injunction/court case updates

seems very odd that he didn't opt to help all patients if he had the chance. That and the delayed response from judge Phelan, along with the Gold stars being denied. I wonder if that is why Judge Phelan is waiting? To see if the Gold stars pan out or not.
seems very odd that he didn't opt to help all patients if he had the chance. That and the delayed response from judge Phelan, along with the Gold stars being denied. I wonder if that is why Judge Phelan is waiting? To see if the Gold stars pan out or not.
Goldstars and all other claims similar to allard are stayed until the outcome of allard. So phalen isn't waiting for anything to come to a end before rendering his decision. Conroy has no interest in helping anyone who's not paying him end of story.
TURMEL: Federal Court Motion for Repeal on Smith BENO

JCT: We all know that Justice Phelan stayed the 300 Gold
Stars' actions without leave of the court.

Now that the Allard case has lost so much, I'm not going to
let it lose us more without having our gripes heard.

Yesterday, I filed my Motion for Leave for Summary Judgment
on the Bad Exemptions needing a declaration of No Offence.

JCT: And let's remember that Her Majesty The Queen is in
default of filing a Statement of Defence. So any hearing on
our Statement of Claim shouldn't take long without them
there. Just waiting for a date.

And of course, if the Case Management Judge Phelan doesn't
let it in, I appeal and it goes north anyway.
I think there will be amendments to the law in regards to court, jail and the amount of time put on targeting pot by police.
I doubt Phelan will have to make a decision which will cover his silence.

I agree with everything except 7), 8)), and 10) ;) 10) is certainly possible but would open the door for an even bigger black/grey market so if they have any brains 1) will be reinstated and 10) will fall more in line with current market pricing (which still leaves the door open for BM). Of course, we're both just speculating - lol

I read an article yesterday supposedly quoting a liberal insider and suggesting that some of the major platform promises including legalization of MJ will be executed late in their 4 year term as they will concentrate on the low hanging fruit items first to get some wins, then attack the more complicated items like legalization. based on what I'm reading in a lot of states south of the border, even if we started now imo it would be close to the end of the Lib majority term.

About the only thing I know for sure is the lawyers are drooling with all this shit going on s #$%!

They do not care if a black market is created. It just means people to throw in jail which means they're effectively neutered as opposition to any further power grabs. Most of you really do not understand the motivations of government. Governments job is not to protect you and do what's best for society. Government's job is to maintain power (otherwise they are not government). Historically this is done in very messy ways where a few people benefit and the rest are serfs/slaves.

It also means the police will be happier to get behind it because there will be justification to maintain a budget as you can guarantee people will say fuck you to the government's scheme and continue to do what they want.

It's all in the hands of Phelan at this point. But even if he rules in our favor they could regulate us out of existence effectively anyway and go a financial route to make it damn near impossible for anyone to do legally (and then penalize you with fines instead of criminal punishment which can surely destroy a person if they are large enough).

Anyway I'm pretty tired of people thinking the governments job is to represent them. It's not. The government's job is to maintain power. Sometimes it's easier to do that by representing certain interests. Sometimes not. Sometimes it's better to say you're going to do something politically popular and then do something very different from what people hoped. Historically governments have maintained power through brute force. And honestly I look at technology today and it's very concerning. Especially when people become increasingly dependent on it. Cashless society is the next step. I expect to see it introduced though not until after the drug war ends because currently banks depend on drug money to stay solvent. When banks no longer have to worry about you withdrawing your money they will no longer have to worry about depending on drug money. So these two things will happen around the same time.

It will be done to satiate in an awful and controlled way that keeps prices way artificially high and keeps some level of social problems as a result - as well as stifling innovation. There will still be black markets and harsh drug laws, but they will operate differently.

The world is hurtling rapid fire towards a totalitarian nightmare. At this point I don't think it can be stopped as most people have attended the government indoctrination centers and believe most of the bullshit they were taught (or at least one side of it when it comes to politics ignoring many important aspects in the process and keeping ones mind closed...).

Got a bit long winded there... I'm high though so fuck it.
Oh and this transcript of RCMP testimony...long read but way worth it! ;)

“If you want to help the court in an objective fashion and you didn't take any of these steps, then you were bound by as a law enforcement officer. You were not an independent researcher.”

It was like watching a child show his failing report card to a stern father. But worse. This was the justice arm of the state and nobody believes the propaganda more than a cop. You could feel it in the courtroom. The heavy tone of Vaze's terse got right to the man's soul. Holmquist almost sounding like he was crying. His “yes” answers become so faint they were barely audible.

Not quite done reading but had to put that up there... hopefully it works out. Didn't see the whole transcript linked I'll have to dig. Preferred to have read it line by line myself even though it would take a while. Thanks.
They do not care if a black market is created. It just means people to throw in jail which means they're effectively neutered as opposition to any further power grabs. Most of you really do not understand the motivations of government. Governments job is not to protect you and do what's best for society. Government's job is to maintain power (otherwise they are not government). Historically this is done in very messy ways where a few people benefit and the rest are serfs/slaves.

It also means the police will be happier to get behind it because there will be justification to maintain a budget as you can guarantee people will say fuck you to the government's scheme and continue to do what they want.

It's all in the hands of Phelan at this point. But even if he rules in our favor they could regulate us out of existence effectively anyway and go a financial route to make it damn near impossible for anyone to do legally (and then penalize you with fines instead of criminal punishment which can surely destroy a person if they are large enough).

Anyway I'm pretty tired of people thinking the governments job is to represent them. It's not. The government's job is to maintain power. Sometimes it's easier to do that by representing certain interests. Sometimes not. Sometimes it's better to say you're going to do something politically popular and then do something very different from what people hoped. Historically governments have maintained power through brute force. And honestly I look at technology today and it's very concerning. Especially when people become increasingly dependent on it. Cashless society is the next step. I expect to see it introduced though not until after the drug war ends because currently banks depend on drug money to stay solvent. When banks no longer have to worry about you withdrawing your money they will no longer have to worry about depending on drug money. So these two things will happen around the same time.

It will be done to satiate in an awful and controlled way that keeps prices way artificially high and keeps some level of social problems as a result - as well as stifling innovation. There will still be black markets and harsh drug laws, but they will operate differently.

The world is hurtling rapid fire towards a totalitarian nightmare. At this point I don't think it can be stopped as most people have attended the government indoctrination centers and believe most of the bullshit they were taught (or at least one side of it when it comes to politics ignoring many important aspects in the process and keeping ones mind closed...).

Got a bit long winded there... I'm high though so fuck it.
I think your tinfoil cap is a little tight this morning, no? LOL!