injunction/court case updates

Nash had been producing cannabis in a Bloom Box and then expanded to small rooms. "It worked very well" he said. didn't need that comment...haha
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 6m 6 minutes ago
Nash has been called to provide rebuttal of 5 expert witness in this case
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 4m 4 minutes ago
Nash: Growers can do so safely & responsibly at home without risks of fire & mould, rather than labeling them equivalent to illicit market
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Nash rebuts Miller and said there is not really a danger of mould if steps are taken to grow properly
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Nash rebuts Surrey Fire Chief Len Garis and said fire is not a danger if safety steps are taken. He thought Garis lumped in illegal and med

Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture
· 2m 2 minutes ago
Nash rebuts Surrey Fire Chief Len Garis and said fire is not a danger if safety steps are taken. He thought Garis lumped in illegal and med
i hate that.
like rec is just evil and med is godlike. the same damn thing with a different term slapped on it.
there's good caring growers of both, and greedy cashcroppers of both.

hell, where would med users be if there wasn't illegal growers keeping this plant around for decades?

said many times; i really think we screwed ourselves by letting them separate med and rec classification.. we'd likely be legal by now if not.. instead we have the phoney rules where he can smoke, but he can't. pick and chose BS

-proud rec user who also uses medicinally.
Straight to trying their best to discredit someone who actually has facts earned through experience, unlike the crowns "expert" witnesses. Man are they ever throwing some bullshit out there this morning,ESPECIALLY the comment on humidity/moisture
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 9m 9 minutes ago
Nash was a consultant to Health Canada. He & his wife were both MMAR designated growers, did so at the same location, started Island Harvest
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 5m 5 minutes ago
Crown counsel read qualifications of Dr. John David Miller, who Nash is rebutting about mould. Nash has B.A. Fine Arts & personal experience
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 5m 5 minutes ago
Nash: I'm aware of no research which compares house plants to marijuana plants in terms of moisture produced
John B @johnberfelo · 5m 5 minutes ago
Health Canada state that 1 Marijuana plant creates same moisture as 8 house plants #wow
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 3m 3 minutes ago
Nash agrees he has not visited or seen the condition of all 16,000 marijuana growing sites in BC
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Nash has visited 18 grows but agrees with Crown counsel that he "did not bring along an engineer" or "mould specialist" to asses dangers
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 58s 59 seconds ago
Nash is not a mould expert so he can't agree with Miller that some mould can be invisible to the eye
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 3m 3 minutes ago
Nash found it frustrating that he wanted to test his product but was denied by Health Canada - not allowed, & had to be sent right 2 patient
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Nash said patients were forced to test the pot themselves by visual inspection. Nash explained more about Health Canada testing denials
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
We asked Health Canada about testing for 5 years and then gave up after many denials
So if a doctor tells me I need to drink lots of juice made from juicing fruits/veggies and these were from my back yard, according to HC I should be only doing it from store bought ones as I risk getting sick from bad germs since my back yard is dirty but commercially grown stuff is clean.
Health Canada state that 1 Marijuana plant creates same moisture as 8 house plants

REALLY? Given HC's propensity for pulling their "facts" out of fucking nowhere so far in this VERY case, I'd demand verified study on the matter.

8 of what type of house plant?

What stage of growth is this cannabis plant in?Vegetative?Flower?

Is it an indica or a Sativa? Or maybe a dominant hybrid?

What is the temperature and RH that these plants are grown in?

Was this all done by HC in an environmentally controlled experiment to come up with these figures?

Answer to all the above questions cannot be verified by HC because they have been LYING the entire GD time.
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 3m 3 minutes ago
Nash agrees with Crown witness Larry Dybvig that home growing could cause structural damage…
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Nash rebuts Dybvig because all grows he visited had hired professional contractors and electricians
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 1m 1 minute ago
Nash agrees he didnt bring his own professional contractors to check and didn't have a Bylaw Inspector with him but jobs looked professional
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 12s 13 seconds ago
Nash agrees that he is trusting the individual growers at their word and that he hasn't personally checked all 16,000 grows in BC
So if a doctor tells me I need to drink lots of juice made from juicing fruits/veggies and these were from my back yard, according to HC I should be only doing it from store bought ones as I risk getting sick from bad germs since my back yard is dirty but commercially grown stuff is clean.
now you're getting it...
So if a doctor tells me I need to drink lots of juice made from juicing fruits/veggies and these were from my back yard, according to HC I should be only doing it from store bought ones as I risk getting sick from bad germs since my back yard is dirty but commercially grown stuff is clean.
get them tested first. you may have bug crap on them & you don't know where those bugs have been or what they have eaten. who knows what dangers lie there...
So Nash is applying to be a LP and sure agrees MMAR should be inspected. Yah why is he testifying for us? Why would we need anything more besides proper permits and proper installation by certified electrician like any normal electrical or structural work.

Do people who breed corals or fish or dart frogs with 20-100 aquariums/terrariums in their house have to get special government inspections?
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 9m 9 minutes ago
Nash said HC could inspect if there are complaints about things like odour. Crown: hard for outsiders to complain about electrical problems
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 7m 7 minutes ago
Nash said he imagines Health Canada would have to increase its budget to personally inspect all 30,000 growing locations
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 4m 4 minutes ago
Nash agrees that it is important for patients to know what they are consuming and he'd be interested to see cannabinoid testing
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 3m 3 minutes ago
Nash rebuts Garis's claim that patients "willfully ignore" certain aspects of HC rules. Nash said they might just not have all information
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 32s 32 seconds ago
Nash: Garis's data seems to pertain only to illegal growing operations and not to legal MMAR