I agree with everything except 7),

), and 10)

10) is certainly possible but would open the door for an even bigger black/grey market so if they have any brains 1) will be reinstated and 10) will fall more in line with current market pricing (which still leaves the door open for BM). Of course, we're both just speculating - lol
I read an article yesterday supposedly quoting a liberal insider and suggesting that some of the major platform promises including legalization of MJ will be executed late in their 4 year term as they will concentrate on the low hanging fruit items first to get some wins, then attack the more complicated items like legalization. based on what I'm reading in a lot of states south of the border, even if we started now imo it would be close to the end of the Lib majority term.
About the only thing I know for sure is the lawyers are drooling with all this shit going on s #$%!