head when I was hanging it once :/ I didn't hurt my head, but it screwed up my neck for a few days.

Those things are heavy. That's what I get for going cheap haha.


Well-Known Member
So I still do this from time to time but am more aware of it now I guess. But those damn plant steaks, can't tell ya how many times I've went to tend to a plant bent down and got hit in the eye.


Well-Known Member
I have a bad back that spasms every 5 years or so, which anyone who has experienced knows that you cannot move because of the pain. You are frozen in that position, and if you move at all it's like getting stabbed. I had a grow going and I was trying to reach under the plants to the last one in the line, almost flat and stretching when it popped. I was stuck under those plants for almost 2 hours waiting for my wife to get home and pull me out. That sucked big time.


Well-Known Member
So I still do this from time to time but am more aware of it now I guess. But those damn plant steaks, can't tell ya how many times I've went to tend to a plant bent down and got hit in the eye.
I have been hit in the eye with so much stuff in my grow room. Those damn tie wires always get me too


Well-Known Member
Yea it can b a battle sometimes lol but I love it. Jimdamic or however you spell that I know where he's coming from too except my spasm is everyday I'd love it to b five years interval, maybe one day. There's many of nights I have to crawl out of my room because if I was to stand up man o man straight fire and ice. I'm working on that though. Never been stuck and can't move but def hurt so bad I sound like I'm giving child birth when I have to stand back up.


Well-Known Member
All I've got is, one time while bending down too look at and admire my work I turned my head saw a leaf right there so I stuck out my tong and gave it a lick teased it erotically for a min then giggled and went back to work. No pain just love in my grow room


Well-Known Member
I had a brief stint of stupid the other day. Running ducts and wiring I needed this small table to stand on so I took my cordless battery charger and put it in the utility sink. No big deal...the water to the sink is disconnected. I had some other stuff sitting in there.

Finish for the day, hang out, etc then decide to do some laundry; its about 3am. Go upstairs and like 15 minutes later I hear water falling on the floor. I run down in the basement and the utility sink is overflowing all over the place (washer drains to sink). I run over and put my hand in to unclog the drain.


Got the shock of a LIFETIME. Older house, non grounded outlet. The charger still plugged in shocked the living shit out of me. Bad. I'm convinced that if I wasn't wearing shoes, I would probably be dead.


Well-Known Member
I was helping my dad in the veggie garden one time... We were hammering fence posts into the ground for beans. The metal kind. We had finished one row, and was starting on the next. I placed the post on my foot, for some reason, to try to make sure it was in the right position. My dad thought I was ready for him to hammer. So he whacks the top of the post with a 4lb hammer and it hurt like a sumbich.


when walking outside last year to plant i had a spider on side of my face when i went to smack it the hell off i forgot the shovel had green wrap that went along the knuckles pow bang right in the kisser

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
so yea... I am going to share this in hopes that it doesnt happen to anyone else..this was. . .last week...... :o I decided to try out the Habenaro pepper spray for spidermites that i found on this site under plant problems / buggz.. This is my story : I got 5 or 6 habenaro peppers from the market and brought them home, started dicing them up and making sure to split the seeds and inners to realse the cata(hot shit i cant remember the name) So i decided ive never tried a raw one and popped a small piece into my mouth, as soon as you bite down and feel the juice flow out of the pepper it starts to burn ( its hot but not gonna hurt you .. ) well the heat wouldnt go away so after several minutes and finishing dicing and getting them onto the stove to simmer w/o boiling i decided to get a drink of water after only washing my hands 1 time i cupped my right hand under the faucet and took a quick handfull drink... BIGGEST MISTAKE I COULD MAKE!! so apparently you really need to scrub your hands and or WEAR GLOVES because alot of the stuff that is hot in the pepper was still on my hand, so now my entire goatee is onfire and my skin is turning red, i tryed to wash my face in a panic and spread the terrible skin burn all over my damn face like and idiot........ shortly there after im leaning over the kitchen sink while my wife is pouring milk into my hands that im splashing on my face !! LOL Never thought i would be doing that my wife was sitting there feeling sorry for my face but laughing at milk treatment... after leaving milk all over my face for a few min i washed my hands the entire time over and over again while the milk was helping. I washed my face off ( NO EXTRA BURN THIS TIME 7 TIMES WASHING YOU HANDS WORKS ! ) and i decided to try out the vegetable oil as i still had a light burning sensation on my entire face.. my skin stopped burnning and my goatee looked pretty funny being laid down with veg oil.. skin is really soft now though ;D
Maybe that's the secret to nice skin. Burn it with pepperrs, milk and veg oil. It worked for you :) haha

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I was helping my dad in the veggie garden one time... We were hammering fence posts into the ground for beans. The mental kind. We had finished one row, and was starting on the next. I placed the post on my foot, for some reason, to try to make sure it was in the right position. My dad thought I was ready for him to hammer. So he whacks the top of the post with a 4lb hammer and it hurt like a sumbich.
That would of been better :)


Well-Known Member
That resin and eyes got me thinking. I get sore eyelids a fair bit. Real sore too, red skin, occasional broken skin. When my eyes are irritated I invariably rub them with my invariably resin coated fingers. I suppose it's not just the resin either is it, if you have constantly resin coated fingers you are going to be super adhesive to any other spores or germs or nasty stuff.


Well-Known Member
I had a brief stint of stupid the other day. Running ducts and wiring I needed this small table to stand on so I took my cordless battery charger and put it in the utility sink. No big deal...the water to the sink is disconnected. I had some other stuff sitting in there.

Finish for the day, hang out, etc then decide to do some laundry; its about 3am. Go upstairs and like 15 minutes later I hear water falling on the floor. I run down in the basement and the utility sink is overflowing all over the place (washer drains to sink). I run over and put my hand in to unclog the drain.


Got the shock of a LIFETIME. Older house, non grounded outlet. The charger still plugged in shocked the living shit out of me. Bad. I'm convinced that if I wasn't wearing shoes, I would probably be dead.
Oof. Scary shit.

I got thrown across the room by an electric shock at school that would have killed me without my having been wearing rubber soled training shoes. I was literally buzzing afterwards. Hopping around the place not quite believing what had happened.