
Hands that won’t love... Feet that won’t move; the Beloved has been bound…

Tears pour out… anger lost… only cold sorrows to wrap around her shoulders for warmth now…

Angels are unseen… demons shake the ground within…

She sought love; unknowing it was fraught with sorrows and darkness…

The breezes are so cold; only serving to wrap her more tightly in this painful darkness… eating away this darkness that swallows and binds…

She awakened the dragon within… coiled up in sweet slumber… guarding the treasures of her soul.

She angered him with her naïve ways… offering up his treasure with nothing more than a fool’s vain hope of love returned…

She called down the stars and moon to light and fill his dark slumbers; feeling his pain, she desired so greatly to ease his burden…the pain always pulling him deeper into the depths of his darkness…

He awakened… he danced in the ambient glow of the light that poured out around him… she felt temporary joy and hope…

But the beautiful dance morphed into a terribly fierce dual over the light and love that she gave freely… no strings ever to bind…

Only now she is bound tight… she was unable to move… darkness pouring in on her from all sides; whispering its deadly secrets, the illusion of death fearfully comforting her soul…

She was unable to move… bound so tight… yet she still somehow remembers what it was to love and be loved; she calls her light back to her… offering condolences and promises of renewal on its return…

The pouring in; dark emptiness that swallows and binds knocks at the door…

Yet the rainbow of her soul begins to shine once again… colors so fresh and vibrant, pulsing through her they fill her with clarity and peace… down to her very core.

The darkness may bind, but the light frees…

There is a deep ache… pulling at the fibers around her heart… her lungs become iron some days; yet she will not curse or bind…

Her heart has always been full of compassion, even if she is mocked and ridiculed for her naivety, she still loves… never wanting to hurt another in the ways she was bound and forced to endure, but her hands are bloodied now, and the blood is hers…

The path she travels is a fierce one, she holds herself alone accountable, knowing anger and malice have no future…

She is tempted to sift through the ashes and search for signs of things to salvage or possible life amidst the rubble of her charred soul… yet she sighs in resignation… closes her eyes… best to put this field to rest for now… until the spring rains have poured in and can wash her once again pure… bringing life once again…

Instead she settles on watching the Phoenix rise from the ashes; she washes and scrubs until her flesh burns…but beauty has always emerged from her ashes…


Well-Known Member
I read the first six words.
It seemed like the start of s poem
So I stopped reading
Those things help to spread homosexuality.