Inflation and Biden

Scrolling through the news this AM and I see two articles about Biden just a few articles apart. The first article is an opinion piece entitled, "Biden Apandons Israel". The 2nd article is entitled, "Second Administration Official Resigns in Protest of Biden's Support for Israeli War in Gaza".

It ain't easy being POTUS.
The one thing that you're missing, which actually is the trump card here, is the ignorance/stupidity of the average American voter, or rather your average American.

Do you know why their is such a disparity in wealth/income here in the USA?

It's simply because most Americans are stupid and those with half a brain make more money.

Simple, isn't it.

All kinds of incorrect thinking here, imo. Stupidity knows no boarders. Americans are no smarter or stupider on average than people from anywhere else.

A good number of the super rich Americans I know (more than I would like, really, due to my job) did not earn their money at all. They inherited it, and generations of marrying lazy rich people have not led to high intelligence or anything else desirable.

Many of the super rich today are in the banking industry. One doesn’t need high intelligence to be a banker or good salesman, etc. You need a certain smile, charm and heartlessness.

Indeed, most of the really intelligent people I know are too smart to dress up like assholes and worship the dollar to be super rich.
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Scrolling through the news this AM and I see two articles about Biden just a few articles apart. The first article is an opinion piece entitled, "Biden Apandons Israel". The 2nd article is entitled, "Second Administration Official Resigns in Protest of Biden's Support for Israeli War in Gaza".

It ain't easy being POTUS.
No shit,80 yo and he's got the border in which the R's won't deal to make him look inept(truth is he's ready to deal and R's won't move from their super hardcore demands),Ukraine,Israel/Middle East,China/Taiwan,Inflation/Economy,AI questions,Re-election vs. a multiple indicted crook who has cast a spell on 1/3 or more of the electorate + a large % of R's in Congress, and could list more but I'm dizzy already and I'm 58.
Did you guys see the numbers for the misery index? That is inflation plus seasonally adjusted unemployment. For those of you that had debt or savings in 1980, this will be no surprise, but the misery index was 30 that year. And it's averaged 8 for all the 2000's. Now the misery index is 6.

All hail Dark Brandon, inflation killer.
As soon as someone attacks the “lying media” or the “corrupt media”, I know we’re in dangerous grounds. You’ve been conned into attacking the freedom of press, an intensely unamerican stance. The free press is essential to a free country.

Oh don't stop now you just need a few more people.

and by the way, why are you still here?

Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy
According to Dan Patrick “lots of grandparents” are willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause.

By Bess Levin
March 24, 2020
Sen. Dan Patrick of Houston speaks in the Texas Senate chamber where he will take over as Lt. Governor of Texas on...

By Robert Daemmrich Photography Inc/Corbis via Getty Images.

After doing a brief, weeklong impression of a semiresponsible human being, on Monday, Donald Trump got back to the business of being a reckless, anti-science moron, floating the idea that we should end this social-distancing business sooner rather than later in order to “save” the economy from the coronavirus. (We’re using scare quotes here because apparently the president hasn’t considered the fact that if hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans die, the economy will be in worse shape than it is now.) Following his National Economic Council chairman’s declaration that “we’re gonna have to make some difficult trade-offs,” i.e. we’re going to have to let some people die so the stock market can live, Trump told reporters
Oh don't stop now you just need a few more people.

and by the way, why are you still here?

Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy
According to Dan Patrick “lots of grandparents” are willing to sacrifice themselves for the cause.

By Bess Levin
March 24, 2020
Sen. Dan Patrick of Houston speaks in the Texas Senate chamber where he will take over as Lt. Governor of Texas on...

By Robert Daemmrich Photography Inc/Corbis via Getty Images.

After doing a brief, weeklong impression of a semiresponsible human being, on Monday, Donald Trump got back to the business of being a reckless, anti-science moron, floating the idea that we should end this social-distancing business sooner rather than later in order to “save” the economy from the coronavirus. (We’re using scare quotes here because apparently the president hasn’t considered the fact that if hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans die, the economy will be in worse shape than it is now.) Following his National Economic Council chairman’s declaration that “we’re gonna have to make some difficult trade-offs,” i.e. we’re going to have to let some people die so the stock market can live, Trump told reporters
He's (tb) drank the kool-aid, isn't that the normal outcome? Wahahaha
He's (tb) drank the kool-aid, isn't that the normal outcome? Wahahaha
Trump's volunteers stepped up. This, after Trump talked about the magical properties of HCQ. I wish it came from The Onion but, sadly, no.

Man dies after taking chloroquine in an attempt to prevent coronavirus
The man and his wife thought the ingredient, used to treat sick fish, could prevent the disease.

The man's wife told NBC News she'd watched televised briefings during which President Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine. Even though no drugs are approved to prevent or treat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, some early research suggests it may be useful as a therapy.
Trump's volunteers stepped up. This, after Trump talked about the magical properties of HCQ. I wish it came from The Onion but, sadly, no.

Man dies after taking chloroquine in an attempt to prevent coronavirus
The man and his wife thought the ingredient, used to treat sick fish, could prevent the disease.

The man's wife told NBC News she'd watched televised briefings during which President Trump talked about the potential benefits of chloroquine. Even though no drugs are approved to prevent or treat COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, some early research suggests it may be useful as a therapy.
Yeah, that's what baffles me. To think Trump was "commander in chief". Omfg How does "Corporal Bonespurs" become the guy that is the one in charge of it all? And, how is it there a chance in hell he could occupy that office again? Absolute insanity. :???: